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<chapter id="web">
>&kde; on the web</title>
<anchor id="links"/>
>The K Desktop Environment is developed by a large group of developers around the world. Our main communication channel is the Internet. Please find links to &kde; related web sites on this page.</para>
> <varlistentry
> <term
><ulink url=""
> <listitem
>&kde;'s official website</para
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
><ulink url=""
> <listitem
>&kde; themes</para
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
><ulink url=""
> <listitem
>The &kde; developers centre</para
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
><ulink url=""
> <listitem
>A web interface to the &kde; CVS repository</para
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
><ulink url=""
> <listitem
>&kde;'s internationalisation and documentation server</para
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
><ulink url=""
> <listitem
>The main &kde; &FTP; server. Please have a look at the link below to find a mirror site in your geographic region.</para
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
><ulink url=""
> <listitem
>&kde; &FTP; mirror sites</para
> </varlistentry
> </variablelist>