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<para>Using &konqueror; you can start up an <command>rlogin</command>
session with a server hosting the rlogin service.</para>
<para>To use this tdeioslave feature, in the &konqueror;
<acronym>URL</acronym> bar, type
<para>This will initialize &konsole; with an <command>rlogin</command>
session, prompting you for your password.</para>
<para>The <command>rlogin</command> tdeioslave uses the username of the
account you are currently using in &kde;.</para>
<para>After you have successfully entered your password, you can begin
your remote session.</para>
<para> See the manual: <ulink url="man:/rlogin">rlogin</ulink>.
<!-- By Christian Bunting (need to ask if he wants crediting and email) -->