You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

219 lines
8.7 KiB

#include "cmodule.h"
#include "lyrics.h"
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <tqvgroupbox.h>
#include <tqgrid.h>
#include <klistbox.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <kbuttonbox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
extern Lyrics *lyrics;
const char *const DEFAULT_NAME =
"Pure Lyrics,"
"Lyrics Planet,"
"Lyrics World,"
"Get Lyrics,"
"Google (Feeling Lucky),"
"Everything2 (author info)";
const char *const DEFAULT_QUERY =
LyricsCModule::LyricsCModule(TQObject *_parent) : CModule(i18n("Lyrics"), i18n("Configure Lyrics Plugin"), "document", _parent) {
/* Thanks to the kde-usability guys for the help designing this dialog!
* help to simon edwards of KGuardGod, for a big help designing it */
TQVBoxLayout *vlayout = new TQVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
TQHBoxLayout *hlayout = new TQHBoxLayout(vlayout, KDialog::spacingHint());
vlayout->setStretchFactor( hlayout, 1 );
// Search box
TQVBoxLayout *boxlayout = new TQVBoxLayout( hlayout, KDialog::spacingHint() );
boxlayout->addWidget( new TQLabel( i18n("Search providers:" ), this ) );
providersBox = new KListBox( this, "providersBox" );
boxButtons = new KButtonBox( this, Vertical );
boxButtons->addButton( i18n( "New Search Provider" ), this, TQT_SLOT( newSearch() ) );
boxButtons->addButton( i18n( "Delete Search Provider" ), this, TQT_SLOT( delSearch() ) );
boxButtons->addButton( i18n( "Move Up" ), this, TQT_SLOT( moveUpSearch() ) );
boxButtons->addButton( i18n( "Move Down" ), this, TQT_SLOT( moveDownSearch() ) );
boxlayout->addWidget( boxButtons );
// Edit box
TQGroupBox *propBox = new TQVGroupBox( i18n("Search Provider Properties" ), this );
TQGrid *editGrid = new TQGrid(2, propBox );
editGrid->setSpacing( propBox->insideSpacing() );
new TQLabel( i18n( "Name:" ), editGrid );
nameEdit = new KLineEdit( editGrid );
new TQLabel( i18n( "Query:" ), editGrid );
queryEdit = new KLineEdit( editGrid );
/* ATTENTION to translators:
* The property names can't be translated. This means that $(author) must be kept as $(author), $(title) as $(title), etc, or it won't work.*/
TQLabel *textLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("For your query, you can use any property of your multimedia item, just enclosing it with a $(property).\n\nSome common properties used are $(title), $(author) and $(album). For example, to search in Google for the author, title and track, just use:\n$(author)+$(title)+$(track)"), propBox, "textLabel");
hlayout->addWidget( propBox, 1 );
/* Signal/slots */
nameEdit->setEnabled( false );
queryEdit->setEnabled( false );
connect( providersBox, TQT_SIGNAL( highlighted( TQListBoxItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( selected( TQListBoxItem * ) ) );
connect( nameEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString &) ), this, TQT_SLOT( nameChanged( const TQString & ) ) );
connect( queryEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( queryChanged( const TQString & ) ) );
void LyricsCModule::newSearch(TQString name, TQString query) {
kdDebug(90020) << "New search" << endl;
SearchProvider s = { name, query };
mProviders.push_back( s );
providersBox->insertItem( name );
providersBox->setCurrentItem( providersBox->count()-1 );
nameEdit->setEnabled( true );
queryEdit->setEnabled( true );
//X if ( providersBox->count() == 1 )
//X providersBox->setCurrentItem( 0 );
void LyricsCModule::selected( TQListBoxItem *i ) {
kdDebug(90020) << "selected" << endl;
int index = providersBox->index( i );
if ( index < 0 )
