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# translation of kcmlilo.po to EUSKARA
# translation of kcmlilo.po to Basque
# translation of kcmlilo.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <>, 2003, 2005.
# Xabier Errotaetxe <>, 2004.
# Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi <>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kcmlilo\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-13 02:18+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-01-07 10:37+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi <>\n"
"Language-Team: EUSKARA <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"
#: kde-qt-common/EditWidget.cpp:43
msgid "Select..."
msgstr "Hautatu..."
#: kde-qt-common/expert.cpp:41
msgid ""
"You can edit the lilo.conf file directly here. All changes you make here are "
"automatically transferred to the graphical interface."
msgstr ""
"Hemen lilo.conf fitxategia edita dezakezu. Hemen egingo dituzun aldaketa "
"guztiak, zuzenean interfaze grafikoan gehituko dira."
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:45
msgid "Install &boot record to drive/partition:"
msgstr "Instalatu &abiarazteko erregistroa partizio/disko-unitatean:"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Select the drive or partition you want to install the LILO boot loader to here. "
"Unless you intend to use other boot managers in addition to LILO, this should "
"be the MBR (master boot record) of your boot drive."
"<br>In this case, you should probably select <i>/dev/hda</i> "
"if your boot drive is an IDE drive or <i>/dev/sda</i> "
"if your boot drive is SCSI."
msgstr ""
"Aukerazazu hemen LILO abiarazlean ezarri nahi duzun abiarazteko unitate edo "
"partizioa. Hau, normalean, zure abiarazteko unitatearen MBRa (Master Boot "
"Record) izango da, beste abiarazteko kudeatzaile bat erabili nahi izan ezik. "
"<br> Kasu honetan, baliteke <i>/dev/hda</i> aukeratu behar izatea zure "
"unitatea IDE bat izanez gero edo <i>/dev/sda</i> SCSI baten kasuan."
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:58
msgid "Boot the default kernel/OS &after:"
msgstr "Abiarazi lehenetsitako kernel/SEa &gero:"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:60
msgid "/10 seconds"
msgstr "/10 segundu"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:64
msgid ""
"LILO will wait the amount of time specified here before booting the kernel (or "
"OS) marked as <i>default</i> in the <b>Images</b> tab."
msgstr ""
"LILOk hemen agertzen den denbora itxarongo du <b>irudi</b> mihian <i>"
"lehenetsita</i> markatutako kernel (ala SEa) abiarazi baino lehen. "
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:67
msgid "Use &linear mode"
msgstr "Era &lineala erabili"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:69
msgid ""
"Check this box if you want to use the linear mode."
"<br>Linear mode tells the boot loader the location of kernels in linear "
"addressing rather than sector/head/cylinder."
"<br>linear mode is required for some SCSI drives, and shouldn't hurt unless "
"you're planning to create a boot disk to be used with a different computer."
"<br>See the lilo.conf man page for details."
msgstr ""
"Era lineala erabili nahi izanez gero bete ezazu kontrol-lauki hau."
"<br>Era linealak abiarazle kudeatzaileari kernelen kokalekuak helbide lineal "
"batean pasatzen dizkio, sektore/buru/zilindro eran pasatu beharrean. "
"<br> SCSI kontrolatzaile batzuek era lineala behar dute, honek ez luke "
"kalterik sortu behar beste ordenagailu batean abiarazteko disketea sortu nahi "
"izan ezean. "
"<br> Irakurzazu lilo.conf-en man orrialdea xehetasunak izatearren."
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:70
msgid "Use &compact mode"
msgstr "Era &trinkoa erabili."
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:72
msgid ""
"Check this box if you want to use the compact mode."
"<br>The compact mode tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a "
"single read request. This reduces load time and keeps the boot map smaller, but "
"will not work on all systems."
msgstr ""
"Era trinkoa erabili nahi izanez gero bete ezazu kontrol-lauki hau."
"<br>Era trinkoak aldameneko sektoreak irakurtzeko eskakizunak, bakar batean "
"bateratzen ditu. Honek kargatzeko denbora murrizten du eta abiarazteko mapa "
"txikitzen du, baina ez da SE guztietan ibiliko."
