@ -246,26 +246,6 @@ A: With qt-3.2.0, Trolltech has introduced a configure option to Qt called
KDE programs. Install your application's system wide configuration file
to /etc/tqt3.
Q: I'm compiling a program and I have a compile error due to a missing
include. Why isn't that include not present in the Debian packages anymore
? It compiled with older versions of Debian packages of Qt !
A: This may be due to two reasons: either the package still uses the old
includes from Qt 1.x or 2.x that got basically renamed by Trolltech due to
the naming convention. The filenames are now all following the scheme
ClassName -> classname.h.
Therefore, if you are the developer of the affected program, change your
sources according to this scheme. Qt ships with tqtrename140, a tool to
help developers migrate their API to the Qt 3 version,
which can help you in the transition upgrade to Qt 3.
If you are affected by this as a packager, notify upstream to fix those
problems and in the meanwhile use libtqt3-compat-headers as a build
dependency which includes the compatibility headers that just include the
right files from the new API again.
Q: I have a question not covered by this FAQ and README file. Who should I
turn to ?