You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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SSMLConvert class
This class is in charge of converting SSML text into a format that can
be handled by individual synths.
(C) 2004 by Paul Giannaros <>
(C) 2004 by Gary Cramblitt <>
Original author: Paul Giannaros <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *
* *
// TQt includes.
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
// KDE includes.
#include <kdeversion.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
// SSMLConvert includes.
#include "ssmlconvert.h"
#include "ssmlconvert.moc"
/// Constructor.
SSMLConvert::SSMLConvert() {
m_talkers = TQStringList();
m_xsltProc = 0;
m_state = tsIdle;
/// Constructor. Set the talkers to be used as reference for entered text.
SSMLConvert::SSMLConvert(const TQStringList &talkers) {
m_talkers = talkers;
m_xsltProc = 0;
m_state = tsIdle;
/// Destructor.
SSMLConvert::~SSMLConvert() {
delete m_xsltProc;
if (!m_inFilename.isEmpty()) TQFile::remove(m_inFilename);
if (!m_outFilename.isEmpty()) TQFile::remove(m_outFilename);
/// Set the talkers to be used as reference for entered text.
void SSMLConvert::setTalkers(const TQStringList &talkers) {
m_talkers = talkers;
TQString SSMLConvert::extractTalker(const TQString &talkercode) {
TQString t = talkercode.section("synthesizer=", 1, 1);
t = t.section('"', 1, 1);
return "flite";
return t.left(t.find(" ")).lower();
* Return the most appropriate talker for the text to synth talker code.
* @param text the text that will be parsed.
* @returns the appropriate talker for the job as a talker code.
* The appropriate talker is the one that has the most features that are required in some
* SSML markup. In the future i'm hoping to make the importance of individual features
* configurable, but better to walk before you can run.
* Currently, the searching method in place is like a filter: Those that meet the criteria we're
* searchin for stay while others are sifted out. This should leave us with the right talker to use.
* It's not a very good method, but should be appropriate in most cases and should do just fine for now.
* As it stands, here is the list of things that are looked for, in order of most importance:
* - Language
* Obviously the most important. If a language is specified, look for the talkers that support it.
* Default to en (or some form of en - en_US, en_GB, etc). Only one language at a time is allowed
* at the moment, and must be specified in the root speak element (<speak xml:lang="en-US">)
* - Gender
* If a gender is specified, look for talkers that comply. There is no default so if no gender is
* specified, no talkers will be removed. The only gender that will be searched for is the one
* specified in the root speak element. This should change in the future.
* - Prosody
* Check if prosody modification is allowed by the talker. Currently this is hardcoded (it
* is stated which talkers do and do not in a variable somewhere).
* Bear in mind that the XSL stylesheet that will be applied to the SSML is the same regardless
* of the how the talker is chosen, meaning that you don't lose some features of the talker if this
* search doesn't encompass them.
* TQDom is the item of choice for the matching. Just walk the tree..
TQString SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker(const TQString &text) const {
TQDomDocument ssml;
ssml.setContent(text, false); // No namespace processing.
/// Matches are stored here. Obviously to begin with every talker matches.
TQStringList matches = m_talkers;
/// Check that this is (well formed) SSML and all our searching will not be in vain.
TQDomElement root = ssml.documentElement();
if(root.tagName() != "speak") {
// Not SSML.
return TQString();
* For each rule that we are looking through, iterate over all currently
* matching talkers and remove all the talkers that don't match.
* Storage for talker code components.
TQString talklang, talkvoice, talkgender, talkvolume, talkrate, talkname;
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: BEFORE LANGUAGE SEARCH: " << matches.join(" ") << endl;;
* Language searching
if(root.hasAttribute("xml:lang")) {
TQString lang = root.attribute("xml:lang");
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: xml:lang found (" << lang << ")" << endl;
/// If it is set to en*, then match all english speakers. They all sound the same anyways.
if(lang.contains("en-")) {
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: English" << endl;
lang = "en";
/// Find all hits and place them in matches. We don't search for the closing " because if
/// the talker emits lang="en-UK" or something we'll be ignoring it, which we don't what.
matches = matches.grep("lang=\"" + lang);
else {
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: no xml:lang found. Defaulting to en.." << endl;
matches = matches.grep("lang=\"en");
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: AFTER LANGUAGE SEARCH: " << matches.join(" ") << endl;;
* Gender searching
* If, for example, male is specified and only female is found,
* ignore the choice and just use female.