if ( nameEdit->text() != mProviders[ index ].name )
nameEdit->setText( mProviders[ index ].name );
if ( queryEdit->text() != mProviders[ index ].url )
queryEdit->setText( mProviders[ index ].url );
void LyricsCModule::delSearch() {
if ( mProviders.size() == 1 ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "You must have at least one search provider. The current one will not be removed." ) );
int index = providersBox->currentItem();
TQValueVector<SearchProvider>::iterator it;
for ( it = mProviders.begin(); ( *it ).name != mProviders[ index ].name || ( *it ).url != mProviders[ index ].url; ++it );
mProviders.erase( it );
providersBox->removeItem( index );
providersBox->setSelected( providersBox->currentItem(), true );
void LyricsCModule::moveUpSearch() {
if ( providersBox->currentItem() <= 0 )
int index = providersBox->currentItem();
TQString name = mProviders[ index ].name;
TQString url = mProviders[ index ].url;
mProviders[ index ].name = mProviders[ index-1 ].name;
mProviders[ index ].url = mProviders[ index-1 ].url;
mProviders[ index-1 ].name = name;
mProviders[ index-1 ].url = url;
providersBox->changeItem( mProviders[ index-1 ].name, index-1 );
providersBox->changeItem( mProviders[ index ].name, index );
providersBox->setSelected( index-1, true );
void LyricsCModule::moveDownSearch() {
if ( static_cast<unsigned int>( providersBox->currentItem() ) >= providersBox->count()-1 )
int index = providersBox->currentItem();
TQString name = mProviders[ index ].name;
TQString url = mProviders[ index ].url;
mProviders[ index ].name = mProviders[ index+1 ].name;
mProviders[ index ].url = mProviders[ index+1 ].url;
mProviders[ index+1 ].name = name;
mProviders[ index+1 ].url = url;
providersBox->changeItem( mProviders[ index+1 ].name, index+1 );
providersBox->changeItem( mProviders[ index ].name, index );
providersBox->setSelected( index+1, true );
void LyricsCModule::nameChanged( const TQString &name ) {
kdDebug(90020) << "name changed" << endl;
if ( providersBox->currentItem() < 0 )
mProviders[ providersBox->currentItem() ].name = name;
if ( name != providersBox->text( providersBox->currentItem() ) )
providersBox->changeItem( name, providersBox->currentItem() );
void LyricsCModule::queryChanged( const TQString &query ) {
kdDebug(90020) << "query changed" << endl;
if ( providersBox->currentItem() < 0 )
mProviders[ providersBox->currentItem() ].url = query;
void LyricsCModule::save() {
KConfig *conf = KGlobal::config();
conf->setGroup( "Lyrics" );
TQStringList queryList, nameList;
TQValueVector<SearchProvider>::iterator it;
for ( it = mProviders.begin(); it != mProviders.end(); ++it ) {
kdDebug(90020) << "query:" << ( *it ).url << endl;
queryList += ( *it ).url;
nameList += ( *it ).name;
conf->writeEntry( "queryList", queryList );
conf->writeEntry( "nameList", nameList );
/* TODO */
// APPLY settings
if ( lyrics )
lyrics->setProviders( mProviders );
void LyricsCModule::reopen() {
TQStringList queryList, nameList;
KConfig *conf = KGlobal::config();
kdDebug(90020) << "config read" << endl;
conf->setGroup( "Lyrics" );
queryList = conf->readListEntry( "queryList" );
nameList = conf->readListEntry( "nameList" );
if ( queryList.count() == 0 && nameList.count() == 0 ) {
queryList = TQStringList::split( ",", DEFAULT_QUERY );
nameList = TQStringList::split( ",", DEFAULT_NAME );
TQStringList::Iterator queryIt, nameIt;
for ( queryIt = queryList.begin(), nameIt = nameList.begin(); queryIt != queryList.end() && nameIt != nameList.end(); ++queryIt, ++nameIt ) {
kdDebug(90020) << "Read:" << *queryIt << " and " << *nameIt << endl;
newSearch( *nameIt, *queryIt );
#include "cmodule.moc"