You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

628 lines
17 KiB

#ifndef __LIQUID_STYLE_H
#define __LIQUID_STYLE_H
#include <qcstring.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qintdict.h>
#include <qprogressbar.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qwmatrix.h>
#include <kpixmap.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <kstyle.h>
// #define BITMAP_ITEMS 75 // Don't worry, they're demand loaded ;-)
class QColor;
class QHeader;
class QImage;
class QMenuBar;
class QPalette;
class QPoint;
class QPushButton;
class QRect;
class QScrollBar;
class QSize;
class QString;
class QTabBar;
class LiquidStyle;
enum BitmapData{RadioOn = 0, RadioOff, RadioOnHover, RadioOffHover, RadioOnPressed, RadioOffPressed,
VSBSliderTop, VSBSliderMid, VSBSliderBtm,
VSBSliderTopActive, VSBSliderMidActive, VSBSliderBtmActive,
VSBSliderTopPressed, VSBSliderMidPressed, VSBSliderBtmPressed,
VSBSliderTopBg, VSBSliderMidBg, VSBSliderMidBgI, VSBSliderBtmBg,
HSBSliderTop, HSBSliderMid, HSBSliderBtm,
HSBSliderTopActive, HSBSliderMidActive, HSBSliderBtmActive,
HSBSliderTopPressed, HSBSliderMidPressed, HSBSliderBtmPressed,
HSBSliderTopBg, HSBSliderMidBg, HSBSliderMidBgI, HSBSliderBtmBg,
Tab, TabDown, TabFocus, belowTab, belowTabDown,
ButtonShadow, CB, CBDown, CBTri, CBHover, CBDownHover, CBTriHover, CBPressed, CBDownPressed, CBTriPressed,
HSlider, VSlider, VSliderAbove, HSliderInactive, VSliderInactive, VSliderAboveInactive,
Progress, rectbutton, combo, comboShadow, progress2, TitleBar, BITMAP_ITEMS};
enum CustomColor{CustomCBOn = 0, CustomCBOff, CustomRadioOn, CustomRadioOff,
CustomTabOn, CustomTabOff, CustomSBSlider, CustomSBSliderHover, CustomSBSliderPressed, CustomSBGroove};
enum PulseType{PushButton, ComboBox, AppletHandle, Splitter, ToolButton};
enum MenuBackground{Standard=0, Plain, Stipples, Gradient};
enum InactiveButtonColor{Original=0, Background, Active, Custom};
enum myExpanderStyle{Apple=0, MS};
enum progressStyle{mac=0, liquid, baghira};
enum DotlineStyle{Line=0, Dots};
enum Tile{TileTopLeft = 0, TileTop, TileTopRight,
TileLeft, TileMiddle, TileRight, TileBtmLeft, TileBtm, TileBtmRight};
enum myPosition{left = 0, center, right, full};
enum tabStyle {TrueTab = 0, Clever, Chooser};
enum Style {Jaguar = 0, Panther, Brushed, Tiger, Milk, NUMSTYLES };
class ButtonTile
for ( int i = 0;i < 9;++i )
pixmaps[ i ] = 0;
for ( int i = 0;i < 9;++i )
if ( pixmaps[ i ] ) delete pixmaps[ i ];
QPixmap* pixmap( Tile pos )
return ( pixmaps[ ( int ) pos ] );
void setPixmap( Tile pos, QPixmap *pix )
pixmaps[ ( int ) pos ] = pix;
QPixmap *pixmaps[ 9 ];
class OptionHandler : public QObject
OptionHandler( QObject *parent );
void reloadSettings();
inline static bool useShadowText()
return ( shadowText );
const QColor& textColor();
const QColor& bgColor();
const QColor& buttonColor();
static int custCols[8];
inline void reset()
menusProcessed = false;
inline static bool glossyMenus()
return glossyMenus_;
inline static bool drawMenuStripe()
return (drawMenuStripe_);
inline static QColor menuStripeColor()
return menuStripeColor_;
inline static QColor textColorHigh()
return fgColorHigh;
inline static QColor menuColorHigh()
return colorHigh;
inline static bool bevelHighlights()
return (bevelHighlights_);
inline static bool useBgStipple()
return ( bgStipple );
inline static Style style()
return (style_);
inline static int stippleContrast()
return ( contrast );
inline static bool useReverseBtnColor()
return ( reverseBtnColor );
inline static bool useToolButtonFrame()
return ( tbFrame );
inline static bool useCustomColors()
return ( customWidgetColor );
inline static const QColor& customColor( int idx )
