[cmake/modules] TDEMacros.cmake: follow KDE4 rules for path names; added new macros: tde_add_ui_files, tde_automoc, tde_conditional_add_subdirectory; some other small changes.

git-svn-id: svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/trinity/kde-common/cmake@1189381 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
samelian 15 years ago
parent 711c3890c5
commit 7cefea4838

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ macro( tde_install_icons )
set( _icons "*" )
endif( NOT _icons )
if( NOT _dest )
set( _dest "${SHARE_INSTALL_DIR}/icons" )
set( _dest "${ICON_INSTALL_DIR}" )
endif( NOT _dest )
foreach( _icon ${_icons} )
@ -179,6 +179,74 @@ libdir='${_destination}'
endmacro( tde_install_la_file )
##### tde_add_ui_files
macro( tde_add_ui_files _sources )
foreach( _ui_file ${ARGN} )
get_filename_component( _ui_basename ${_ui_file} NAME_WE )
get_filename_component( _ui_absolute_path ${_ui_file} ABSOLUTE )
list( APPEND ${_sources} ${_ui_basename}.cpp )
add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_ui_basename}.h ${_ui_basename}.cpp
COMMAND ${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE} ${_ui_absolute_path} -nounload -o ${_ui_basename}.h
COMMAND ${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE} ${_ui_absolute_path} -nounload -impl ${_ui_basename}.h -o ${_ui_basename}.cpp
COMMAND ${QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE} ${_ui_basename}.h >> ${_ui_basename}.cpp
DEPENDS ${_ui_absolute_path} )
endforeach( _ui_file )
endmacro( tde_add_ui_files )
##### tde_automoc
macro( tde_automoc )
foreach( _src_file ${ARGN} )
get_filename_component( _src_file "${_src_file}" ABSOLUTE )
if( EXISTS "${_src_file}" )
# read source file and check if have moc include
file( READ "${_src_file}" _src_content )
string( REGEX MATCHALL "#include +[^ ]+\\.moc[\">]" _moc_includes "${_src_content}" )
# found included moc(s)?
if( _moc_includes )
foreach( _moc_file ${_moc_includes} )
# extracting moc filename
string( REGEX MATCH "[^ <\"]+\\.moc" _moc_file "${_moc_file}" )
set( _moc_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_moc_file}" )
# create header filename
get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src_file}" PATH )
get_filename_component( _header_file "${_moc_file}" NAME_WE )
set( _header_file "${_src_path}/${_header_file}.h" )
# moc-ing header
add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_moc_file}
COMMAND ${TQT_TMOC_EXECUTABLE} ${_header_file} -o ${_moc_file}
DEPENDS ${_header_file} )
# create dependency between source file and moc file
set_property( SOURCE ${_src_file} APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS ${_moc_file} )
endforeach( _moc_file )
endif( _moc_includes )
endif( EXISTS "${_src_file}" )
endforeach( _src_file )
endmacro( tde_automoc )
##### __tde_internal_process_sources
@ -199,7 +267,7 @@ macro( __tde_internal_process_sources _sources )
# handle .ui files
if( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".ui" )
kde3_add_ui_files( ${_sources} ${_arg} )
tde_add_ui_files( ${_sources} ${_arg} )
# handle .skel files
elseif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".skel" )
@ -368,8 +436,8 @@ macro( tde_add_library _arg_target )
# storing value
if( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
#set( ${_storage} "${${_storage}} ${_arg}" )
list( APPEND ${_storage} ${_arg} )
list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES ${_storage} )
endif( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
endforeach( _arg )
@ -385,8 +453,14 @@ macro( tde_add_library _arg_target )
endif( NOT _type )
# change target name, based on type
string( TOLOWER "${_type}" _target )
set( _target "${_arg_target}-${_target}" )
string( TOLOWER "${_type}" _type_lower )
set( _target "${_arg_target}-${_type_lower}" )
# create variables like "LIB_xxx" for convenience
if( ${_type} STREQUAL "SHARED" )
string( TOUPPER "${_arg_target}" _tmp )
set( LIB_${_tmp} ${_target} CACHE INTERNAL LIB_${tmp} FORCE )
endif( ${_type} STREQUAL "SHARED" )
# disallow target without sources
if( NOT _sources )
@ -398,7 +472,7 @@ macro( tde_add_library _arg_target )
# set automoc
if( _automoc )
kde3_automoc( ${_sources} )
tde_automoc( ${_sources} )
endif( _automoc )
# add target
@ -542,7 +616,7 @@ macro( tde_add_executable _arg_target )
# set automoc
if( _automoc )
kde3_automoc( ${_sources} )
tde_automoc( ${_sources} )
endif( _automoc )
# add target
@ -664,18 +738,18 @@ endmacro( tde_add_kdeinit_executable )
macro( tde_install_symlink _target _link )
# if path is relative, we must to prefix it with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
if( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_link} )
if( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_link}" )
set( _destination "${_link}" )
else( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_link} )
else( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_link}" )
set( _destination "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_link}" )
endif( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_link} )
endif( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_link}" )
# prefix with DESTDIR
set( _destination "$ENV{DESTDIR}${_destination}" )
get_filename_component( _path ${_destination} PATH )
get_filename_component( _path "${_destination}" PATH )
if( NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${_path}" )
install( CODE "execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_path} )" )
install( CODE "file( MAKE_DIRECTORY \"${_path}\" )" )
endif( NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${_path}" )
install( CODE "execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${_target} ${_destination} )" )
@ -690,15 +764,28 @@ endmacro( tde_install_symlink )
macro( tde_install_empty_directory _path )
# if path is relative, we must to prefix it with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
if( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_path} )
if( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_path}" )
set( _destination "${_path}" )
else( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_path} )
else( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_path}" )
set( _destination "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_path}" )
endif( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_path} )
endif( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_path}" )
# prefix with DESTDIR
set( _destination "$ENV{DESTDIR}${_destination}" )
install( CODE "execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_destination} )" )
install( CODE "file( MAKE_DIRECTORY \"${_destination}\" )" )
endmacro( tde_install_empty_directory )
##### tde_conditional_add_subdirectory
macro( tde_conditional_add_subdirectory _cond _path )
if( ${_cond} )
add_subdirectory( "${_path}" )
endif( ${_cond} )
endmacro( tde_conditional_add_subdirectory )
