You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

575 lines
24 KiB

#include "optionssimple.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "convertpluginloader.h"
#include "optionsdetailed.h"
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ktoolbarbutton.h>
//#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
// FIXME when changing the output directory, check if the profile is a user defined and set it to 'User defined', if it is
// TODO hide lossless/hybrid/etc. when not available
OptionsSimple::OptionsSimple( Config* _config, OptionsDetailed* _optionsDetailed, const TQString &text, TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
: TQWidget( parent, name )
config = _config;
optionsDetailed = _optionsDetailed;
// create an icon loader object for loading icons
KIconLoader* iconLoader = new KIconLoader();
TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout( this, 3, 1, 6, 3 );
TQHBoxLayout *topBox = new TQHBoxLayout( );
grid->addLayout( topBox, 0, 0 );
TQLabel *lQuality = new TQLabel( i18n("Quality")+":", this, "lQuality" );
topBox->addWidget( lQuality, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter );
cProfile = new KComboBox( this, "cProfile" );
sProfile += i18n("Very low");
sProfile += i18n("Low");
sProfile += i18n("Medium");
sProfile += i18n("High");
sProfile += i18n("Very high");
sProfile += i18n("Lossless");
sProfile += i18n("Hybrid");
sProfile += config->getAllProfiles();
sProfile.remove( i18n("Last used") );
sProfile.remove( "Last used" );
sProfile += i18n("User defined");
cProfile->insertStringList( sProfile );
topBox->addWidget( cProfile, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter );
connect( cProfile, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, TQT_SLOT(profileChanged())
connect( cProfile, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, TQT_SLOT(somethingChanged())
topBox->addSpacing( 3 );
//pProfileRemove = new KToolBarButton( "editdelete", 1002, this, "pProfileRemove" );
pProfileRemove = new KPushButton( iconLoader->loadIcon("editdelete",KIcon::Small), i18n("Remove"), this, "pProfileRemove" );
TQToolTip::add( pProfileRemove, i18n("Remove the selected profile") );
topBox->addWidget( pProfileRemove, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter );
connect( pProfileRemove, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, TQT_SLOT(profileRemove())
//pProfileInfo = new KToolBarButton( "messagebox_info", 1110, this, "pProfileInfo" );
pProfileInfo = new KPushButton( iconLoader->loadIcon("messagebox_info",KIcon::Small), i18n("Info"), this, "pProfileInfo" );
TQToolTip::add( pProfileInfo, i18n("Information about the selected profile") );
topBox->addWidget( pProfileInfo, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter );
connect( pProfileInfo, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, TQT_SLOT(profileInfo())
topBox->addSpacing( 18 );
TQLabel *lFormat = new TQLabel( i18n("Output format")+":", this, "lFormat" );
topBox->addWidget( lFormat, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter );
cFormat = new KComboBox( this, "cFormat" );
topBox->addWidget( cFormat, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter );
connect( cFormat, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, TQT_SLOT(formatChanged())
connect( cFormat, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, TQT_SLOT(somethingChanged())
topBox->addSpacing( 3 );
//pFormatInfo = new KToolBarButton( "messagebox_info", 1111, this, "pFormatInfo" );
pFormatInfo = new KPushButton( iconLoader->loadIcon("messagebox_info",KIcon::Small), i18n("Info"), this, "pFormatInfo" );
TQToolTip::add( pFormatInfo, i18n("Information about the selected file format") );
topBox->addWidget( pFormatInfo, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter );
connect( pFormatInfo, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, TQT_SLOT(formatInfo())
topBox->addStretch( );
TQHBoxLayout *middleBox = new TQHBoxLayout( );
grid->addLayout( middleBox, 1, 0 );
outputDirectory = new OutputDirectory( config, this, "outputDirectory" );
middleBox->addWidget( outputDirectory, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter );
connect( outputDirectory, TQT_SIGNAL(modeChanged(OutputDirectory::Mode)),
this, TQT_SLOT(outputDirectoryModeChanged(OutputDirectory::Mode))
connect( outputDirectory, TQT_SIGNAL(directoryChanged(const TQString&)),
this, TQT_SLOT(outputDirectoryPathChanged(const TQString&))
connect( outputDirectory, TQT_SIGNAL(modeChanged(OutputDirectory::Mode)),
this, TQT_SLOT(somethingChanged())
connect( outputDirectory, TQT_SIGNAL(directoryChanged(const TQString&)),
this, TQT_SLOT(somethingChanged())
TQHBoxLayout *bottomBox = new TQHBoxLayout( );
grid->addLayout( bottomBox, 2, 0 );
TQLabel *lInfo = new TQLabel( text, this, "lInfo" );
lInfo->setFixedHeight( cProfile->height() );
bottomBox->addWidget( lInfo, 0, TQt::AlignVCenter | TQt::AlignLeft );
// delete the icon loader object
delete iconLoader;
int OptionsSimple::profileIndex( const TQString &string )
TQString profile = string;
if( profile == "Very low" ) profile = i18n("Very low");
else if( profile == "Low" ) profile = i18n("Low");
else if( profile == "Medium" ) profile = i18n("Medium");
else if( profile == "High" ) profile = i18n("High");
else if( profile == "Very high" ) profile = i18n("Very high");
