>. Ensure the correct modem speed is actually defined there.</para
>How do I page-up or page-down?</term>
>Use <keycombo action="simul"
> <keycap
>Page Up</keycap
> and <keycombo action="simul"
>Pg Dn</keycap
>. </para
>How do I perform a simple <quote
> from &konsole; to anything else?</term>
>When I do a <command
>, first I select with the mouse the desired text, press <keycombo action="simul"
>, then I make the target application active, point the mouse to the relevant part and press <keycombo action="simul"
>. Alternatively, highlight the text by dragging with the &LMB; down and paste by clicking with the &MMB; (or both buttons if you are using a 2 button mouse with 3 button emulation). </para
>Why can't &konsole; find the <quote
> and the 2 <quote
> bitmap fonts installed with &kde;?</term>
> must find the three fonts installed in: <filename class="directory"