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:76 kde/Details.cpp:82 qt/Details.cpp:85
msgid "&Record boot command lines for defaults"
msgstr "Lehenespenetarako komando lerroak grabatu."
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:78
msgid ""
"Checking this box enables automatic recording of boot command lines as the "
"defaults for the following boots. This way, lilo \"locks\" on a choice until it "
"is manually overridden.\n"
"This sets the <b>lock</b> option in lilo.conf."
msgstr ""
"Kontrol-lauki hau markatuz gero abiarazteko era hauetarako komando lerroak "
"lehenetsita bezala automatikoki grabatzea ahalbidetuko zenuke. Honela, lilok "
"aukera bat \"blokea\"dezake eskuz askatu arte.\n"
"Honek <b>blokeatzeko</b> aukera lilo.conf fitxategian ezartzen du."
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:79 kde/Details.cpp:84 qt/Details.cpp:87
msgid "R&estrict parameters"
msgstr "Parametroak &murriztu"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:82
msgid ""
"If this box is checked, a password (entered below) is required only if any "
"parameters are changed (i.e. the user can boot <i>linux</i>, but not <i>"
"linux single</i> or <i>linux init=/bin/sh</i>).\n"
"This sets the <b>restricted</b> option in lilo.conf."
"<br>This sets a default for all Linux kernels you want to boot. If you need a "
"per-kernel setting, go to the <i>Operating systems</i> tab and select <i>"
msgstr ""
"Kontrol-lauki hau markatuz gero, pasahitza bat (behean sartutakoa) beharrezkoa "
"izango da; parametrorik aldatzekotan besterik ez (erabiltzaileak <i>linux</i>"
"abiaraz lezake, baina ez <i>linux single</i>edo <i>linux init=/bin/sh</i>) \n"
"Honek <b>murriztuta</b> aukera ezarriko du lilo.conf-en. "
"<br>Honek, abiarazi nahi izango dituzun linux kernel guztietarako "
"lehenetsitutako aukerak ezartzen ditu. Kernelen konfigurazio pertsonalizatua "
"nahi izango bazenu joan zaitez <i>Sistema eragileen</i> mihira eta hautazazu <i>"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:86 kde/Details.cpp:89 qt/Details.cpp:93
msgid "Require &password:"
msgstr "&Pasahitza eskatu:"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:93
msgid ""
"Enter the password required for bootup (if any) here. If <i>restricted</i> "
"above is checked, the password is required for additional parameters only."
"<br><b>WARNING:</b> The password is stored in clear text in /etc/lilo.conf. "
"You'll want to make sure nobody untrusted can read this file. Also, you "
"probably don't want to use your normal/root password here."
"<br>This sets a default for all Linux kernels you want to boot. If you need a "
"per-kernel setting, go to the <i>Operating systems</i> tab and select <i>"
msgstr ""
"Sarzazu hemen hotzean kargatzeko pasahitza (egotekotan). Goian <i>murriztuta</i> "
"markatuta egonez gero, pasahitza parametro gehigarriak sartzeko behar izango "
"<br><b>KONTUZ:</b>pasahitza testu arruntean gordeko da /etc/lilo.conf-en. Hobe "
"zenuke fidagarria ez den lagunik fitxategi hau irakurtzen ez duen ziurtatzea. "
"Ezta zure erabiltzailearen ezaugarria eta pasahitza arruntak erabili ere."
"<br>Honek abiarazi nahi izango dituzun kerneletarako lehenespenak ezartzen "
"ditu. Kernelen konfigurazio pertsonalizatua nahi izatekotan, joan zaitez <i>"
"Sistema eragileen</i> mihira eta hautazazu <i>Zehaztapenak</i>"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:97
msgid "&Default graphics mode on text console:"
msgstr "&Grafiko era testu kontsolan lehenesten du:"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:100
msgid ""
"You can select the default graphics mode here."
"<br>If you intend to use a VGA graphics mode, you must compile the kernel with "
"support for framebuffer devices. The <i>ask</i> setting brings up a prompt at "
"boot time."