else if( profile == "Lossless" ) profile = i18n("Lossless");
else if( profile == "Hybrid" ) profile = i18n("Hybrid");
else if( profile == "User defined" ) profile = i18n("User defined");
return sProfile.findIndex( profile );
int OptionsSimple::formatIndex( const TQString &string )
return sFormat.findIndex( string );
void OptionsSimple::profileInfo()
TQString sProfileString = cProfile->currentText();
if( sProfileString == i18n("Very low") ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("This produces sound files of a very low quality.\nThat can be useful, if you have a mobile device, where your memory cell is limited. It is not recommended to save your music in this quality without a copy with higher quality.\nIt can also be used to save audio files with voices."),
i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
else if( sProfileString == i18n("Low") ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("This produces sound files of a low quality.\nThat can be useful if you habe a mobile device where your memory cell is limited. It is not recommended to save your music in this quality without a copy with higher quality."),
i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
else if( sProfileString == i18n("Medium") ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("This produces sound files of a medium quality.\nIf your disc space is limited, you can use this to save your music."),
i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
else if( sProfileString == i18n("High") ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("This produces sound files of a high quality.\nIf you have enough disc space available, you can use this to save your music."),
i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
else if( sProfileString == i18n("Very high") ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("This produces sound files of a very high quality.\nYou should only use this, if you are a quality freak and have enough disc space available."),
i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
else if( sProfileString == i18n("Lossless") ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("This produces files, that have exact the same quality as the input files.\nThis files are very big and definitely only for quality freaks."),
i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
else if( sProfileString == i18n("Hybrid") ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("This produces two files. One lossy compressed playable file and one correction file.\nBoth files together result in a file that is equivalent to the input file."),
i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
else if( sProfileString == i18n("User defined") ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("You can define your own profile in the \"detailed\" tab."),
i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
// else { // the info button is hidden when showing user defined profiles
// KMessageBox::error( this,
// i18n("This is a user defined profile."),
// i18n("Profile")+": "+sProfileString );
// }
void OptionsSimple::profileRemove()
int ret = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this,
i18n("Do you really want to remove the profile: %1").tqarg(cProfile->currentText()),
i18n("Remove profile?") );
if( ret != KMessageBox::Yes ) return;
config->removeProfile( cProfile->currentText() );
sProfile += i18n("Very low");
sProfile += i18n("Low");
sProfile += i18n("Medium");
sProfile += i18n("High");
sProfile += i18n("Very high");
sProfile += i18n("Lossless");
sProfile += i18n("Hybrid");
sProfile += config->getAllProfiles();
sProfile.remove( i18n("Last used") );
sProfile.remove( "Last used" );
sProfile += i18n("User defined");
cProfile->insertStringList( sProfile );
void OptionsSimple::formatInfo()
TQString format = cFormat->currentText();
if( format == "wav" ) {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("<p>Wave is a file format, that doesn't compress it's audio data.</p>\n<p>So the quality is very high, but the file size is enormous. It is widely spread and should work with every audio player.</p>\n<a href=\"\"></a>"),
i18n("File format")+": " + format,
TQString(), KMessageBox::Notify | KMessageBox::AllowLink );
else {
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n("File format")+": " + format,
TQString(), KMessageBox::Notify | KMessageBox::AllowLink );
void OptionsSimple::profileChanged()
TQString last;
ConversionOptions options = config->getProfile( cProfile->currentText() );
if( !options.encodingOptions.sFormat.isEmpty() ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = options.encodingOptions.sFormat;
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
outputDirectory->setMode( options.outputOptions.mode );
outputDirectory->setDirectory( );
optionsDetailed->setCurrentOptions( options );
if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Very low") ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = config->allLossyEncodableFormats();
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
ConvertPlugin* plugin = config->encoderForFormat( cFormat->currentText() );
if( plugin == 0 ) {
// FIXME error handling
//kdDebug() << "NULL POINTER: `" << "OptionsSimple::profileChanged() / Very low" << "'" << endl;
