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.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
.TH CVS2DIST 1 "March 19, 2005"
.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
.\" .nh disable hyphenation
.\" .hy enable hyphenation
.\" .ad l left justify
.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
.\" .nf disable filling
.\" .fi enable filling
.\" .br insert line break
.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
cvs2dist \- convert subdirectories within KDE CVS into standalone
source packages
.B cvsdist
.I path-to-module
.I directory-in-module
[ \fB\-n, \-\-name\fP \fIname\fP ]
[ \fB\-v, \-\-version\fP \fIversion\fP ]
[ \fB\-\-admin-dir\fP \fIdir\fP ]
[ \fB\-\-cvs-root\fP \fIroot\fP ]
[ \fB\-B, \-\-branch\fP \fIbranch\fP ]
[ \fB\-\-no-i18n\fP ]
[ \fB\-\-no-i18n-lang\fP \fIlanguages\fP ]
[ \fB\-\-log=\fP\fIlogfile\fP | \fB\-l\fP ]
[ \fB\-m, \-\-make-unpackaged\fP ]
[ \fB\-g, \-\-no-gzip\fP ]
[ \fB\-b, \-\-no-bz2, \-\-no-bzip2\fP ]
[ \fB\-o, \-\-only-directory\fP ]
[ \fB\-r, \-\-required-header\fP \fIheader\fP ]
[ \fB\-e, \-\-required-header-error-message\fP \fImessage\fP ]
[ \fB\-d, \-\-remove-hidden\fP ]
[ \fB\-\-replace-files\fP \fIpairs\fP ]
[[--] \fIaddfile\fP ... ]
.B cvsdist
\fB\-h, \-\-help\fP
Each module in the KDE CVS tree contains a large number of applications
all bundled together.
\fBcvs2dist\fP is used to extract a single application or component from
one of these large CVS modules and bundle it into a standalone package.
The application or component will be bundled into a standard
distribution tarball (with a configure script and so on) that users can
download, build and install.
By default, cvs2dist automatically tries to check out all translations
of strings and documentation from the corresponding parts of the
\fIkde-i18n\fP CVS module and include them in the final packages.
This can be suppressed or modified using the options \-\-no-i18n or
The initial argument \fIpath-to-module\fP should specify where the CVS
module has been checked out on your system, and the second argument
\fIdirectory-in-module\fP should specify which directory within this
module is to be packaged (all subdirectories beneath it will be included
and so on). See the EXAMPLE section below for details.
Both gzip and bzip2 compressed tarballs will be created by default and
will be called \fIname[-version].tar.gz\fP and \fIname[-version].tar.bz2\fP.
The \fIname\fP component will be the last directory component of
\fIdirectory-in-module\fP unless otherwise specified by \-\-name, and
the \fIversion\fP component will not be included unless it is specified by
Additional files from outside the CVS tree can be included in the final
packages by passing them after all other options (these are the
\fIaddfile\fP arguments displayed above). These additional files will
be placed in the top level directory of the final packages.
The \-\- that precedes them is optional.
Many options are available for customising these procedures, as seen below.
Note that cvs2dist will remove any temporary files that it creates.
This utility is part of the KDE Software Development Kit.
\fB\-n, \-\-name\fP \fIname\fP
The name of the package (to be used in the names of the final tarballs
and directories). Specifically, the compressed tarballs will be called
\fIname-version.tar.gz\fP and \fIname-version.tar.bz2\fP (see the
\-\-version option below for further information).
This package name defaults to the last directory component of
\fB\-v, \-\-version\fP \fIversion\fP
The version of the package (to be used in the names of the final
tarballs and directories). If this is not supplied, no version is used
at all (i.e., the compressed tarballs will just be called \fIname.tar.gz\fP
and \fIname.tar.bz2\fP).
\fB\-\-admin-dir\fP \fIdir\fP
The location of \fIadmin/\fP on the filesystem. Symbolic links may
be used. Defaults to \fIpath-to-module/admin\fP.
\fB\-\-cvs-root\fP \fIroot\fP
The value to use as CVSROOT when checking out translations from CVS.
Defaults to the CVSROOT environment variable.
If \-\-no-i18n is passed then this option has no effect.
\fB\-B, \-\-branch\fP \fIbranch\fP
Use the given CVS branch for checking out translations from CVS.
If \-\-no-i18n is passed then this option has no effect.
Do not check out any translations from CVS.
\fB\-\-no-i18n-lang\fP \fIlanguages\fP
Exclude the given language(s) when checking out translations from CVS.
The list of languages should be comma-separated,
such as \fI\-\-no-i18n-lang uk,de,en_GB\fP .
Log all proceedings to the given logfile. Note that the = is essential,
and may not be omitted.
Log all proceedings to the default logfile in the current directory.
\fB\-m, \-\-make-unpackaged\fP
In addition to the compressed tarballs, an unpacked distribution will be
created in the current directory.
\fB\-g, \-\-no-gzip\fP
Do not create a gzip package (\fIname-version.tar.gz\fP).
\fB\-b, \-\-no-bz2, \-\-no-bzip2\fP
Do not create a bzip2 package (\fIname-version.tar.bz2\fP).
\fB\-o, \-\-only-directory\fP
Alias for \-mgb. No packages will be created, only an unpacked directory.
\fB\-r, \-\-required-header\fP \fIheader\fP
When the user runs configure, an error will be generated if
\fIheader\fP is not found on the user's system.
\fB\-e, \-\-required-header-error-message\fP \fImessage\fP
The error to display to a user when the header passed with
\-\-required-header is not found on the user's system. Defaults to a
sensible message.
\fB\-d, \-\-remove-hidden\fP
Remove hidden files and directories (e.g., dotfiles) from the packages.
\fB\-h, \-\-help\fP
Display instructions on how to use cvs2dist.
\fB\-\-replace-files\fP \fIpairs\fP
Move one or more files around in the final distribution packages.
The \fIpairs\fP argument should be a comma-separated list of
replacements to make. Each replacement specifies a single file to move, and
should be of the form \fIsource\fP@\fIdest\fP.
For each replacement, the source file will be moved to the
destination file (in particular, the source file will be deleted).
All filenames are relative to the top-level directory
of the package. Spaces in filenames are not allowed.
Please be careful when using this option! Try to avoid the use of ..
in the filenames, since it may cause unexpected problems.
An example of this option might be
\fI\-\-replace-files take_this_file@move_it_here,\fP .
The following example creates packages of the kolf picture plugin from
the CVS source tree currently checked out in \fI/sources\fP.
\fIexample$\fP cvs2dist /sources/kdegames kolf/objects/picture
\-n kolf-picture \-v 0.9 \-r "kolf/game.h" \-\-log ~/tmp/extra-file
The packages will be named \fIkolf-picture-0.9\fP and
the process will be logged. For configure to succeed when a user builds
these packages, the header \fIkolf/game.h\fP must be installed or an
error will occur. The additional file \fI~/tmp/extra-file\fP will be
included in the packages even though it is not part of the CVS source tree.
Any options found in this file will be
added to the beginning of the command-line arguments.
.BR cvs (1).
For the latest updates to this script, see the cvs2dist website
cvs2dist was written by Jason Katz-Brown <>,
Sebastian Stein <>, Dominique Devriese <>
and Michael Buesch <>.
This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <>
for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).