You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

508 lines
16 KiB

# translation of krfb.po to Basque
# translation of krfb.po to Euskara
# translation of krfb.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <>, 2003, 2005.
# Ion Gaztañaga <>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: krfb\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-09 20:12+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-16 17:43+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Marcos Goienetxe <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Ion Gaztañaga"
#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: krfb/configuration.cpp:425
msgid ""
"When sending an invitation by email, note that everybody who reads this "
"email will be able to connect to your computer for one hour, or until the "
"first successful connection took place, whichever comes first. \n"
"You should either encrypt the email or at least send it only in a secure "
"network, but not over the Internet."
msgstr ""
"E-posta bidez gonbidapen bat bidaltzean, kontuan hartu e-posta irakurtzen "
"duen edozein izango dela zure ordenagailura konektatzeko gai ordu batez, edo "
"lehenengo konexioa gertatzen den arte, edozein lekutik datorrela. \n"
"E-posta enkriptatu beharko zenuke edo gutxienez sare seguru batean bakarrik "
"bidali, baina ez Internet-en bidez."
#: krfb/configuration.cpp:430
msgid "Send Invitation via Email"
msgstr "Bidali gonbidapena e-posta bidez"
#: krfb/configuration.cpp:443
msgid "Desktop Sharing (VNC) invitation"
msgstr "Mahaigain partekatze (VNC) gonbidapena"
#: krfb/configuration.cpp:444
msgid ""
"You have been invited to a VNC session. If you have the TDE Remote Desktop "
"Connection installed, just click on the link below.\n"
"Otherwise you can use any VNC client with the following parameters:\n"
"Host: %4:%5\n"
"Password: %6\n"
"Alternatively you can click on the link below to start the VNC session\n"
"within your web browser.\n"
"For security reasons this invitation will expire at %9."
msgstr ""
"VNC sesio batetara gonbidatu zaituzte. TDE Urruneko Mahaigain Konexioa "
"instalatuta baduzu, beheko loturan klik egin.\n"
"Bestela, edozein VNC bezero erabili dezakezu ondorengo parametruekin:\n"
"Ostalaria: %4:%5\n"
"Pasahitza: %6\n"
"Bestalde, beheko loturan klik egin dezakezu VNC sesioa zure web "
"arakatzailean hasteko.\n"
"Sekuritate arrazoiengatik gonbidapen hau %9-(e)tan iraungiko da."
#: krfb/connectiondialog.cpp:30
msgid "New Connection"
msgstr "Konexio berria"
#: krfb/connectiondialog.cpp:38
msgid "Accept Connection"
msgstr "Onartu konexioa "
#: krfb/connectiondialog.cpp:42
msgid "Refuse Connection"
msgstr "Ezetsi konexioa"
#: krfb/invitedialog.cpp:31
msgid "Invitation"
msgstr "Gonbidapena"
#: krfb/invitedialog.cpp:62 krfb/invitewidget.ui:157
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Manage Invitations (%1)..."
msgstr "&Kudeatu gonbidapenak (%1)..."
#: krfb/main.cpp:45
msgid "VNC-compatible server to share TDE desktops"
msgstr "TDE mahaigainak partekatzeko VNC-bateragarria den zerbitzaria."
#: krfb/main.cpp:52
msgid "Used for calling from kinetd"
msgstr "kinetd-tik deitzeko erabilia"
#: krfb/main.cpp:73 krfb/trayicon.cpp:100 krfb/trayicon.cpp:113
msgid "Desktop Sharing"
msgstr "Mahaigain partekatzea"
#: krfb/main.cpp:85
msgid "libvncserver"
msgstr "libvncserver"
#: krfb/main.cpp:87
msgid "TightVNC encoder"
msgstr "TightVNC kodetzailea"
#: krfb/main.cpp:89
msgid "ZLib encoder"
msgstr "ZLib kodetzailea"
#: krfb/main.cpp:91
msgid "original VNC encoders and protocol design"
msgstr "VNC kodetzaile eta protokoloen jatorrizko diseinua"
#: krfb/main.cpp:94
msgid "X11 update scanner, original code base"
msgstr "X11 eguneratze eskanerra, jatorrizko oinarrizko kodea"
#: krfb/main.cpp:97
msgid "Connection side image"
msgstr "Konexio irudiaren tamaina"
#: krfb/main.cpp:100
msgid "KDesktop background deactivation"
msgstr "KDesktop-en atzeko planoaren desaktibazioa"
#: krfb/main.cpp:114
msgid ""
"Cannot find KInetD. The TDE daemon (kded) may have crashed or has not been "
"started at all, or the installation failed."
msgstr ""
"Ezin izan da KInetD aurkitu. TDE deabrua (kded) kraskatu egin da edo ez da "
"abiaratu, edo instalazioak huts egin du."
