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22 lines
589 B

pkgbase = lcms
pkgdesc = Lightweight color management development library/engine
pkgver = 1.19
pkgrel = 7
url =
arch = x86_64
arch = i686
license = custom
makedepends = python2
depends = libtiff
source =
source = cve-2013-4276.patch
sha256sums = 80ae32cb9f568af4dc7ee4d3c05a4c31fc513fc3e31730fed0ce7378237273a9
sha256sums = cd10cc5ce791ae782b1257e6181a71cbdb685b705779c9ef2ceffc7fb2021bd0
pkgname = lcms
pkgname = python2-lcms
pkgdesc = LittleCMS Python bindings
depends = lcms