@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# Set the X server resolution to that selected by the user.
# This needs to be done before windows managers or X clients start,
# otherwise the DPI and fonts sizes get all screwed up.
# This file is sourced by Xsession(5), not executed.
# The "|| true" is to ensure that the Xsession script does not terminate
# and stop the login if something fails in the Python program.
/opt/trinity/bin/displayconfig-restore || true
@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
# - #
# ------------------------------ #
# copyright : (C) 2005 by Simon Edwards #
# email : #
# #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
"""Provides information about the devices attached to the PCI bus.
import struct
import csv
import os.path
import sys
class PCIDevice(object):
def __init__(self,line=None):
self.vendor = None # PCI vendor id
self.device = None
self.subvendor = None # 0xffff if not probe_type'd or no subid
self.subdevice = None # 0xffff if not probe_type'd or no subid
self.pci_class = None # 'None' if not probe_type'd
self.pci_bus = None # pci bus id 8 bits wide
self.pci_device = None # pci device id 5 bits wide
self.pci_function = None# pci function id 3 bits wide
self.module = None
self.text = None
self.already_found = False
if line is not None:
def isGfxCard(self):
if self.module is not None and \
(self.module.startswith("Card:") or self.module.startswith("Server:XFree86(")):
return True
def getModule(self):
if self.module is not None:
if self.module.startswith("Server:XFree86("):
return self.module[15:-1]
elif self.module.startswith("Card:"):
return self.module[5:]
return self.module
def isModuleXorgDriver(self):
return self.module is not None and \
(self.module.startswith("Server:XFree86(") or self.module.startswith("Card:"))
def __str__(self):
s = "PCI:%i:%i:%i, " % (self.pci_bus,self.pci_device,self.pci_function)
s += "Vendor:%x, Device:%x," % (self.vendor,self.device)
if self.subvendor is not None:
s += " Subvendor:%x," % self.subvendor
if self.subdevice is not None:
s += " Subdevice:%x," % self.subdevice
if self.pci_class is not None:
s += " Class:%x," % self.pci_class
if self.module is not None:
s += " Module:%s," % self.module
if self.text is not None:
s += " Text:%s" % self.text
return s
def loadFromString(self,line):
parts = line.split(",")
for i in range(len(parts)):
bit = parts[i].strip()
if bit.startswith("PCI:"):
pci_code = bit[4:].split(":")
self.pci_bus = int(pci_code[0])
self.pci_device = int(pci_code[1])
self.pci_function = int(pci_code[2])
elif bit.startswith("Vendor:"):
self.vendor = int(bit[7:],16)
elif bit.startswith("Device:"):
self.device = int(bit[7:],16)
elif bit.startswith("Subvendor:"):
self.subvendor = int(bit[10:],16)
elif bit.startswith("Subdevice:"):
self.subdevice = int(bit[10:],16)
elif bit.startswith("Class:"):
self.pci_class = int(bit[6:],16)
elif bit.startswith("Module:"):
self.module = bit[7:]
elif bit.startswith("Text:"):
self.text = " ".join(parts[i:]).strip()[5:]
class PCIBus(object):
def __init__(self, data_file_dir="."):
self.devices = []
self.data_file_dir = data_file_dir
def detect(self,device_data="/proc/bus/pci/devices"):
# Shamelessly translated from ldetect's pci.c.
fhandle = open(device_data)
for line in fhandle.readlines():
#print "L:",line
entry = PCIDevice()
parts = line.split()
devbusfn = int(parts[0],16)
idbits = int(parts[1],16)
entry.vendor = idbits >> 16
entry.device = idbits & 0xffff
entry.pci_bus = devbusfn >> 8
entry.pci_device = (devbusfn & 0xff) >> 3
entry.pci_function = (devbusfn & 0xff) & 0x07
infohandle = open("/proc/bus/pci/%02x/%02x.%d" % (
entry.pci_bus, entry.pci_device, entry.pci_function),"r")
# these files are 256 bytes but we only need first 48 bytes
buf =
(class_prog, entry.pci_class, entry.subvendor, entry.subdevice) = \
#print "STRUCT: ",struct.unpack("@xxxxxxxxxBHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHH",buf)
if (entry.subvendor==0 and entry.subdevice==0) or \
(entry.subvendor==entry.vendor and entry.subdevice==entry.device):
entry.subvendor = 0xffff
entry.subdevice = 0xffff
if entry.pci_class == PCIBus.PCI_CLASS_SERIAL_USB:
# taken from kudzu's pci.c
if class_prog == 0:
entry.module = "usb-uhci"
elif class_prog == 0x10:
entry.module = "usb-ohci"
elif class_prog == 0x20:
entry.module = "ehci-hcd"
if entry.pci_class == PCIBus.PCI_CLASS_SERIAL_FIREWIRE:
# taken from kudzu's pci.c
if class_prog == 0x10:
entry.module = "ohci1394"
except IOError:
#if False or os.path.exists("/usr/share/ldetect-lst/pcitable"):
def _resolveDevicesWithLdetect(self):