#: krfb/main.cpp:116 krfb/main.cpp:123 krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:938
msgid "Desktop Sharing Error"
msgstr "Errorea mahaigaina partekatzean"
#: krfb/main.cpp:121
msgid ""
"Cannot find KInetD service for Desktop Sharing (krfb). The installation is "
"incomplete or failed."
msgstr ""
"Ezin izan da KInetD zerbitzua aurkitu Mahaigain partekatzearentzat (krfb). "
"Instalazioa ez da osotu edo instalazioak huts egin du."
#: krfb/personalinvitedialog.cpp:30
msgid "Personal Invitation"
msgstr "Gonbidapen pertsonala"
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:429
msgid "%1@%2 (shared desktop)"
msgstr "%1@%2 (mahaigain partekatua)"
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:563
#, c-format
msgid "User accepts connection from %1"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak %1-tik datorren konexioa onartu du."
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:576
#, c-format
msgid "User refuses connection from %1"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak %1-tik datorren konexioa ezetsi du."
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:624
#, c-format
msgid "Closed connection: %1."
msgstr "Konexioa itxi da: %1."
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:753 krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:758
msgid "Failed login attempt from %1: wrong password"
msgstr "%1-tik datorren saio-hasierak huts egin du: pasahitz okerra"
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:794
msgid "Connection refused from %1, already connected."
msgstr "Konexioa ezetsi da %1-tik, dagoeneko konektatuta."
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:804
#, c-format
msgid "Accepted uninvited connection from %1"
msgstr "Gonbidapen gabeko konexioa onartu da hemendik: %1"
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:812
msgid "Received connection from %1, on hold (waiting for confirmation)"
msgstr "Konexioa jaso da hemendik %1, itxaroten (berrespenaren zain)"
#: krfb/rfbcontroller.cpp:937
msgid ""
"Your X11 Server does not support the required XTest extension version 2.2. "
"Sharing your desktop is not possible."
msgstr ""
"Zure X11 zerbitzariak ez du behar den XTest bertsioa 2.2 luzapena onartzen. "
"Ezin da zure mahaigaina partekatu."
#: krfb/trayicon.cpp:61
msgid "Desktop Sharing - connecting"
msgstr "Mahaigain partekatzea - konektatzen"
#: krfb/trayicon.cpp:63
msgid "Manage &Invitations"
msgstr "Kudeatu &gonbidapenak"
#: krfb/trayicon.cpp:70
msgid "Enable Remote Control"
msgstr "Gaitu urruneko kontrola"
#: krfb/trayicon.cpp:71
msgid "Disable Remote Control"
msgstr "Ezgaitu urruneko kontrola"
#: krfb/trayicon.cpp:101
msgid "The remote user has been authenticated and is now connected."
msgstr "Urruneko erabiltzailea autentifikatuta da eta konektatua dago."
#: krfb/trayicon.cpp:104
#, c-format
msgid "Desktop Sharing - connected with %1"
msgstr "Mahaigain partekatzea - %1-(r)ekin konektatuta"
#: krfb/trayicon.cpp:111
msgid "Desktop Sharing - disconnected"
msgstr "Mahaigain partekatzea - deskonektatuta"
#: krfb/trayicon.cpp:114
msgid "The remote user has closed the connection."
msgstr "Urruneko erabiltzaileak konexioa itxi du."
