You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

30 lines
525 B

/* XPM */
static char *ksync-16[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 7 1",
" c black",
". c blue",
"X c #00C0C0",
"o c #808080",
"O c #C0C0C0",
"+ c gray100",
"@ c None",
/* pixels */
"@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@",
"@@@@@@ O @@@@@@",
"@@ @@ .. @@@@",
"@@ O + .. @@",
"@@ .. ++ Oo @",
"@@ + .. ++ @",
"@@ +++ Oo O++ @",
" +++++ O++ @",
" X ++++++ O++ @",
" XX ++++ O++ @",
" + O O+++ OO+ @",
" O++ O+++ O @",
" OO+ OO+ @@ @",
"@@ O @ O @@@@@",
"@@@@ @@@ @@@@@",