if(root.hasAttribute("gender")) {
TQString gender = root.attribute("gender");
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: gender found (" << gender << ")" << endl;
/// If the gender found is not 'male' or 'female' then ignore it.
if(!(gender == "male" || gender == "female")) {
/// Make sure that we don't strip away all the talkers because of no matches.
if(matches.grep("gender=\"" + gender).count() >= 1)
matches = matches.grep("gender=\"" + gender);
else {
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: no gender found." << endl;
* Prosody
* Search for talkers that allow modification of the synth output - louder, higher,
* slower, etc. There should be a direct way to query each synth to find out if this
* is supported (some function in PlugInConf), but for now, hardcode all the way :(
/// Known to support (feel free to add to the list and if search):
/// Festival Int (not flite), Hadifix
if(matches.grep("synthesizer=\"Festival Interactive").count() >= 1 ||
matches.grep("synthesizer=\"Hadifix").count() >= 1) {
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: Prosody allowed" << endl;
TQStringList tmpmatches = matches.grep("synthesizer=\"Festival Interactive");
matches = matches.grep("synthesizer=\"Hadifix");
matches = tmpmatches + matches;
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::appropriateTalker: No prosody-supporting talkers found" << endl;
/// Return the first match that complies. Maybe a discrete way to
/// choose between all the matches could be offered in the future. Some form of preference.
return matches[0];
* Applies the spreadsheet for a talker to the SSML and returns the talker-native output.
* @param text The markup to apply the spreadsheet to.
* @param xsltFilename The name of the stylesheet file that will be applied (i.e freetts, flite).
* @returns False if an error occurs.
* This converts a piece of SSML into a format the given talker can understand. It applies
* an XSLT spreadsheet to the SSML and returns the output.
* Emits transformFinished signal when completed. Caller then calls getOutput to retrieve
* the transformed text.
bool SSMLConvert::transform(const TQString &text, const TQString &xsltFilename) {
m_xsltFilename = xsltFilename;
/// Write @param text to a temporary file.
KTempFile inFile(locateLocal("tmp", "kttsd-"), ".ssml");
m_inFilename = inFile.file()->name();
TQTextStream* wstream = inFile.textStream();
if (wstream == 0) {
/// wtf...
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::transform: Can't write to " << m_inFilename << endl;;
return false;
// TODO: Is encoding an issue here?
// TODO: It would be nice if we detected whether the XML is properly formed
// with the required xml processing instruction and encoding attribute. If
// not wrap it in such. But maybe this should be handled by SpeechData::setText()?
*wstream << text;
// Get a temporary output file name.
KTempFile outFile(locateLocal("tmp", "kttsd-"), ".output");
m_outFilename = outFile.file()->name();
// outFile.unlink(); // only activate this if necessary.
/// Spawn an xsltproc process to apply our stylesheet to our SSML file.
m_xsltProc = new KProcess;
*m_xsltProc << "xsltproc";
*m_xsltProc << "-o" << m_outFilename << "--novalid"
<< m_xsltFilename << m_inFilename;
// Warning: This won't compile under KDE 3.2. See FreeTTS::argsToStringList().
// kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::transform: executing command: " <<
// m_xsltProc->args() << endl;
connect(m_xsltProc, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess*)));
if (!m_xsltProc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::NoCommunication))
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::transform: Error starting xsltproc" << endl;
return false;
m_state = tsTransforming;
return true;
void SSMLConvert::slotProcessExited(KProcess* /*proc*/)
m_xsltProc = 0;
m_state = tsFinished;
emit transformFinished();
* Returns current processing state.
int SSMLConvert::getState() { return m_state; }
* Returns the output from call to transform.
TQString SSMLConvert::getOutput()
/// Read back the data that was written to /tmp/fileName.output.
TQFile readfile(m_outFilename);
if(! {
/// uhh yeah... Issues writing to the SSML file.
kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::slotProcessExited: Could not read file " << m_outFilename << endl;
return TQString();
TQTextStream rstream(&readfile);
TQString convertedData =;
// kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::slotProcessExited: Read SSML file at " + m_inFilename + " and created " + m_outFilename + " based on the stylesheet at " << m_xsltFilename << endl;
// Clean up.
m_inFilename = TQString();
m_outFilename = TQString();
// Ready for another transform.
m_state = tsIdle;
return convertedData;