# Scan the PCI database.
#fhandle = open(os.path.join(self.data_file_dir,"pcitable"),"r")
fhandle = open(os.path.join("/opt/trinity/share/apps/guidance/","pcitable"),"r")
# This class is just for skipping comment lines in the database file.
# This whole class is just an iterator wrapper that we put around our file iterator.
class commentskipperiterator(object):
def __init__(self,fhandle):
self.fhandle = iter(fhandle)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
line =
while line[0]=="#":
line =
return line
unknowndevices = self.devices[:]
# Process each row of the DB.
for row in csv.reader(commentskipperiterator(fhandle),delimiter='\t'):
if len(row)==4:
(vendor,device,module,text) = row
elif len(row)==6:
(vendor, device, subvendor, subdevice, module, text) = row
subvendor = int(subvendor[2:],16)
subdevice = int(subdevice[2:],16)
vendor = int(vendor[2:],16) # parse hex numbers of the form 0x1abc
device = int(device[2:],16)
i = 0
while i<len(unknowndevices):
pcidevice = unknowndevices[i]
if pcidevice.vendor==vendor and pcidevice.device==device \
and (len(row)==4 \
or (pcidevice.subvendor==subvendor and pcidevice.subdevice==subdevice)):
if module!="unknown":
pcidevice.module = module
pcidevice.text = text
if len(row)==6: # Close match, also matched on subdevice/subvendor ids.
del unknowndevices[i]
i += 1
i += 1
def _resolveDevicesWithDiscover(self):
unknown_devices = self.devices[:]
def _resolveDevicesWithDiscoverFile(self,filename,unknown_devices):
# Scan the PCI database.
fhandle = open(filename,"r")
# Process each row of the DB.
for line in fhandle:
row = line.replace("\t"," ").split(" ")
if len(row) >= 1 and row[0] != '':
# Skip manufacturer info lines.
vendor = int(row[1][:4],16)
device = int(row[1][4:],16)
module = row[3]
text = ' '.join(row[4:]).strip()
i = 0
while i<len(unknown_devices):
pcidevice = unknown_devices[i]
if pcidevice.vendor==vendor and pcidevice.device==device:
pcidevice.module = module
pcidevice.text = text
del unknown_devices[i]
i += 1
def _resolveDevicesWithHwdata(self):
# Scan the PCI database.
fhandle = open("/usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids","r")
# This class is just for skipping comment lines in the database file.
# This whole class is just an iterator wrapper that we put around our file iterator.
class commentskipperiterator(object):
def __init__(self,fhandle):
self.fhandle = iter(fhandle)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
line =
while line[0]=="#":
line =
return line
unknowndevices = self.devices[:]
# Process each row of the DB.
for row in fhandle:
stripped_row = row.strip()
if stripped_row=='' or stripped_row[0]=='#':
continue # Comment or blank line, skip it.
if stripped_row[0]=='C':
# Reached the device class data, stop.
if row[0]!='\t':
# Vendor line
vendor_parts = stripped_row.split(' ')
vendor = int(vendor_parts[0],16)
if row[1]!='\t':
# Device line
device_parts = stripped_row.split(' ')
device = int(device_parts[0],16)
subvendor = None
subdevice = None
# Subvendor line
subvendor_parts = stripped_row.split(' ')
subvendor = int(subvendor_parts[0],16)
subdevice = int(subvendor_parts[1],16)
i = 0
while i<len(unknowndevices):
pcidevice = unknowndevices[i]
if pcidevice.vendor==vendor and pcidevice.device==device \
and (subvendor is None \
or (pcidevice.subvendor==subvendor and pcidevice.subdevice==subdevice)):
#pcidevice.module = module
if subvendor is None:
pcidevice.text = ' '.join(vendor_parts[1:]) + '|' + ' '.join(device_parts[1:]).strip()
i += 1
pcidevice.text = ' '.join(vendor_parts[1:]) + '|' + ' '.join(device_parts[1:]+subvendor_parts[2:]).strip()
del unknowndevices[i] # Perfect match, finished with this device.
