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548 lines
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# translation of kasbarextension.po to Icelandic
# Icelandic translation of kasbarextension.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Pjetur G. Hjaltason <>, 2003.
# Arnar Leosson <>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kasbarextension\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-01-13 18:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-04-05 00:19+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Arnar Leósson <>\n"
"Language-Team: Icelandic <>\n"
"Language: is\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
#: _translatorinfo:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""
#: _translatorinfo:2
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:87 kasaboutdlg.cpp:153
msgid "About Kasbar"
msgstr "Um Kasbar"
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:156
#, fuzzy
msgid "<qt><body><h2>Kasbar Version: %1</h2><b>TDE Version:</b> %2</body></qt>"
msgstr "<qt><body><h2>Kasbar útgáfa: %1</h2><b>TDE útgáfa:</b> %2</body></qt>"
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:164
msgid ""
"<html><body><p>Kasbar TNG began as a port of the original Kasbar applet to "
"the (then new) extension API, but ended up as a complete rewrite because of "
"the range of features needed by different groups of users. In the process of "
"the rewrite all the standard features provided by the default taskbar were "
"added, along with some more original ones such as thumbnails.</p><p>You can "
"find information about the latest developments in Kasbar at <a href=\"%3\">"
"%4</a>, the Kasbar homepage.</p></body></html>"
msgstr ""
"<html><body><p>Kasbar TNG byrjaði sem influtningur af upprunalega Kasbar "
"íforritinu (í þá) nýju forritunarviðmóti en endaði sem algerlega "
"endurskrifað frá grunni vegna þeirra eiginleika sem margir mismunandi "
"notandahópar vildi fá. Meðan verið var að endirskrifa var öllum stöðluðum "
"eiginleikum spjaldsins bætt inn ásamt nokkrum sérstökum eins og til dæmis "
"smámyndir.</p>Frekari upplýsingar um Kasbar má finna á <a href=\"%3\">%4</"
"a>heimasíðu Kasbar forritsins."
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:184
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Höfundar"
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:185
msgid "Kasbar Authors"
msgstr "Kasbar höfundar"
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:190
msgid ""
"<html><b>Richard Moore</b> <a href=\"\"></"
"a><br><b>Homepage:</b> <a href=\"\">http://xmelegance."
"org/</a><p>Developer and maintainer of the Kasbar TNG code.</p><hr/"
"><b>Daniel M. Duley (Mosfet)</b> <a href=\""
"\"></a><br><b>Homepage:</b> <a href=\""
"\"></a><p>Mosfet wrote the original Kasbar applet on "
"which this extension is based. There is little of the original code "
"remaining, but the basic look in opaque mode is almost identical to this "
"first implementation.</p></html>"
msgstr ""
"<html><b>Richard Moore</b> <a href=\"\"></"
"a><br><b>Heimasíða:</b> <a href=\"\">http://xmelegance."
"org/</a><p>Forritari og umsjónarmaður Kasbar TNG kóðans.</p><hr/><b>Daniel "
"M. Duley (Mosfet)</b> <a href=\"\"></"
"a><br><b>Heimasíða:</b> <a href=\"\">http://www.mosfet."
"org/</a><p>Mosfet bjó til upprunalega Kasbar íforritið sem þessi útgáfa "
"byggir á. Það er lítið af upprunalega kóðanum eftir en þrátt fyrir það er "
"útlitið enn mjög svipað og þegar upprunalega forritið kom fram.</p></html>"
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:214
msgid "BSD License"
msgstr "BSD notkunarskilmálar"
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:216 kasaboutdlg.cpp:242
msgid ""
"Kasbar may be used under the terms of either the BSD license, or the GNU "
"Public License."
msgstr "Kasbar má nota með notendaskilmálum BSD eða GPL."