return ( customColors[ idx ] );
inline static bool DrawDotlines()
return ( drawDotlines );
inline static bool squeezeSbSlider()
return ( squeezesbslider );
inline static bool shadowSbSlider()
return (shadowsbslider);
inline static bool drawGroupBoxShadow()
return ( groupboxshadow );
inline static int ShadowDarkness()
return ( shadowDarkness );
inline static int InactiveButtonColorType()
return ( inactiveButtonColor );
inline static int MenuBackground()
return (menuBackground);
inline static int MenuOpacity()
return (menuOpacity);
inline static bool UseCustomMenuColor()
return (useCustomMenuColor);
inline static int DotlineStyle()
return (dotlineStyle);
inline static bool MenuColorButton()
return (menuColorButton);
inline static int ExpanderStyle()
return (expanderStyle);
inline static bool UseCustomExpanderColor()
return (useCustomExpanderColor);
inline static QColor CustomExpanderColor()
return (expanderColor);
inline static QColor DotlineColor()
return (dotlineColor);
inline QColor InactiveButtonColor()
switch (inactiveButtonColor)
case 0 : return (QColor(232,232,232));
case 1 : return (bgColor());
case 2 : return (buttonColor());
case 3 : return (customInactiveButtonColor);
inline static bool CenterTabs()
return centerTabs;
inline static bool SmoothListViewHeaders()
return smoothListViewHeaders;
inline static bool SmootherLVH()
return smootherLVH;
inline static bool IcyButtons()
return icyButtons;
inline static Style buttonStyle()
return _buttonStyle;
inline static int ProgressBar()
return progressBar;
inline static bool RemoveKickerBevel()
return removeKickerBevel;
inline static Style toolbuttonStyle()
return _toolbuttonStyle;
inline void setGroupShadowButton()
groupShadowButton = true;
inline void setNotGroupShadowButton()
groupShadowButton = false;
inline bool GroupShadowButton()
return groupShadowButton;
inline void setScrollerActive()
scrollerActive = true;
inline void setScrollerInactive()
scrollerActive = false;
inline bool ScrollerActive()
return scrollerActive;
inline static QColor Color()
return color;
inline static QColor Color2()
return color2;
inline static bool DrawProgressLabel()
return drawProgressLabel;
inline static tabStyle TabStyle()
return tabStyle_;
inline static QColor & BrushTint()
return brushTint;
inline static bool TintBrush()
return tintBrush;
inline static bool AnimateSlider()
return animateSlider;
inline static bool AnimateProgress()
return animateProgress;
inline static QColor CustomButtonColor()
return customButtonColor;
inline static bool AnimateButton()
return animateButton;
inline static QColor aDecoColor1()
return aDecoColor1_;
inline static QColor aDecoColor2()
return aDecoColor2_;
inline static QColor titleColor( int i )
return titleColor_[i];
inline static QColor titleButtonColor( int i )
return titleButtonColor_[i];
QMenuBar *currentMenu;
QPixmap *indicatedMenuItemPix;
QRect *indicatedMenuItemRect;
QPixmap *lastIndicatedMenuItemPix;
QRect *lastIndicatedMenuItemRect;
bool mouseOverMenu;
WId lastIndicatedMenuItemID;
static unsigned long wmDesign;
public slots:
inline void warningSlot()
qWarning("widget destroyed");
static QColor titleColor_[2];
static QColor titleButtonColor_[3];
// menu
static int menuBackground;
static int menuOpacity;
static bool menuColorButton;
static bool animateButton;
static bool shadowText;
static bool drawMenuStripe_;
static QColor menuStripeColor_;
static bool glossyMenus_;
static QColor customButtonColor;
static bool customWidgetColor;
static QColor customColors[ 10 ];
static bool useCustomMenuColor;
static QColor color, color2, colorHigh, fgColor, fgColorHigh;
static int inactiveButtonColor;
static QColor customInactiveButtonColor;
