<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Malcolm</firstname><surname>Hunter</surname><affiliation><address><email>malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk</email></address></affiliation><contrib>Conversion to British English</contrib></othercredit>
<para>Each font has a corresponding <guibutton>Choose...</guibutton> button. By clicking on this button, a dialogue box appears. You can use this dialogue box to choose a new font, font style, size and character set. Then press <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>
<para>An example of the font you have chosen will be displayed in the space between the font group name and the choose button.</para>
<para>When you are done, simply click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, and all necessary components of &kde; will be restarted so your changes can take affect immediately.</para>
<para>The <guibutton>Adjust All Fonts...</guibutton> button allows you to quickly set properties for all the fonts selected above. A font selection dialogue similar to the standard one will appear, but you will notice checkboxes that allow you to change the <guilabel>Font</guilabel>, <guilabel>Font style</guilabel> or <guilabel>Size</guilabel> independently of each other. You can choose any one, two, or three of these options, and they will be applied to all the font groups.</para>
<para>For example, if you have selected several different font faces above, and realise they are all a size too big (this often happens when you change screen resolution, for instance), you can apply a new font size to all the fonts, without affecting your customised font faces and styles.</para>
<para>To use anti-aliasing, simply place a mark in the checkbox labelled <guilabel>Use anti-aliasing for fonts</guilabel>. This enables two more options.</para>
<para>Placing a mark in the checkbox will allow you to specify which range of fonts will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be anti-aliased. This range is specified with the two combo boxes on the same line.</para>
<para>You can also choose the method that &kde; uses to create an anti-alias look to your fonts. If you are not familiar with the individual methods, you should leave this option alone.</para>
<note><para>The ability to use anti-aliased fonts and icons requires that you have support in both X and the &Qt; toolkit, that you have suitable fonts installed, and that you are using the built-in font serving capabilities of the X server. If you still are having problems, please contact the appropriate &kde; mailing list, or check the <acronym>FAQ</acronym>.</para></note>