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<!-- HTML files will probably only work when they have an olink equivalent
available, unless only references to the top page are needed, which is doubtful.
To be continued. (FF) -->
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<!-- ENTITY man SYSTEM "." NDATA LINESPECIFIC> - to be changed ; should be
the reference to the apropos file in this case, but I cannot really imagine
putting all manual pages into FPIs or system identifiers, so we'll have to find
a way round it. (FF) -->
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<title>Centrul de ajutor &kde;</title>
<corpauthor>Echipa &kde;</corpauthor>
&tradClaudiuCostin; &coreIulianaCostin;
<para>&kde; este un mediu grafic puternic pentru staţii de lucru &UNIX;. Un mediu &kde; combină uşurinţa de utilizare, funcţionalităţile contemporane şi excelentul aspect grafic cu superioritatea tehnologică a sistemului de operare &UNIX;.</para>
<keyword>centrul de ajutor</keyword>
<keyword>Centrul de Ajutor KDE</keyword>