"<br>This sets a default for all Linux kernels you want to boot. If you need a "
"per-kernel setting, go to the <i>Operating systems</i> tab and select <i>"
msgstr ""
"Hemen lehenetsitako era grafikoa aukera dezakezu."
"<br>VGA era grafikoa erabili nahi izanez gero kernela framebuffer gailuak "
"erabiltzeko konpilatu beharko zenuke. <i>Eskatu</i> aukerak abiaraztean gonbit "
"bat agertuko du. "
"<br>Honek abiarazi nahi dituzun Linux kernel guztietarako lehenespen bat "
"ezartzen du. Kernelen konfigurazio pertsonalizatua nahi izanez gero, joan "
"zaitez <i>Sistema Eragileak</i> mihira eta <i>Zehaztapenak</i> aukerazazu."
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:101 kde/Details.cpp:48 qt/Details.cpp:48
msgid "default"
msgstr "lehentsita"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:102 kde/Details.cpp:49 qt/Details.cpp:49
msgid "ask"
msgstr "galdetu"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:103 kde/Details.cpp:50 qt/Details.cpp:50
msgid "text 80x25 (0)"
msgstr "testua 80x25(0)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:104 kde/Details.cpp:51 qt/Details.cpp:51
msgid "text 80x50 (1)"
msgstr "testua 80x50(1)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:105 kde/Details.cpp:52 qt/Details.cpp:52
msgid "text 80x43 (2)"
msgstr "testua 80x43(2)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:106 kde/Details.cpp:53 qt/Details.cpp:53
msgid "text 80x28 (3)"
msgstr "testua 80x28(3)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:107 kde/Details.cpp:54 qt/Details.cpp:54
msgid "text 80x30 (4)"
msgstr "testua 80x30(4)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:108 kde/Details.cpp:55 qt/Details.cpp:55
msgid "text 80x34 (5)"
msgstr "testua 80x34(5)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:109 kde/Details.cpp:56 qt/Details.cpp:56
msgid "text 80x60 (6)"
msgstr "testua 80x60(6)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:110 kde/Details.cpp:57 qt/Details.cpp:57
msgid "text 40x25 (7)"
msgstr "testua 40x25(7)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:111 kde/Details.cpp:58 qt/Details.cpp:58
msgid "VGA 640x480, 256 colors (769)"
msgstr "VGA 640x480, 256 kolore (769)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:112 kde/Details.cpp:59 qt/Details.cpp:59
msgid "VGA 640x480, 32767 colors (784)"
msgstr "VGA 640x480, 32767 kolore (784)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:113 kde/Details.cpp:60 qt/Details.cpp:60
msgid "VGA 640x480, 65536 colors (785)"
msgstr "VGA 640x480, 65536 kolore (785)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:114 kde/Details.cpp:61 qt/Details.cpp:61
msgid "VGA 640x480, 16.7M colors (786)"
msgstr "VGA 640x480, 16,7M kolore (786)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:115 kde/Details.cpp:62 qt/Details.cpp:62
msgid "VGA 800x600, 256 colors (771)"
msgstr "VGA 800x600, 256 kolore (771)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:116 kde/Details.cpp:63 qt/Details.cpp:63
msgid "VGA 800x600, 32767 colors (787)"
msgstr "VGA 800x600, 32767 kolore (787)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:117 kde/Details.cpp:64 qt/Details.cpp:64
msgid "VGA 800x600, 65536 colors (788)"
msgstr "VGA 800x600, 65536 kolore (788)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:118 kde/Details.cpp:65 qt/Details.cpp:65
msgid "VGA 800x600, 16.7M colors (789)"
msgstr "VGA 800x600, 16,7M kolore (789)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:119 kde/Details.cpp:66 qt/Details.cpp:66
msgid "VGA 1024x768, 256 colors (773)"
msgstr "VGA 1024x768, 256 kolore (773)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:120 kde/Details.cpp:67 qt/Details.cpp:67
msgid "VGA 1024x768, 32767 colors (790)"
msgstr "VGA 1024x768, 32767 kolore (790)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:121 kde/Details.cpp:68 qt/Details.cpp:68
msgid "VGA 1024x768, 65536 colors (791)"
msgstr "VGA 1024x768, 65536 kolore (791)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:122 kde/Details.cpp:69 qt/Details.cpp:69
