<para>The Angular Distance tool is used to measure the angle between any two points on the sky. You simply specify the <link linkend="equatorial">Equatorial coordinates</link> of the desired pair of points, and then press the <guibutton>Compute</guibutton> button to obtain the angle between the two points. </para>
<para>There is also a Batch mode for this module. In batch mode, you specify an input filename which contains four numbers per line: the RA and Dec values for pairs of points. Alternatively, you can specify a single value for any of these four coordinates in the calculator panel (the corresponding values in the input file should be skipped if they are specified in the calculator). </para>
<para>Once you have specified the input filename and an output filename, simply press the <guibutton>Run</guibutton> button to generate the output file. </para>