# #
# Improvements and feedbacks are welcome #
# #
# This file is released under GPL >= 3 #
# #
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.1 )
#### general package setup
project( tdeaccessibility )
#### include essential cmake modules
include( FindPkgConfig )
include( CheckFunctionExists )
include( CheckSymbolExists )
include( CheckIncludeFile )
include( CheckIncludeFiles )
include( CheckLibraryExists )
include( CheckCSourceCompiles )
include( CheckCXXSourceCompiles )
#### include our cmake modules
include( TDEMacros )
enable_testing( )
##### set version number ########################
tde_set_project_version( )
##### setup install paths
include( TDESetupPaths )
tde_setup_paths( )
##### optional stuff
option( WITH_ALL_OPTIONS "Enable all optional support" OFF )
option( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY "Enable fvisibility and fvisibility-inlines-hidden" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} )
option( WITH_ARTS "Enable aRts support" ON )
option( WITH_AKODE "Enable akode support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} )
option( WITH_ALSA "Enable alsa support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} )
option( WITH_GSTREAMER "Enable Gstreamer support" OFF )
# #
# aRts support is needed to build: #
# - kttsd artsplayer #
# - ksayit #
# - ksayit freeverb plugin #
# #
##### user requested modules
option( BUILD_ALL "Build all" ON )
option( BUILD_KBSTATEAPPLET "Build kbstateapplet" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KMAG "Build kmag" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KMOUSETOOL "Build kmousetool" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KMOUTH "Build kmouth" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KSAYIT "Build ksayit" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KSAYIT_FREEVERB "Build ksayit freeverb plugin" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTTSD "Build kttsd" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTTSD_COMMAND "Build kttsd command plugin" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTTSD_EPOS "Build kttsd epos plugin" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTTSD_FESTIVAL "Build kttsd festival plugin" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTTSD_FLITE "Build kttsd flite plugin" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTTSD_FREETTS "Build kttsd freetts plugin" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTTSD_HADIFIX "Build kttsd hadifix plugin" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTTSD_KATE "Build kttsd kate plugin" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_ICONTHEMES "Build icons" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_DOC "Build documentation" ${BUILD_ALL} )
##### configure checks
include( ConfigureChecks.cmake )
###### global compiler settings
add_definitions( -DHAVE_CONFIG_H )
##### directories
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KBSTATEAPPLET kbstateapplet )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KMAG kmag )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KMOUSETOOL kmousetool )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KMOUTH kmouth )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KSAYIT ksayit )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KTTSD kttsd )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_ICONTHEMES IconThemes )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_DOC doc )
add_subdirectory( kspeechsink )
##### write configure files
configure_file( config.h.cmake config.h @ONLY )