msgid "VGA 1024x768, 16.7M colors (792)"
msgstr "VGA 1024x768, 16,7 kolore (792)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:123 kde/Details.cpp:70 qt/Details.cpp:70
msgid "VGA 1280x1024, 256 colors (775)"
msgstr "VGA 1280x1024, 256 kolore (775)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:124 kde/Details.cpp:71 qt/Details.cpp:71
msgid "VGA 1280x1024, 32767 colors (793)"
msgstr "VGA 1280x1024, 32767 kolore (793)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:125 kde/Details.cpp:72 qt/Details.cpp:72
msgid "VGA 1280x1024, 65536 colors (794)"
msgstr "VGA 1280x1024, 65536 kolore (794)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:126 kde/Details.cpp:73 qt/Details.cpp:73
msgid "VGA 1280x1024, 16.7M colors (795)"
msgstr "VGA 1280x1024, 16,7M kolore (795)"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:130
msgid "Enter LILO &prompt automatically"
msgstr "Sartu LILOren gonbit automatikoki"
#: kde-qt-common/general.cpp:131
msgid ""
"If this box is checked, LILO goes to the LILO prompt whether or not a key is "
"pressed. If it is turned off, LILO boots the default operating system unless "
"shift is pressed (in that case, it goes to the LILO prompt)."
"<br>This sets the <i>prompt</i> option in lilo.conf."
msgstr ""
"Lauki hau betez gero LILOk LILO gobit bat agertuko du tekla bat sakatu ala ez. "
"Hutsik uztekotan, LILOk lehenetsitako sistema eragilea abiaraziko du maiuskula "
"tekla sakatu izan ezik (kasu horretan, LILO gonbita agertuko du). "
"<br>Honek <i>gonbit</i> aukera ezarriko du lilo.conf-en."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:53
msgid ""
"This is the list of kernels and operating systems you can currently boot. "
"Select which one you want to edit here."
msgstr ""
"Hona hemen abiaraz ditzakezun kernel eta SEen zerrenda. Aukerazazu zein edita "
"nahi dezakezu."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:59 kde-qt-common/images.cpp:281
msgid "&Kernel:"
msgstr "&Kernela"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:60 kde-qt-common/images.cpp:187
msgid "Enter the filename of the kernel you want to boot here."
msgstr "Sar ezazu hementxe abiarazi nahi duzun kernelaren fitxategiaren izena."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:62 kde-qt-common/images.cpp:188
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:216
msgid "&Label:"
msgstr "Eti&keta:"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:63 kde-qt-common/images.cpp:188
msgid "Enter the label (name) of the kernel you want to boot here."
msgstr "Sarezazu hemen abiarazi nahi duzun kernelen mihia (izena)."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:65 kde-qt-common/images.cpp:189
msgid "&Root filesystem:"
msgstr "Fitxategi sistemaren e&rroa:"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:66 kde-qt-common/images.cpp:189
msgid ""
"Enter the root filesystem (i.e. the partition that will be mounted as / at boot "
"time) for the kernel you want to boot here."
msgstr ""
"Sarezazu hemen abiarazi nahi duzun kernelaren fitxategi sistemaren erroa (hau "
"da: abiaraztean / ezaugarriarekin muntatuko den partizioa)."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:68 kde-qt-common/images.cpp:190
msgid "&Initial ramdisk:"
msgstr "&Hasierako ram diska:"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:69 kde-qt-common/images.cpp:190
msgid ""
"If you want to use an initial ramdisk (initrd) for this kernel, enter its "
"filename here. Leave this field blank if you don't intend to use an initial "
"ramdisk for this kernel."
msgstr ""
"Kernel honetarako hasierako ram diska bat (initrd) erabili nahi izatekotan, "
"sarzazu hemen.Kernel honetarako ram diska bat erabili nahi ezean, utz ezazu "
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:71
msgid "E&xtra parameters:"
msgstr "&Parametro gehigarriak:"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:72
msgid ""
"Enter any extra parameters you wish to pass to the kernel here. Usually, this "
"can be left blank."