#: kasaboutdlg.cpp:240
msgid "GPL License"
msgstr "GPL notendaskilmálar"
#: kasbarapp.cpp:78
msgid "An alternative task manager"
msgstr "Annars konar verkstjóri"
#: kasgroupitem.cpp:84
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Setja í hóp"
#: kasgroupitem.cpp:294
msgid "&Ungroup"
msgstr "&Taka úr hóp"
#: kasgroupitem.cpp:296 kastaskitem.cpp:338
msgid "&Kasbar"
msgstr "&Kasbar"
#: kasitem.cpp:91
msgid "Kasbar"
msgstr "Kasbar"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:83
msgid "Kasbar Preferences"
msgstr "Kasbar stillingar"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:123
msgid "Specifies the size of the task items."
msgstr "Tiltekur stærð táknmynda."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:125
msgid "Si&ze:"
msgstr "&Stærð:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:128
msgid "Enormous"
msgstr "Gríðalega stór"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:129
msgid "Huge"
msgstr "Risastór"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:130
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Stór"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:131
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Miðlungs"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:132
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Lítill"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:133
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Sérsniðin"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Specifies the maximum number of items that should be placed in a line before "
"starting a new row or column. If the value is 0 then all the available space "
"will be used."
msgstr ""
"Tiltekur hversu marga hluti má setja á línu áður en byrjar að er á nýrri. "
"Gildið 0 gerir það að verkum að allt mögulegt pláss er notað."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:165
msgid "Bo&xes per line: "
msgstr "&Kassar í hverri línu: "
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:181
msgid "&Detach from screen edge"
msgstr "&Aftengja frá skjábrún"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:182
msgid "Detaches the bar from the screen edge and makes it draggable."
msgstr "Aftengir spjaldið frá skjábrúninni og gerir það draganlegt."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:195
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Bakgrunnur"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:197
msgid "Trans&parent"
msgstr "Gegn&sær"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:198
msgid "Enables pseudo-transparent mode."
msgstr "Virkjar gagnsæisham."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:202
msgid "Enable t&int"
msgstr "Virkja &blæ"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:204
msgid "Enables tinting the background that shows through in transparent mode."
msgstr "Lætur blæ á bakgrunna sem sjást í gegnum aðra hluti."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:210
msgid "Specifies the color used for the background tint."
msgstr "Skilgreinir litinn sem notaður er í blæinn."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:214
msgid "Tint &color:"
msgstr "Blæli&tur:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:223
msgid "Specifies the strength of the background tint."
msgstr "Tiltekur styrk bakgrunnsblæs."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:227
msgid "Tint &strength: "
msgstr "Blæ&styrkur: "
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:243
msgid "Thumbnails"
msgstr "Smámyndir"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:245
msgid "Enable thu&mbnails"
msgstr "Virkja s&mámyndir"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Enables the display of a thumbnailed image of the window when you move your "
"mouse pointer over an item. The thumbnails are approximate, and may not "
"reflect the current window contents.\n"
"Using this option on a slow machine may cause performance problems."
msgstr ""
"Þetta lætur smámynd af glugga birtast þegar þú færir músarbendilinn yfir þá. "
"Smámyndirnar eru líkingar og munu ef til vill ekki birta allt innihald "
"Þessi eiginleiki getur haft slæm áhrif á afköst hægvirkra véla."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:254
msgid "&Embed thumbnails"
msgstr "Virkja s&mámyndir"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:260
msgid ""
"Controls the size of the window thumbnails. Using large sizes may cause "
"performance problems."
msgstr ""
"Stýrir stærð gluggasmámynda. Mjög stór gildi geta haft slæm áhrif á afköst "
"hægvirkra véla."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:262
msgid "Thumbnail &size: "
msgstr "S&tærð smámynda: "
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:272
msgid ""
"Controls the frequency with which the thumbnail of the active window is "
"updated. If the value is 0 then no updates will be performed.\n"
"Using small values may cause performance problems on slow machines."