if( plugin->enc.lossy.quality.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Quality") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 20 );
else if( plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.abr.enabled || plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.cbr.enabled) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Bitrate") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 64 );
optionsDetailed->setBitrateRangeEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setSamplingrateEnabled( true );
optionsDetailed->setSamplingrate( 22050 );
optionsDetailed->setChannelsEnabled( true );
optionsDetailed->setChannels( i18n("Mono") );
optionsDetailed->setReplayGainEnabled( true );
optionsDetailed->setUserOptions( config->binaries[plugin->enc.bin] + " " + plugin->enc.in_out_files );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Low") ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = config->allLossyEncodableFormats();
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
ConvertPlugin* plugin = config->encoderForFormat( cFormat->currentText() );
if( plugin == 0 ) {
// FIXME error handling
//kdDebug() << "NULL POINTER: `" << "OptionsSimple::profileChanged() / Low" << "'" << endl;
if( plugin->enc.lossy.quality.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Quality") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 30 );
else if( plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.abr.enabled || plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.cbr.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Bitrate") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 96 );
optionsDetailed->setBitrateRangeEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setSamplingrateEnabled( true );
optionsDetailed->setSamplingrate( 22050 );
optionsDetailed->setChannelsEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setReplayGainEnabled( true );
optionsDetailed->setUserOptions( config->binaries[plugin->enc.bin] + " " + plugin->enc.in_out_files );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Medium") ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = config->allLossyEncodableFormats();
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
ConvertPlugin* plugin = config->encoderForFormat( cFormat->currentText() );
if( plugin == 0 ) {
// FIXME error handling
//kdDebug() << "NULL POINTER: `" << "OptionsSimple::profileChanged() / Medium" << "'" << endl;
if( plugin->enc.lossy.quality.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Quality") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 40 );
else if( plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.abr.enabled || plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.cbr.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Bitrate") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 192 );
optionsDetailed->setBitrateRangeEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setSamplingrateEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setChannelsEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setReplayGainEnabled( true );
optionsDetailed->setUserOptions( config->binaries[plugin->enc.bin] + " " + plugin->enc.in_out_files );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("High") ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = config->allLossyEncodableFormats();
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
ConvertPlugin* plugin = config->encoderForFormat( cFormat->currentText() );
if( plugin == 0 ) {
// FIXME error handling
//kdDebug() << "NULL POINTER: `" << "OptionsSimple::profileChanged() / High" << "'" << endl;
if( plugin->enc.lossy.quality.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Quality") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 50 );
else if( plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.abr.enabled || plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.cbr.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Bitrate") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 240 );
optionsDetailed->setBitrateRangeEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setSamplingrateEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setChannelsEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setReplayGainEnabled( true );
optionsDetailed->setUserOptions( config->binaries[plugin->enc.bin] + " " + plugin->enc.in_out_files );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Very high") ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = config->allLossyEncodableFormats();
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
ConvertPlugin* plugin = config->encoderForFormat( cFormat->currentText() );
if( plugin == 0 ) {
// FIXME error handling
//kdDebug() << "NULL POINTER: `" << "OptionsSimple::profileChanged() / Very high" << "'" << endl;
if( plugin->enc.lossy.quality.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Quality") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 60 );
else if( plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.abr.enabled || plugin->enc.lossy.bitrate.cbr.enabled ) {
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Bitrate") );
optionsDetailed->setQuality( 320 );
optionsDetailed->setBitrateRangeEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setSamplingrateEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setChannelsEnabled( false );