"<br>This sets the <i>append</i> option in lilo.conf."
msgstr ""
"Sar itzazu hemen kerneli pasatu nahi dizkiozun parametro gehigarriak. Normalean "
"hau hutsik utz daiteke. "
"<br>Honek lilo.conf-en <i>erantsi</i> aukera ezartzen du."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:79
msgid "Set &Default"
msgstr "&Lehenespenak ezarri"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:80
msgid "Boot this kernel/OS if the user doesn't make a different choice"
msgstr "Kernel/SE hau abiarazi erabiltzaileak beste aukera bat hartu ezean."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:82
msgid "De&tails"
msgstr "Zehaz&tapenak."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:83
msgid ""
"This button brings up a dialog box with further, less commonly used, options."
msgstr ""
"Botoi honek gitxiago erabiliak diren aukera gehiago dauzkan elkarrizketa koadro "
"bat azaltzen du."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:85
msgid "&Probe"
msgstr "&Saia zaitez"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:87
msgid ""
"Automatically generate a (hopefully) reasonable lilo.conf for your system"
msgstr ""
"Zure sistemarako konfigurazio egoki bat (itxaropenez) automatikoki sortu"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:88
msgid "&Check Configuration"
msgstr "&Konfigurazioa saiatu"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:90
msgid "Run LILO in test mode to see if the configuration is ok"
msgstr "Lilo proba eran exekutatu konfigurazioa egiaztatzearren"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:91
msgid "Add &Kernel..."
msgstr "&Kernel bat gehitu..."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:93
msgid "Add a new Linux kernel to the boot menu"
msgstr "Kernel berri bat gehitu abiarazteko menuri"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:94
msgid "Add Other &OS..."
msgstr "Beste &SE bat gehitu..."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:96
msgid "Add a non-Linux OS to the boot menu"
msgstr "Linux ez den beste SE bat gehitu abiarazteko menuri"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:97
msgid "&Remove Entry"
msgstr "E&rregistroa ezabatu"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:99
msgid "Remove entry from the boot menu"
msgstr "Erregistroa abiarazteko menutik ezabatu"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Configuration ok. LILO said:\n"
msgstr ""
"Konfigurazioa ok dago. Lilok hauxe dio:\n"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:178
msgid "Configuration OK"
msgstr "Konfigurazioa ondo"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Configuration NOT ok. LILO said:\n"
msgstr ""
"Konfigurazioa ez dago ok. Lilok hauxe dio:\n"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:181
msgid "Configuration NOT ok"
msgstr "Konfigurazioa txarto dago"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:187
msgid "&Kernel filename:"
msgstr "K&ernelaren fitxategia:"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:215
msgid "Boot from dis&k:"
msgstr "&Diskatik abiarazi:"
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:215
msgid ""
"Enter the partition containing the operating system you'd like to boot here."
msgstr "Sarezazu hemen abiarazi nahi duzun SEa duen partizioa."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:216
msgid "Enter the label (name) of the operating system here."
msgstr "Sar ezazu hemen SEaren etiketa (izena)."
#: kde-qt-common/images.cpp:297
msgid "Dis&k:"
msgstr "D&iska:"
#: kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:43
msgid "&General Options"
msgstr "A&ukera Orokorrak"
#: kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:44
msgid "&Operating Systems"
msgstr "&Sistema Eragileak"
#: kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:45 kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:65
#: kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:94 kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:100
msgid "&Expert"
msgstr "&Aditua"
#: kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:96 kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:104
msgid "&General options"
msgstr "A&ukera arruntak"
#: kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:98 kde-qt-common/mainwidget.cpp:102
msgid "&Operating systems"
msgstr "Sis&tema eragileak"
#: kde/Details.cpp:44 qt/Details.cpp:44
msgid "&Graphics mode on text console:"
msgstr "Era &grafikoa testu kontsola batean"
#: kde/Details.cpp:47 qt/Details.cpp:47
msgid ""
"You can select the graphics mode for this kernel here."