msgstr ""
"Þetta stýrir hversu ört smámyndir virka gluggans eru uppfærðar. Ef gildið er "
"0 eru þær ekki uppfærðar.\n"
"Mjög lágar tölur geta haft slæm áhrif á afköst hægvirkra véla."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:275
msgid "&Update thumbnail every: "
msgstr "&Uppfæra smámyndir á: "
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:280
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekúndu fresti"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:290
msgid "Behavior"
msgstr "Hegðun"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:292
msgid "&Group windows"
msgstr "&Hópa saman glugga"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:294
msgid "Enables the grouping together of related windows."
msgstr "Hópar saman alla skylda glugga."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:299
msgid "Show all &windows"
msgstr "Sýna alla &glugga"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:301
msgid ""
"Enables the display of all windows, not just those on the current desktop."
msgstr "Lætur alla glugga sjást og ekki bara þá sem eru á núverandi skjáborði."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:305
msgid "&Group windows on inactive desktops"
msgstr "Hópa g&lugga á óvirkum skjáborðum"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:307
msgid ""
"Enables the grouping together of windows that are not on the current desktop."
msgstr "Virkjar að gluggum sem eru ekki á virka skjáborðinu er hópað saman."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:312
msgid "Only show &minimized windows"
msgstr "Aðeins sýna &minnkaða glugga"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:314
msgid ""
"When this option is checked only minimized windows are shown in the bar. "
"This gives Kasbar similar behavior to the icon handling in older "
"environments like CDE or OpenLook."
msgstr ""
"Þegar hakað er við þennan valkost eru einungis minnkaðir gluggar sýndir í "
"slánni. Þetta gefur Kasbar svipaða táknmyndahöndlun og eldri kerfi sem CDE "
"eða OpenLook."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:326
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Litir"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:331
msgid "Label foreground:"
msgstr "Forgrunnur merkingar:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:338
msgid "Label background:"
msgstr "Bakgrunnur merkingar:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:347
msgid "Inactive foreground:"
msgstr "Forgrunnur á óvirkum:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:353
msgid "Inactive background:"
msgstr "Bakgrunnur á óvirkum:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:362
msgid "Active foreground:"
msgstr "Forgrunnur á virkum:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:368
msgid "Active background:"
msgstr "Bakgrunnur á virkum:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:376
msgid "&Progress color:"
msgstr "&Framvindulitur:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:382
msgid "&Attention color:"
msgstr "&Athyglislitur:"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:393
msgid "Indicators"
msgstr "Vísar"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:401
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Nánar"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:404
msgid "Enable &startup notifier"
msgstr "Virka &ræsingaálf"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:406
msgid ""
"Enables the display of tasks that are starting but have not yet created a "
msgstr "Sýnir verk sem eru að ræsa en hafa ekki enn opnað glugga."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:412
msgid "Enable &modified indicator"
msgstr "Virkja &breyttan vísir"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:414
msgid ""
"Enables the display of a floppy disk state icon for windows containing a "
"modified document."
msgstr ""
"Birtir táknmynd sem lýsir ástandi disklingadrifsins og hvort þar sé skrá sem "
"búið er að breyta."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:419
msgid "Enable &progress indicator"
msgstr "Virkja &framgangsmæli"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:421
msgid ""
"Enables the display of a progress bar in the label of windows show are "
"progress indicators."
msgstr "Virkir framgangsmæla í titlum glugga sem innihalda framgangsmæla."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:426
msgid "Enable &attention indicator"
msgstr "Virkja &athyglisvísa"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:428
msgid ""
"Enables the display of an icon that indicates a window that needs attention."
msgstr ""
"Virkjar táknmyndavísun sem gefur til kynna glugga sem þarfnast athygli."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:432
msgid "Enable frames for inactive items"
msgstr "Virkja ramma fyrir óvirka hluti"
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:434
msgid ""
"Enables frames around inactive items, if you want the bar to disappear into "
"the background you should probably uncheck this option."
msgstr ""
"Virkjar ramma kringum óvirka hluti. Ef þú vilt að sláin hverfi í bakgrunninn "
"ættir þú trúlega að afvelja þennan valkost."