optionsDetailed->setReplayGainEnabled( true );
optionsDetailed->setUserOptions( config->binaries[plugin->enc.bin] + " " + plugin->enc.in_out_files );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Lossless") ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = config->allLosslessEncodableFormats();
sFormat += "wav";
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
optionsDetailed->setReplayGainEnabled( true );
ConvertPlugin* plugin = config->encoderForFormat( cFormat->currentText() );
if( plugin != 0 ) {
optionsDetailed->setUserOptions( config->binaries[plugin->enc.bin] + " " + plugin->enc.in_out_files );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Hybrid")/* || cProfile->currentText() == "Hybrid"*/ ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = config->allHybridEncodableFormats();
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
optionsDetailed->setReplayGainEnabled( true );
ConvertPlugin* plugin = config->encoderForFormat( cFormat->currentText() );
optionsDetailed->setQualityMode( i18n("Hybrid") );
if( plugin != 0 ) {
optionsDetailed->setUserOptions( config->binaries[plugin->enc.bin] + " " + plugin->enc.in_out_files );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("User defined") ) {
last = cFormat->currentText();
sFormat = config->allEncodableFormats();
sFormat += "wav";
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(last) );
void OptionsSimple::formatChanged()
optionsDetailed->setFormat( cFormat->currentText() );
void OptionsSimple::outputDirectoryModeChanged( OutputDirectory::Mode mode )
optionsDetailed->setOutputDirectoryMode( mode );
if( cProfile->currentText() != i18n("User defined") && config->getAllProfiles().findIndex(cProfile->currentText()) != -1 ) {
ConversionOptions options = config->getProfile( cProfile->currentText() );
// if( options.encodingOptions.sFormat.isEmpty() ) return;
if( outputDirectory->mode() != options.outputOptions.mode || outputDirectory->directory() != ) {
cProfile->setCurrentItem( profileIndex(i18n("User defined")) ); // NOTE not refill() ?
// refill();
void OptionsSimple::outputDirectoryPathChanged( const TQString& path )
optionsDetailed->setOutputDirectoryPath( path );
if( cProfile->currentText() != i18n("User defined") && config->getAllProfiles().findIndex(cProfile->currentText()) != -1 ) {
ConversionOptions options = config->getProfile( cProfile->currentText() );
// if( options.encodingOptions.sFormat.isEmpty() ) return;
if( outputDirectory->mode() != options.outputOptions.mode || outputDirectory->directory() != ) {
cProfile->setCurrentItem( profileIndex(i18n("User defined")) ); // NOTE not refill() ?
// refill();
void OptionsSimple::setCurrentProfile( const TQString& profile )
// TODO check profile (and don't change, if not available)
cProfile->setCurrentItem( profileIndex(profile) );
void OptionsSimple::setCurrentFormat( const TQString& format )
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(format) );
// TODO check for errors
void OptionsSimple::setCurrentOutputDirectory( const TQString& directory )
outputDirectory->setMode( OutputDirectory::Specify );
outputDirectory->setDirectory( directory );
optionsDetailed->setOutputDirectoryMode( OutputDirectory::Specify );
optionsDetailed->setOutputDirectoryPath( directory );
void OptionsSimple::somethingChanged()
emit optionsChanged();
void OptionsSimple::refill()
sProfile += i18n("Very low");
sProfile += i18n("Low");
sProfile += i18n("Medium");
sProfile += i18n("High");
sProfile += i18n("Very high");
sProfile += i18n("Lossless");
sProfile += i18n("Hybrid");
sProfile += config->getAllProfiles();
sProfile.remove( i18n("Last used") );
sProfile.remove( "Last used" );
sProfile += i18n("User defined");
cProfile->insertStringList( sProfile );
cProfile->setCurrentItem( profileIndex(config->getProfileName(optionsDetailed->getCurrentOptions())) );
if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Very low") || cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Low") ||
cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Medium") || cProfile->currentText() == i18n("High") ||
cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Very high") ) {
sFormat = config->allLossyEncodableFormats();
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(optionsDetailed->getFormat()) );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Lossless") ) {
sFormat = config->allLosslessEncodableFormats();
sFormat += "wav";
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(optionsDetailed->getFormat()) );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("Hybrid") ) {
sFormat = config->allHybridEncodableFormats();
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(optionsDetailed->getFormat()) );
else if( cProfile->currentText() == i18n("User defined") ) {
sFormat = config->allEncodableFormats();
sFormat += "wav";
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(optionsDetailed->getFormat()) );
else {
ConversionOptions options = config->getProfile( cProfile->currentText() );
sFormat = options.encodingOptions.sFormat;
cFormat->insertStringList( sFormat );
cFormat->setCurrentItem( formatIndex(optionsDetailed->getFormat()) );
outputDirectory->setMode( optionsDetailed->getOutputDirectoryMode() );
outputDirectory->setDirectory( optionsDetailed->getOutputDirectoryPath() );