i += 1
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join([str(x) for x in self.devices])
def loadFromFile(self,filename):
fhandle = open(filename,'r')
for line in fhandle.readlines():
if line.strip()!="":
entry = PCIDevice(line=line)
def main():
bus = PCIBus("ldetect-lst/")
if len(sys.argv)>1:
if sys.argv[1]=="--help" or sys.argv[1]=="-h":
print "Usage:\n <pci device file name>"
print bus
if __name__=='__main__':
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
# - description #
# ------------------------------ #
# begin : Sun Jan 22 2006 #
# copyright : (C) 2006 by Simon Edwards #
# email : #
# #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program should be run during boot time. It quickly examines the
# graphics cards (read: PCI devices) in the computer and compares they to
# the list in the file $hardware_info_filename. If the two lists differ
# then the Debian package manager is automatically called to regenerate
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf. This hopefully should mean that people can swap gfx
# cards in and out and always have a system that will run Xorg. (even
# though the config will be most likely be suboptimal. Suboptimal is better
# than no X server).
import ScanPCI
import os
import syslog
import select
hardware_info_filename = "/var/lib/guidance/guidance-gfxhardware-snapshot"
data_file_dir = "/usr/share/apps/guidance/"
def main():
# Scan the PCI bus.
pci_bus = ScanPCI.PCIBus(data_file_dir)
# Stuff our device info in to a string.
hardware_config = ""
for pci_device in pci_bus.devices:
if pci_device.isGfxCard():
hardware_config += "PCI:%i:%i:%i Vendor:%x Device:%x Subvendor:%x Subdevice:%x\n" % \
(pci_device.pci_bus, pci_device.pci_device, pci_device.pci_function,
pci_device.vendor, pci_device.device,
pci_device.subvendor, pci_device.subdevice)
# Read in the old gfx hardware info in.
previous_hardware = None
fhandle = open(hardware_info_filename)
previous_hardware =
except IOError:
previous_hardware = None
if previous_hardware is not None and previous_hardware!=hardware_config:
# Run dpkg and configure the new hardware.
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Graphics card hardware has changed. Reconfiguring xorg.conf using 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'.")
cmd = ['dpkg-reconfigure','xserver-xorg']
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive'
#os.spawnvpe(os.P_WAIT, 'dpkg-reconfigure', cmd, environ)
result = ExecWithCapture('/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure', cmd, 0, '/', 0,1, -1, environ)
for line in result.split('\n'):
# [21:18] <Riddell> you are brave indeed
# [21:21] <Sime> I figured some kind of non-interactive "dpkg-reconfigure xorg" might be enough.
# [21:22] <Riddell> yep
if previous_hardware is None or previous_hardware!=hardware_config:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Writing graphics card hardware list to "+hardware_info_filename)
# Write out the gfx hardware info
tmp_filename = hardware_info_filename + ".tmp"
fhandle = open(tmp_filename,'w')
os.rename(tmp_filename, hardware_info_filename)
def ExecWithCapture(command, argv, searchPath = 0, root = '/', stdin = 0,
catchfd = 1, closefd = -1, environ = None):
if not os.access(root + command, os.X_OK) and not searchPath:
raise RuntimeError, command + " can not be run"
(read, write) = os.pipe()
childpid = os.fork()
if (not childpid):
if (root and root != '/'): os.chroot(root)
os.dup2(write, catchfd)
if closefd != -1:
if stdin:
os.dup2(stdin, 0)
# Replace the environment
if environ is not None:
if searchPath:
os.execvp(command, argv)
os.execv(command, argv)
rc = ""
s = "1"
while s:
||||[read], [], [])
s =, 1000)
rc = rc + s
os.waitpid(childpid, 0)
except OSError, (errno, msg):
print __name__, "waitpid:", msg
return rc
@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
# - description #
# ------------------------------ #
# begin : Wed Dec 15 2004 #
# copyright : (C) 2004-2006 by Simon Edwards #
# email : #
# #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
import os
import os.path
import subprocess
import ixf86misc
import xf86misc
from execwithcapture import *
def FindXorgConfig(self):
# Lookup location of X configfile
for line in ExecWithCapture("xset", ["xset","q"],True).split('\n'):
if line.strip().startswith("Config file"):
return line.split(":")[1].strip()
