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<title>O Manual do &kpercentage;</title>
<author><firstname>Matthias</firstname> <surname>Messmer</surname> <affiliation> <address><email></email></address>
<author><firstname>Carsten</firstname> <surname>Niehaus</surname> <affiliation> <address><email></email></address>
<author><firstname>Robert</firstname> <surname>Gogolok</surname> <affiliation> <address><email></email></address>
<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Marcus</firstname><surname>Gama</surname><affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation><contrib>Tradução</contrib></othercredit>
<holder>Matthias Messmer</holder>
<para>O &kpercentage; é um pequeno aplicativo de matemática que irá ajudar os alunos a melhorar a sua capacidade para calcular percentagens. O <inlinemediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="edu-logo.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject> </inlinemediaobject> &kpercentage; faz parte do Projeto KDE-EDU: <ulink url=""></ulink></para>