"<br>If you intend to use a VGA graphics mode, you must compile the kernel with "
"support for framebuffer devices. The <i>ask</i> setting brings up a prompt at "
"boot time."
msgstr ""
"Hemen kernel honetarako era grafikoa aukera dezakezu."
"<br> VGA era grafikoa erabili nahi izanez gero , kernela framebuffer gailuak "
"erabiltzeko konpilatu behar izango zenuke. <i>Eskatu</i> "
"aukerak, abiaraztean, gonbit bat agertuko du."
#: kde/Details.cpp:75 qt/Details.cpp:76
msgid "Mount root filesystem &read-only"
msgstr "Erro &fitxategi sistema muntatu irakurtzeko besterik ez"
#: kde/Details.cpp:76 qt/Details.cpp:77
msgid ""
"Mount the root filesystem for this kernel read-only. Since the init scripts "
"normally take care of remounting the root filesystem in read-write mode after "
"running some checks, this should always be turned on."
"<br>Don't turn this off unless you know what you're doing."
msgstr ""
"Muntatu kernel honen erro fitxategi sistema irakurtzeko soilik. Normalean init "
"script-ek erro fitxategi sistema irakurri eta idazteko eran, kontrol batzuk "
"egin eta gero, muntatzen dutenez, hau beti aktibatu beharko litzateke."
"<br>Ez desaktibatu zer ari zaren egiten izan ezik."
#: kde/Details.cpp:78 qt/Details.cpp:80
msgid "Do not check &partition table"
msgstr "Ez egiaztatu &partizio taula"
#: kde/Details.cpp:79
msgid ""
"This turns off some sanity checks while writing the configuration. This should "
"not be used under \"normal\" circumstances, but it can be useful, for example, "
"by providing the capability of booting from a floppy disk, without having a "
"floppy in the drive every time you run lilo."
"<br>This sets the <i>unsafe</i> keyword in lilo.conf."
msgstr ""
"Honek konfigurazioa idazterako kontrol batzuk desaktibatzen ditu. Ez litzateke "
"hau erabili behar egoera \"arruntetan\", baina erabilgarria izan daiteke "
"adibidez diskete batetik abiarazteko disketea unitatean izan gabe lilo "
"exekutatzen dugunetan."
"<br>Honek <i>ez ziur</i> gako-hitza ezartzen du lilo.conf-en."
#: kde/Details.cpp:83 qt/Details.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Checking this box enables automatic recording of boot command lines as the "
"default for the following bootups. This way, lilo \"locks\" on a choice until "
"it is manually overridden."
"<br>This sets the <b>lock</b> option in lilo.conf"
msgstr ""
"Lauki hau markatzeak abiarazteko komando lerroak lehenetsita bezala "
"automatikoki grabatzea ahalbidetzen du honako abioko hauetarako . Honela, lilo "
"aukera batean \"blokeatuta\" geratzen da eskuz aldatu arte."
"<br> Honek <b>blokeatu</b> aukera ezartzen du lilo.conf-en."
#: kde/Details.cpp:86 qt/Details.cpp:89
msgid ""
"If this box is checked, a password (entered below) is required only if any "
"parameters are changed (i.e. the user can boot <i>linux</i>, but not <i>"
"linux single</i> or <i>linux init=/bin/sh</i>).\n"
"This sets the <b>restricted</b> option in lilo.conf."
msgstr ""
"Lauki hau markatuz gero pasahitza bat (behean sartutakoa) beharrezkoa izango "
"da; parametrorik aldatzekotan, besterik ez (hau da: erabiltzaileak <i>linux</i> "
"abiarazi dezake, baina ez <i>linux soilik</i>, ezta <i>linux init=/bin/sh</i>"
"Honek <b>murriztuta</b> aukera lilo.conf-en ezartzen du."
#: kde/Details.cpp:94 qt/Details.cpp:98
msgid ""
"Enter the password required for bootup (if any) here. If <i>restricted</i> "
"above is checked, the password is required for additional parameters only."