# Sometimes, xset doesn't know about the configfile location, hence ...
if os.path.isfile("/etc/X11/xorg.conf"):
return "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
return None
# FixXorgDPI
# ==========
# The idea here is to ensure that applications use a sensible DPI setting
# for fonts. When Xorg starts up it tries to detect the size of the attached
# monitor and calculate the real DPI from there and use that. Problems are:
# * if the monitor size can not be detect then Xorg uses 75dpi. This is
# usually far too low.
# * if the monitor size is not accurately detected then you get bad a DPI.
# * most fonts are optimised to work at a handful of standard DPIs. 96dpi,
# 120dpi and printer resolution 300dpi and 600dpi. Fonts rendered in
# non-standard DPIs often look bad and jagged. This is a real problem
# when rendering fonts on low resolution devices. (i.e. a computer
# monitor).
# Although it is desirable in theory to use the real DPI of the monitor, in
# practice it is more important to ensure that fonts are well rendered even
# if the DPI in use is not correct.
# What this function does is read the display size from the X server and
# if it is lower than 140dpi then 'round' it to either 96dpi or 120dpi.
# (A dpi greater or equal to 140 is assumed to be high enough to render fonts
# well.) The new dpi is then loaded with the xrdb command into the X server
# resource database. Most X applications (Qt and GTK apps at least) will then
# use this DPI for font rendering.
def FixXorgDPI(desiredDPI):
# dpi is:
# None - round the DPI.
# xserver - Use the X server's DPI.
# <number> - DPI to use.
if desiredDPI=="xserver":
dpi = 96
if desiredDPI is not None:
dpi = int(desiredDPI)
except ValueError:
desiredDPI = None
if desiredDPI is None:
xserver = xf86misc.XF86Server()
if len(xserver.getScreens())!=0:
(width,height,width_mm,height_mm) = xserver.getScreens()[0].getDimensions()
if not float(width_mm) == 0:
w_dpi = float(width)/(float(width_mm)/25.4)
w_dpi = 96
if not float(height_mm) == 0:
h_dpi = float(height)/(float(height_mm)/25.4)
h_dpi = 96
dpi = (w_dpi+h_dpi)/2.0 # Average the two possible DPIs.
if dpi >= 140: # Anything above 140 is ok.
dpi = int(dpi)
if abs(96-dpi) < abs(120-dpi): # Rounding to 96 is best.
dpi = 96
dpi = 120
# work around for LP beastie 151311
if ((w_dpi < 200) and (h_dpi > 900)):
dpi = 96
xrdb = subprocess.Popen(["xrdb","-nocpp","-merge"],stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
xrdb.communicate("Xft.dpi: %i\n" % dpi)
except OSError:
# Other common, but now used settingsfor xrdb:
# Xft.antialias:
# Xft.hinting:
# Xft.hintstyle:
# Xft.rgba:
def ReadDisplayConfigRC():
screens = None
dpi = None
dpms_seconds = None
dpms_enabled = None
configpath = ExecWithCapture("tde-config",['tde-config','--path','config'],True)
# Hunt down the user's displayconfigrc file and adjust the resolution
# on the fly to match. (Non-root Users can independantly specify their own settings.)
dirs = configpath.strip().split(":")
for dir in dirs:
if dir!="":
configpath = os.path.join(dir,"displayconfigrc")
if os.path.exists(configpath):
