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8 lines
551 B

tdebase-bin-trinity: setuid-binary opt/trinity/bin/kcheckpass 4711 root/root
tdebase-bin-trinity: setuid-binary opt/trinity/bin/tdekbdledsync 4711 root/root
tdebase-bin-trinity: setgid-binary opt/trinity/bin/tdesud 2755 root/nogroup
tdebase-bin-trinity: setuid-binary opt/trinity/bin/tdmtsak 4711 root/root
tdebase-bin-trinity: no-shlibs-control-file opt/trinity/lib/
tdebase-bin-trinity: no-shlibs-control-file opt/trinity/lib/
tdebase-bin-trinity: no-shlibs-control-file opt/trinity/lib/