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<title><acronym>DMA</acronym> Channel Information</title>
<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Malcolm</firstname><surname>Hunter</surname><affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation><contrib>Conversion to British English</contrib></othercredit>
<keyword>system information</keyword>
<title><acronym>DMA</acronym> Channel Information</title>
<para>This page displays information about the <acronym>DMA</acronym> (Direct Memory Access) Channels. A <acronym>DMA</acronym> channel is a direct connection that allows devices to transfer data to and from memory without going through the processor. Typically, i386-architecture systems (<acronym>PC</acronym>'s) have eight <acronym>DMA</acronym> channels (0-7). </para>
<note> <para>The exact information displayed is system-dependent. On some systems, <acronym>DMA</acronym> Channel information cannot be displayed yet. </para> </note>
<para>On &Linux;, this information is read from <filename class="devicefile">/proc/dma</filename>, which is only available if the <filename class="directory">/proc</filename> pseudo-filesystem is compiled into the kernel. </para>
<para>A list of all currently-registered (<acronym>ISA</acronym> bus) <acronym>DMA</acronym> channels that are in use is shown. The first column shows the <acronym>DMA</acronym> channel, and the second column shows the device which uses that channel. </para>
<para>Unused <acronym>DMA</acronym> channels are not listed. </para>
<para>The user cannot modify any settings on this page. </para>