#: krfb/connectionwidget.ui:41
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attention"
msgstr "Adi"
#: krfb/connectionwidget.ui:69
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Somebody is requesting a connection to your computer. Granting this will "
"allow the remote user to watch your desktop. "
msgstr ""
"Norbait zure konputagailura konektatu nahian dabil. Hau baimentzen baduzu "
"urruneko erabiltzaileari zure mahaigaina ikusteko baimena emango diozu. "
#: krfb/connectionwidget.ui:136
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: krfb/connectionwidget.ui:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "Allow remote user to &control keyboard and mouse"
msgstr ""
"Baimendu urruneko erabiltzaile batek zure teklatua eta arratoiaren &kontrola."
#: krfb/connectionwidget.ui:155
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"If you turn this option on, the remote user can enter keystrokes and use "
"your mouse pointer. This gives them full control over your computer, so be "
"careful. When the option is disabled the remote user can only watch your "
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau martxan jartzen baduzu, urruneko erabiltzaileak teklak sakatu eta "
"zure arratoiaren erakuslea mugitu ahal izango du, beraz, kontuz ibili. "
"Aukera ezgaituta badago urruneko erabiltzaileak pantaila bakarrik ikusi ahal "
"izango du."
#: krfb/connectionwidget.ui:168
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remote system:"
msgstr "Urruneko sistema:"
#: krfb/invitewidget.ui:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to TDE Desktop Sharing"
msgstr "Ongi etorri TDE Mahaigain Partekatzera"
#: krfb/invitewidget.ui:46
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"TDE Desktop Sharing allows you to invite somebody at a remote location to "
"watch and possibly control your desktop.\n"
"<a href=\"whatsthis:<p>An invitation creates a one-time password that allows "
"the receiver to connect to your desktop. It is valid for only one successful "
"connection and will expire after an hour if it has not been used. When "
"somebody connects to your computer a dialog will appear and ask you for "
"permission. The connection will not be established before you accept it. In "
"this dialog you can also restrict the other person to view your desktop "
"only, without the ability to move your mouse pointer or press keys.</p><p>If "
"you want to create a permanent password for Desktop Sharing, allow "
"'Uninvited Connections' in the configuration.</p>\">More about invitations..."
msgstr ""
"TDE mahaigain partekatzeak urruneko pertsona bat zure mahaigaina ikusi eta "
"kontrolatzera gonbidatzeko aukera ematen dizu.\n"
"<a href=\"whatsthis:<p> An invitation creates a one-time password that "
"allows the receiver to connect to your desktop. It is valid for only one "
"successful connection and will expire after an hour if it has not been used. "
"When somebody connects to your computer a dialog will appear and ask you for "
"permission. The connection will not be established before you accept it. In "
"this dialog you can also restrict the other person to view your desktop "
"only, without the ability to move your mouse pointer or press keys.</p><p>If "
"you want to create a permanent password for Desktop Sharing, allow "
"'Uninvited Connections' in the configuration.</p>\">More about invitations..."
#: krfb/invitewidget.ui:109
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create &Personal Invitation..."
msgstr "Sortu gonbidapen &pertsonala..."
#: krfb/invitewidget.ui:115
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Create a new invitation and display the connection data. Use this option if "
"you want to invite somebody personally, for example, to give the connection "
"data over the phone."
msgstr ""
"Sortu gonbidapen berri bat eta bistaratu konexioaren datuak. Erabili aukera "
"hau norbait pertsonalki gonbidatu nahi baduzu, adibidez, konexioaren datuak "
"telefonoz emateko."
#: krfb/invitewidget.ui:165
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invite via &Email..."
msgstr "Gonbidatu &e-posta bidez..."
#: krfb/invitewidget.ui:168
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This button will start your email application with a pre-configured text "
"that explains to the recipient how to connect to your computer. "
msgstr ""
"Botoi honek e-posta aplikazioa abiaraziko du hartzailea zure ordenagailura "
"nola konekta daitekeen argitzen duen aurre-konfiguratutako testuarekin."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:16
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manage Invitations - Desktop Sharing"
msgstr "Kudeatu gonbidapenak - Mahaigain partekatzea"
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Sortuta"
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:79
#, no-c-format
msgid "Expiration"
msgstr "Iraungitzea"
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:104
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Displays the open invitations. Use the buttons on the right to delete them "
"or create a new invitation."
