Work around QString::toDouble() problem in Qt4.7 under gcc4.6 and i386

This manifests as an incorrect conversion of "3.3" to a double value
greater than 3.3, as detected by the check for "too recent" version
in ./tools/designer/uic/main.cpp
Nokia really needs to get some quality control people checking their code!
Timothy Pearson 13 years ago
parent 30af961d86
commit a7b8e60241

@ -1209,6 +1209,149 @@ TQString TQString::setUnicodeCodes( const ushort* tqunicode_as_ushorts, uint len
return TQString(setUnicode((const TQChar*)tqunicode_as_ushorts, len));
Returns the string converted to a \c double value.
If \a ok is not 0: if a conversion error occurs, \a *ok is set to
FALSE; otherwise \a *ok is set to TRUE.
TQString string( "1234.56" );
double a = string.toDouble(); // a == 1234.56
The string-to-number functions:
\i toShort()
\i toUShort()
\i toInt()
\i toUInt()
\i toLong()
\i toULong()
\i toLongLong()
\i toULongLong()
\i toFloat()
\i toDouble()
can handle numbers
represented in various locales. These representations may use different
characters for the decimal point, thousands group sepearator
and even individual digits. TQString's functions try to interpret
the string according to the current locale. The current locale is
determined from the system at application startup and can be changed
by calling TQLocale::setDefault(). If the string cannot be interpreted
according to the current locale, this function falls back
on the "C" locale.
bool ok;
double d;
d = TQString( "1234,56" ).toDouble(&ok); // ok == false
d = TQString( "1234.56" ).toDouble(&ok); // ok == true, d == 1234.56
d = TQString( "1234,56" ).toDouble(&ok); // ok == true, d == 1234.56
d = TQString( "1234.56" ).toDouble(&ok); // ok == true, d == 1234.56
Due to the ambiguity between the decimal point and thousands group
separator in various locales, these functions do not handle
thousands group separators. If you need to convert such numbers,
use the corresponding function in TQLocale.
bool ok;
double d = TQString( "1,234,567.89" ).toDouble(&ok); // ok == false
\warning If the string tqcontains trailing whitespace this function
will fail, and set \a *ok to false if \a ok is not 0. Leading
whitespace is ignored.
\sa number() TQLocale::setDefault() TQLocale::toDouble() stripWhiteSpace()
double TQString::toDouble( bool *ok ) const
// If there is trailing whitespace, set ok to false but return the correct
// result anyway to preserve behavour of pervious versions of TQt
if (length() > 0 && tqunicode()[length() - 1].isSpace()) {
TQString tmp = stripWhiteSpace();
if (ok != 0)
*ok = FALSE;
return tmp.toDouble();
// Try the default locale
bool my_ok;
TQLocale def_locale;
double result = def_locale.d->stringToDouble(*this, &my_ok, TQLocalePrivate::FailOnGroupSeparators);
if (my_ok) {
if (ok != 0)
*ok = TRUE;
return result;
// If the default was not "C", try the "C" locale
if (def_locale.language() == TQLocale::C) {
if (ok != 0)
*ok = FALSE;
return 0.0;
TQLocale c_locale(TQLocale::C);
return c_locale.d->stringToDouble(*this, ok, TQLocalePrivate::FailOnGroupSeparators);
Returns the string converted to a \c float value.
Returns 0.0 if the conversion fails.
If \a ok is not 0: if a conversion error occurs, \a *ok is set to
FALSE; otherwise \a *ok is set to TRUE.
For information on how string-to-number functions in TQString handle
localized input, see toDouble().
\warning If the string tqcontains trailing whitespace this function
will fail, settings \a *ok to false if \a ok is not 0.
Leading whitespace is ignored.
\sa number()
#define TQT_MAX_FLOAT 3.4028234663852886e+38
float TQString::toFloat( bool *ok ) const
bool myOk;
double d = toDouble(&myOk);
if (!myOk || d > TQT_MAX_FLOAT || d < -TQT_MAX_FLOAT) {
if (ok != 0)
*ok = FALSE;
return 0.0;
if (ok != 0)
*ok = TRUE;
return (float) d;
Sets the string to the printed value of \a n in base \a base and
returns a reference to the string. The returned string is in "C" locale.
The base is 10 by default and must be between 2 and 36.
TQString string;
string = string.setNum( 1234 ); // string == "1234"
#else // USE_QT4
static int ucstrcmp( const TQString &as, const TQString &bs )

@ -305,6 +305,9 @@ public:
inline static TQString number( uint n, int base=10) { return TQString(QString::number(n, base)); }
inline static TQString number( double n, char f='g', int prec=6 ) { return TQString(QString::number(n, f, prec)); }
float toFloat( bool *ok=0 ) const;
double toDouble( bool *ok=0 ) const;
TQString &setAscii( const char*, int len=-1 );
TQString &setLatin1( const char *ch, int len=-1 );