# Parse the config file.
fhandle = open(configpath)
screens = []
currentscreen = None
for line in fhandle.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("[Screen"):
# Screen, width, height, refresh, reflectx, reflecty, rotate, redgamma, greengamma,bluegamma
currentscreen = [int(line[7:-1]), None, None, None, False, False, "0", None, None, None]
elif line.startswith("["):
currentscreen = None
elif line.startswith("dpi="):
dpi = line[4:]
elif currentscreen is not None:
if line.startswith("width="):
currentscreen[1] = int(line[6:])
elif line.startswith("height="):
currentscreen[2] = int(line[7:])
elif line.startswith("refresh="):
currentscreen[3] = int(line[8:])
elif line.startswith("reflectX="):
currentscreen[4] = line[9:]=="1"
elif line.startswith("reflectY="):
currentscreen[5] = line[9:]=="1"
elif line.startswith("rotate="):
currentscreen[6] = line[7:]
elif line.startswith("redgamma="):
currentscreen[7] = line[9:]
elif line.startswith("greengamma="):
currentscreen[8] = line[11:]
elif line.startswith("bluegamma="):
currentscreen[9] = line[10:]
elif line.startswith("dpmsEnabled"):
dpms_enabled = line.split("=")[1]
elif line.startswith("dpmsSeconds"):
dpms_seconds = int(line.split("=")[1])
return (screens,dpi,dpms_enabled,dpms_seconds)
def main():
(screens,dpi,dpms_enabled,dpms_seconds) = ReadDisplayConfigRC()
if dpms_enabled:
if dpms_enabled == "on":
if not dpms_seconds:
dpms_seconds = 900
cmd = "xset dpms %i %i %i" % (dpms_seconds,dpms_seconds,dpms_seconds)
cmd = "xset -dpms"
if screens is not None:
# Set the X server.
xserver = xf86misc.XF86Server()
if len(screens)!=0:
for screen in screens:
(id,width,height,refresh,reflectx,reflecty,rotate,redgamma,greengamma,bluegamma) = screen
# Convert the stuff into RandR's rotation bitfield thingy.
if rotate=="0":
rotation = xf86misc.XF86Screen.RR_Rotate_0
elif rotate=="90":
rotation = xf86misc.XF86Screen.RR_Rotate_90
elif rotate=="180":
rotation = xf86misc.XF86Screen.RR_Rotate_180
elif rotate=="270":
rotation = xf86misc.XF86Screen.RR_Rotate_270
if reflectx:
rotation |= xf86misc.XF86Screen.RR_Reflect_X
if reflecty:
rotation |= xf86misc.XF86Screen.RR_Reflect_Y
if id<len(xserver.getScreens()):
xscreen = xserver.getScreens()[id]
if xscreen.resolutionSupportAvailable():
available_sizes = xscreen.getAvailableSizes()
# Find the closest matching resolution
best_score = 1000000
best_size_id = 0
for size_id in range(len(available_sizes)):
size = available_sizes[size_id]
score = abs(size[0]-width)+abs(size[1]-height)
if score < best_score:
best_size_id = size_id
best_score = score
# Now find the best refresh for this resolution
best_score = 1000000
best_refresh = 50
for available_refresh in xscreen.getAvailableRefreshRates(best_size_id):
score = abs(refresh-available_refresh)
if score < best_score:
best_refresh = available_refresh
best_score = score
# Mask out any unsupported rotations.
rotation &= xscreen.getAvailableRotations()
xscreen.setScreenConfigAndRate(best_size_id, rotation, best_refresh)
# Restore the gamma settings.
if redgamma is not None and greengamma is not None and bluegamma is not None:
xscreen.setGamma( (float(redgamma), float(greengamma), float(bluegamma)) )
except ValueError,e:
except xf86misc.XF86Error,err:
print err
# Ensure that the xorgs virtual screen size matches the default resolution
# of the server. Why does this matter? When Xorg starts up it reads its
# config file chooses the first mode in the "modes" line of the active
# Screen section and uses it as the virtual screen size and as the
# screen resolution (ie 1024x768 resolution screen showing a 1024x768 gfx
# buffer). But, this means that you can't use RandR to get to any higher
# screen resolutions (ie 1280x1024) because Xorg requires that the virtual
# screen size 'cover' the screen resolution being displayed.
# So, to get around this problem and make it possible for people to select
# a lower resolution screen *and* still have the option later to use
# RandR/displayconfig to switch to higher resolution, displayconfig
# explicitly sets the virtual screen size in xorg.conf to the largest
# resoluution that the monitor/gfx card can support. The down side to
# this is that the X server and tdm get the correct resolution but the
# wrong (virtual) screen size. The user can now scroll around on the
# greater virtual screen. Kind of annoying for tdm, unacceptable once
# the user has logged in.
# What we do now as the user's KDE session is being started up is check
# what the real virtual screen size is meant to be (=same as the real
# resolution being used) and then use the RandR extension to explicitly
# set the correct resolution. This has the effect of changing the virtual
# screeen size to what we really want. (RandR can change the virtual
# screen size, thankfully)
import displayconfigabstraction
xserver = xf86misc.XF86Server()
for xscreen in xserver.getScreens():
if xscreen.resolutionSupportAvailable():
mode_line = ixf86misc.XF86VidModeGetModeLine(xserver.getDisplay(),xscreen.getScreenId())
hdisplay = mode_line[1]
vdisplay = mode_line[5]
live_refresh_rate = xscreen.getRefreshRate()
(live_width,live_height,x,x) = xscreen.getAvailableSizes()[xscreen.getSizeID()]
except IndexError, errmsg:
print "IndexError:", errmsg, "in displayconfig-restore getting live screen size - trying screen 0."
(live_width,live_height,x,x) = xscreen.getAvailableSizes()[0]
if (hdisplay,vdisplay) != (live_width,live_height):
# The screen resolution doesn't match the virtual screen size.
screen_sizes = xscreen.getAvailableSizes()
for size_id in range(len(screen_sizes)):
screen_size = screen_sizes[size_id]
if screen_size[0]==hdisplay and screen_size[1]==vdisplay:
# Find the closest matching refresh rate.
best_refresh = 0
best_score = 1000000
for rate in xscreen.getAvailableRefreshRates(size_id):
score = abs(rate-live_refresh_rate)
if score < best_score:
best_refresh = rate
best_score = score
# Reset the screen mode and virtual screen size.
except (xf86misc.XF86Error,TypeError),err:
print err
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Monitor & Display
Name[el]=Οθόνη & εμφάνιση
Name[es]=Monitor y pantalla
Name[et]=Monitor ja kuva
Name[nl]=Monitor en beeldscherm
Name[pt]=Monitor & Ecrã
Name[pt_BR]=Monitor & Visualização
Name[sr]=Монитор и приказ
Name[sr@Latn]=Monitor i prikaz
Name[sv]=Bildskärm och skärm
Name[xx]=xxMonitor & Displayxx
Comment=Display and Monitor Configuration
Comment[el]=Ρυθμίσεις εμφάνισης και οθόνης
Comment[es]=Configuración de la pantalla y el monitor
Comment[et]=Monitori ja kuva seadistamine
Comment[it]=Configurazione dello schermo
Comment[nl]=Configuratie van beeldscherm en monitor
Comment[pt]=Configuração do Monitor e Ecrã
Comment[pt_BR]=Configuração do Monitor e da Visualização
Comment[sr]=Подешавање приказа и монитора
Comment[sr@Latn]=Podešavanje prikaza i monitora
Comment[sv]=Skärm- och bildskärmsinställning
Comment[xx]=xxDisplay and Monitor Configurationxx
Exec=tdecmshell Peripherals/displayconfig
GenericName=Screen Configuration Editor
GenericName[el]=Επεξεργαστής ρυθμίσεων οθόνης
GenericName[es]=Editor de la configuración de la pantalla
GenericName[et]=Ekraani seadistamise redaktor
GenericName[it]=Editor della configurazione dello schermo
GenericName[nl]=Scherminstellingen bewerken
GenericName[pt]=Editor da Configuração do Ecrã
GenericName[pt_BR]=Editor de Configuração da Tela
GenericName[sr]=Уређивач подешавања екрана
GenericName[sr@Latn]=Uređivač podešavanja ekrana
GenericName[sv]=Editor för skärminställning
GenericName[xx]=xxScreen Configuration Editorxx
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file '/home/sebas/dev/guidance/trunk/displayconfig/displayconfighardwaretab.ui'
# Created: Sat Apr 23 14:39:39 2005
# by: The PyQt User Interface Compiler (pyuic) 3.13
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
import sys
from qt import *
image0_data = [
"32 32 522 2",
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"bq c #2b6bc5",
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"bP c #2c6cc6",
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"#P c #2c6ec8",
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"c5 c #3b7bcf",
"bd c #3b7bd0",
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"cW c #444444",
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"an c #4d8fdc",
"#9 c #4e8fdc",
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"ao c #5294de",
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"ap c #5597e0",
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"## c #579de6",
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"ar c #5a9ce3",
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"gg c #606060",
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"#3 c #60a3e8",
"#5 c #62a4e9",
"#4 c #62a5e9",
"#I c #63a7ea",
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"#G c #6bafef",
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