msgstr ""
"Erakutsi gonbidapen irekiak. Erabili eskuineko botoiak gonbidapen berriak "
"sortu eta ezabatzeko."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:112
#, no-c-format
msgid "New &Personal Invitation..."
msgstr "Gonbidapen &pertsonal berria..."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create a new personal invitation..."
msgstr "Sortu gonbidapen pertsonal berria..."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "Click this button to create a new personal invitation."
msgstr "Klik egin hemen gonbidapen pertsonal berri bat sortzeko."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "&New Email Invitation..."
msgstr "E-posta gonbidapen &berria..."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:129
#, no-c-format
msgid "Send a new invitation via email..."
msgstr "Bidali gonbidapen berri bat e-posta bidez..."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Click this button to send a new invitation via email."
msgstr "Klik egin botoi honetan gonbidapen berri bat e-posta bidez bidaltzeko."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:146
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delete all invitations"
msgstr "Ezabatu gonbidapen guztiak"
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "Deletes all open invitations."
msgstr "Irekitatko gonbidapen guztiak ezabatzen ditu."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:163
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delete the selected invitation"
msgstr "Ezabatu hautatutako gonbidapena"
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:166
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Delete the selected invitation. The invited person will not be able to "
"connect using this invitation anymore."
msgstr ""
"Ezabatu hautatutako gonbidapena. Pertsona gonbidatuak ezin izango du "
"gonbidapen hau gehiago erabili."
#: krfb/manageinvitations.ui:177 krfb/manageinvitations.ui:180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Closes this window."
msgstr "Lehio hau ixten du."
#: krfb/personalinvitewidget.ui:44
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<h2>Personal Invitation</h2>\n"
"Give the information below to the person that you want to invite (<a href="
"\"whatsthis:Desktop Sharing uses the VNC protocol. You can use any VNC "
"client to connect. In TDE the client is called 'Remote Desktop Connection'. "
"Enter the host information into the client and it will connect..\">how to "
"connect</a>). Note that everybody who gets the password can connect, so be "
msgstr ""
"<h2>Gonbidapen pertsonala</h2>\n"
"Eman iezaiozu ondoko informazioa gonbidatu nahi duzun pertsonari (<a href="
"\"whatsthis:Mahagain Partekatzeak VNC protokoloa erabiltzen du. Edozein VNC "
"bezero erabil dezakezu konektatzeko. TDE inguruko bezeroaren izena 'Urruneko "
"Mahaigain Konexioa' da. Sar ezazu ostalariaren informazioa bezeroan eta "
"konektatu egingo da...\">nola konektatu</a>). Kontuan hartu pasahitza "
"lortzen duen edozein pertsona konekta daitekeela, eta beraz kontua izan "
#: krfb/personalinvitewidget.ui:132
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: krfb/personalinvitewidget.ui:148
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Password:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Pasahitza:</b>"
#: krfb/personalinvitewidget.ui:164
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Expiration time:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Iraungitze-epea:</b>"
#: krfb/personalinvitewidget.ui:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "12345"
msgstr "12345"
#: krfb/personalinvitewidget.ui:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "17:12"
msgstr "17:12"
#: krfb/personalinvitewidget.ui:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Host:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Ostalaria:</b>"
#: krfb/personalinvitewidget.ui:234
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"(<a href=\"whatsthis:This field contains the address of your computer and "
"the display number, separated by a colon. The address is just a hint - you "
"can use any address that can reach your computer. Desktop Sharing tries to "
"guess your address from your network configuration, but does not always "
"succeed in doing so. If your computer is behind a firewall it may have a "
"different address or be unreachable for other computers.\">Help</a>)"
msgstr ""
"(<a href=\"whatsthis:Eremu honek zure konputagailuaren helbidea eta "
"pantailaren zenbakia ditu bi puntuz bananduak. Helbidea iradokizun bat da "
"bakarrik - zure konputagailuarekin konektatzeko aukera ematen duen edozein "
"helbide erabil dezakezu. Mahaigain Partekatzeak zure helbidea sare "
"konfiguraziotik asmatzen saiatuko da baina ez du beti asmatzen. Zure "
"konputagailua suebaki baten atzean badago beste helbide bat eduki dezake edo "
"beste konputagailuak ezin izango dira zurera konektatu.\">Laguntza</a>)"