"<br><b>WARNING:</b> The password is stored in clear text in /etc/lilo.conf. "
"You'll want to make sure nobody untrusted can read this file. Also, you "
"probably don't want to use your normal/root password here."
msgstr ""
"Sarzazu hementxe abiarazteko beharrezko pasahitza (egotekotan). Goian <i>"
"murriztuta</i> marakatuta egotekotan, pasahitza behar da parametro "
"gehigarrietarako besterik ez. "
"<br><b>KONTUZ.</b> Pasahitza testu arruntean gordeko da /etc/lilo.conf-en. Hobe "
"zenuke fidagarria ez den batek ez ikustea. Ezta zure ohiko/ezaugarria pasahitza "
"hemen erabiltzea ere."
#: kde/kcontrol.cpp:48
msgid "kcmlilo"
msgstr "kcmlilo"
#: kde/kcontrol.cpp:48
msgid "LILO Configuration"
msgstr "LILOren konfigurazioa"
#: kde/kcontrol.cpp:50
msgid "(c) 2000, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer"
msgstr "(c) 2000, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer"
#: qt/Details.cpp:81
msgid ""
"This turns off some sanity checks while writing the configuration. This "
"shouldn't be used under \"normal\" circumstances, but it's useful, for example, "
"for installing the possibility to boot from a floppy disk without having a "
"floppy in the drive every time you run lilo."
"<br>This sets the <i>unsafe</i> keyword in lilo.conf."
msgstr ""
"Honek kontrol batzuk ekidingo ditu konfiguraketa grabatzean. Hau ez litzateke "
"erabili behar egoera \"normal\" batean, baina erabilgarria da, adibidez, "
"diskete batetik abiarazteko disketea gailuan sartuta izan gabe lilo exekutatzen "
"duzunetan. "
"<br>Honek <i>ez ziur</i> gako-hitza ezartzen du lilo.conf-en."
#: qt/standalone.cpp:41
msgid "&What's This?"
msgstr "&Zer da hau?"
#: qt/standalone.cpp:43
msgid ""
"The <i>What's This?</i> button is part of this program's help system. Click on "
"the What's This? button then on any widget in the window to get information "
"(like this) on it."
msgstr ""
"<i>Zer da hau?</i> botoia programa honen laguntza sistemaren zatia da. Sakatu "
"Zer Da hau? botoia, ondoren leihoaren edozein sarreratan horri buruzko "
"argibidea (honen antzekoa) eskuratzeko."
#: qt/standalone.cpp:47
msgid ""
"This button calls up the program's online help system. If it does nothing, no "
"help file has been written (yet); in that case, use the <i>What's This</i> "
"button on the left."
msgstr ""
"Botoi honek programaren lineako laguntza sistemari deitzen dio. Hori gertatu "
"ezean, ez da horrelakorik argitaratu (oraindik); kasu horretan erabilzazu "
"eskerran dagoen <i>Zer Da Hau</i> botoia."
#: qt/standalone.cpp:49
msgid "&Default"
msgstr "&Lehenetsita"
#: qt/standalone.cpp:50
msgid ""
"This button resets all parameters to some (hopefully sane) default values."
msgstr ""
"Botoi honek parametro guztiak reseteatzen ditu balio lehenetsi (baliogarriak "
"itxaropenez) batzuetara."
#: qt/standalone.cpp:52
msgid "&Reset"
msgstr "&Berrasieratu"
#: qt/standalone.cpp:53
msgid ""
"This button resets all parameters to what they were before you started the "
msgstr ""
"Botoi honekin parametro guztiak programan sartu zineneko erara itzuliko dira."
#: qt/standalone.cpp:56
msgid "This button saves all your changes without exiting."
msgstr "Botoi honekin aldaketa guztiak gordeko dira irten gabe."
#: qt/standalone.cpp:59
msgid "This button saves all your changes and exits the program."
msgstr ""
"Botoi honekin aldaketa guztiak gordeko dira eta programatik irtengo da."
#: qt/standalone.cpp:62
msgid "This button exits the program without saving your changes."
msgstr "Botoi honekin programatik irtengo da aldaketak grabatu gabe."
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Koldo Navarro"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""