static bool bgStipple, bevelHighlights_;
static Style style_;
static int contrast;
static bool groupboxshadow;
static int shadowDarkness;
static bool drawDotlines, useCustomExpanderColor;
static int expanderStyle;
static QColor expanderColor, dotlineColor;
static int dotlineStyle;
static bool squeezesbslider;
static bool shadowsbslider;
static bool reverseBtnColor, tbFrame;
static bool centerTabs;
static bool smoothListViewHeaders;
static bool smootherLVH;
static bool icyButtons;
static Style _buttonStyle;
bool menusProcessed;
bool scrollerActive;
int menuLevelCounter;
bool groupShadowButton;
static int progressBar;
static bool removeKickerBevel;
static Style _toolbuttonStyle;
static bool drawProgressLabel;
static tabStyle tabStyle_;
QString colorStr, fgColorStr/*, panelColorStr*/;
static QColor brushTint;
static QColor aDecoColor1_;
static QColor aDecoColor2_;
static bool tintBrush;
static bool animateSlider;
static bool animateProgress;
class EventKiller : public QObject
bool eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent *)
return TRUE;
class BMShower : public QObject
BMShower(QObject *parent);
bool eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *event );
class ButtonFadeInfo
timerId=0; index=0; fadeIn=TRUE;
int timerId;
int index;
bool fadeIn;
class LiquidStyle : public KStyle
friend class OptionHandler;
virtual ~LiquidStyle();
bool isPlain() const;
virtual void polish( QWidget *w );
// virtual void polishPopupMenu( QPopupMenu *w );
virtual void unPolish( QWidget *w );
virtual void polish( QPalette &p );
virtual void unPolish( QApplication *a );
int styleHint(StyleHint sh, const QWidget * w, const QStyleOption & opt, QStyleHintReturn * shr) const;
void drawKStylePrimitive( KStylePrimitive kpe, QPainter* p, const QWidget* widget, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
void drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement pe, QPainter* p, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
void drawControl( ControlElement element, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
// void drawControlMask( ControlElement element, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget, const QRect &r, const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
void drawComplexControl( ComplexControl control, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, SCFlags controls = SC_All, SCFlags active = SC_None, const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
// void drawComplexControlMask( ComplexControl control, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget, const QRect &r, const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
int pixelMetric( PixelMetric m, const QWidget *widget = 0 ) const;
QSize sizeFromContents( ContentsType contents, const QWidget *widget, const QSize &contentSize, const QStyleOption& opt ) const;
QRect subRect( SubRect r, const QWidget *widget ) const;
QRect querySubControlMetrics( ComplexControl control, const QWidget *widget, SubControl subcontrol, const QStyleOption &opt = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
// Fix Qt3's wacky image positions
QPixmap stylePixmap( StylePixmap stylepixmap, const QWidget *widget = 0, const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
bool eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *event );
private slots:
void updateProgressPos();
void updateSliderPos();
void progressBarDestroyed(QObject*);
void fakeMouse();
void clearImage( QImage &img ) const;
ButtonTile* createButtonTile( const QColor &c, const QColor &bgColor, QImage *buttonImage, QImage *shadowImage, QImage *glowImage, QIntDict <ButtonTile>*buttonDict, QIntDict<ButtonTile>*shadowDict, QIntDict<ButtonTile>*glowDict, int w, int h, int xOff, int yOff, int centerW, int centerH, int shadowH, int glowWH, bool sunken) const;