#: kasprefsdlg.cpp:445
msgid ""
"_n: pixel\n"
" pixels"
msgstr ""
" punktur\n"
" punktar"
#: kastasker.cpp:154
msgid "Show &All Windows"
msgstr "Sýna &alla glugga"
#: kastasker.cpp:161
msgid "&Group Windows"
msgstr "Hópa saman &gluggum"
#: kastasker.cpp:168
msgid "Show &Clock"
msgstr "Sýna &klukku"
#: kastasker.cpp:174
msgid "Show &Load Meter"
msgstr "Sýna hleðs&lumæli"
#: kastasker.cpp:183
msgid "&Floating"
msgstr "&Fljótandi"
#: kastasker.cpp:190
msgid "R&otate Bar"
msgstr "S&núa slá"
#: kastasker.cpp:197
msgid "&Refresh"
msgstr "Uppfæ&ra"
#: kastasker.cpp:201
msgid "&Configure Kasbar..."
msgstr "&Stilla Kasbar..."
#: kastasker.cpp:205
msgid "&About Kasbar"
msgstr "&Um Kasbar"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:231
msgid "All"
msgstr "Allt"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:336
msgid "To &Tray"
msgstr "Í &bakka"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:340
msgid "&Properties"
msgstr "&Eiginleikar"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:360
msgid "Could Not Send to Tray"
msgstr "Gat ekki sent í bakka"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:361
#, c-format
msgid "%1"
msgstr "%1"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:381 kastaskitem.cpp:382
msgid "Task Properties"
msgstr "Verk eiginleikar"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:389 kastaskitem.cpp:464
msgid "General"
msgstr "Almennt"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:390
msgid "Task"
msgstr "Verk"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:392
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Hlutur"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:393
msgid "Bar"
msgstr "Slá"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:396
msgid "NET"
msgstr "NET"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:420
msgid "Property"
msgstr "Eiginleiki"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:421
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tegund"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:422
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Gildi"
#: kastaskitem.cpp:468
msgid ""
"<html><body><b>Name</b>: $name<br><b>Visible name</b>: "
"$visibleName<br><br><b>Iconified</b>: $iconified<br><b>Minimized</b>: "
"$minimized<br><b>Maximized</b>: $maximized<br><b>Shaded</b>: "
"$shaded<br><b>Always on top</b>: $alwaysOnTop<br><br><b>Desktop</b>: "
"$desktop<br><b>All desktops</b>: $onAllDesktops<br><br><b>Iconic name</b>: "
"$iconicName<br><b>Iconic visible name</b>: "
"$visibleIconicName<br><br><b>Modified</b>: $modified<br><b>Demands "
"attention</b>: $demandsAttention<br></body></html>"
msgstr ""
"<html><body><b>Nafn</b>: $name<br><b>Sýnilegt nafn</b>: "
"$visibleName<br><br><b>Sem táknmynd</b>: $iconified<br><b>Lágmarkað</b>: "
"$minimized<br><b>Hámarkað</b>: $maximized<br><b>Skyggt</b>: $shaded "
"<br><b>Alltaf efst</b>: $alwaysOnTop<br><br><b>Skjáborð</b>: "
"$desktop<br><b>Öll skjáborð</b>: $onAllDesktops<br><br><b>Heiti táknmyndar</"
"b>: $iconicName<br><b>Sýnilegt heiti táknmyndar</b>: $iconicVisibleName "
"<br><br><b>Breytt</b>: $modified<br><b>Krefst athygli</b>: "
#: kastaskitem.cpp:504
msgid "NET WM Specification Info"
msgstr "NET WM Upplýsingar"
#~ msgid " Pixels"
#~ msgstr " punktar"
#~ msgid "Ma&x boxes: "
#~ msgstr "Há&marksfj. reita: "
#~ msgid "Label &pen:"
#~ msgstr "Merkinga&penni:"