ButtonTile* createRoundFrameTile(QImage &img, const QColor &color, const QColor *bg, const QColor &baseColor ) const;
QPixmap* createSliderEnd( const QColor &c, const QColor &bgColor, bool top/*, bool vertical*/ ) const;
ButtonTile* separateTiles( QPixmap *pix, int xO, int yO, int w, int h, int sh, bool sunken) const;
QPixmap* getPixmap( BitmapData item ) const;
QPixmap* adjustHSV( QImage &img, const QColor &c, const QColor *bg = NULL ) const;
QImage* adjustHSVImage( QImage &img, const QColor &c, const QColor *bg = NULL ) const;
void adjustHSV( QPixmap &pix, const QColor &c ) const;
QImage* tintBrush( const QImage &img, const QColor &c ) const;
QPixmap* processEmbedded( const char *label, const QColor &c, bool blend = false, const QColor *bg = NULL ) const;
void drawRoundButton( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, const QColor &c, /*const QColor &bg,*/ int x, int y, int w, int h, bool pushedDown = false, bool hover = false, int bgX = -1, int bgY = -1) const;
void drawRectangularButton( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, const QColor &c, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool sunken = false, bool hover = false, bool isCombo = false, int position = full, bool isHtml = false) const;
void drawCombo( QPainter *painter, const QColorGroup &cg, const QColor &c, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool sunken, bool hover, bool isCombo, int position = full, bool isHTML = false ) const;
void drawEditFrame( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &cg, bool isHTML = false, bool focused = false, bool inverse = false/*, bool round = false*/ ) const;
void drawRoundFrame( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &cg, bool focused, QPoint offset ) const;
void drawHTMLCBBorder( const QPixmap &pix, const QColor &c ) const;
bool isHTMLWidget( const QWidget *w ) const;
LiquidStyle( const LiquidStyle & );
LiquidStyle& operator=( const LiquidStyle & );
int getBrightness(unsigned int rgb) const;
QImage fetchImage( const char *name );
QColor mapFadeColor(QColor &color, int index) const;
void fadeIn(QPushButton *button);
void fadeOut(QPushButton *button);
QColor brushedMetalColor(QColor &c) const;
QColor originalBgColor;
QBitmap *sbLeft, *sbRight, *sbUp, *sbDown, *checkmark;
QImage *btnBorderImg, *btnShadowImg, *slider_top, *slider_btm, *slider_top_shd, *slider_btm_shd, *rectbutton, *combo, *comboShadow, *buttonGlow, *roundFrame;
QPixmap *btnBlendPix, *menuPix, *groupShadow ;
QPixmap plainBrush, gradBrush;
QBrush pagerBrush, pagerHoverBrush;
QPixmap *pixmaps[ BITMAP_ITEMS ];
QPixmap sbBuffer;
QScrollBar *currentScrollBar;
QWMatrix lMatrix;
QWMatrix rMatrix;
QWMatrix iMatrix;
QWMatrix mMatrix;
QWMatrix m2Matrix;
bool isKicker, isOOO, isHTMLButton, initialPaletteLoaded, inExitPolish;
QHeader *currentHeader;
QTabBar *currentTabBar;
int headerHoverID;
int headerSortID;
QPoint btnOffset;
QPoint cursorPos_;
QWidget *currentTaskContainer;
KPixmap activeToolbarPix;
bool isTaskContainer, taskContainerHover;
QPalette polishedPalette, tooltipPalette;
unsigned int qtrcModificationTime;
int progAnimShift;
int prog2AnimShift;
int sliderAnimShift;
int hoveredTabIndex;
bool mouseButtonPressed_;
OptionHandler *optionHandler;
QMap<QWidget*, int> progAnimWidgets;
QPixmap *tmpBtnPix;
ButtonTile *inactiveRoundFrame;
ButtonTile *activeRoundFrame;
QWidget *highlightWidget;
QScrollBar *activeScroller;
EventKiller *eventKiller;
BMShower *bmShower;
static QPixmap popupBack;
QWidget *paintWidget;