You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Code based on parser from KmPlot - a math. function plotter for the KDE-Desktop
* Original code
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Klaus-Dieter Möller
* 2000, 2002
* Modifications: 2004 Andrew Coles (
* This file is part of the KDE Project.
* KmPlot is part of the KDE-EDU Project.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
/** @file parser.h
* \brief Contains the parser core class Parser. */
// Qt includes
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qvaluevector.h>
#ifndef parser_included
#define parser_included
// Voreinstellungen bei Verwendung des Standardkonstruktors :
#define UFANZ 10 ///< max. count of user defined functions
#define MEMSIZE 200 ///< memory size for tokens
#define STACKSIZE 50 ///< stack depth
/** Token type. */
#define KONST 0 // double value follows
#define XWERT 1 // get x value
#define KWERT 2 // get function parameter
#define PUSH 3 // push value to stack
#define PLUS 4 // add
#define MINUS 5 // subtract
#define MULT 6 // multiply
#define DIV 7 // divide
#define POW 8 // exponentiate
#define NEG 9 // negate
#define FKT 10 // address to function followes
#define UFKT 11 // address to user defined function follows
#define ENDE 12 // end of function
#define YWERT 13 // get y value
#define FANZ 31 // number of mathematical functions in mfkttab[]
/** Predefined mathematical function. */
double sign(double x);
double sqr(double x);
double arsinh(double x);
double arcosh(double x);
double artanh(double x);
double sec(double x);
double cosec(double x);
double cot(double x);
double arcsec(double x);
double arccosec(double x);
double arccot(double x);
double sech(double x);
double cosech(double x);
double coth(double x);
double arsech(double x);
double arcosech(double x);
double arcoth(double x);
double lcos(double x);
double lsin(double x);
double ltan(double x);
double lcosh(double x);
double lsinh(double x);
double ltanh(double x);
double arccos(double x);
double arcsin(double x);
double arctan(double x);
class Constant
Constant( char c='A', double v=0)
constant = c;
value = v;
char constant;
double value;
/** @short Parser.
* Tokenizes a function equation to be evaluated.
class Parser
Parser(int, int, int);
/// Evaluates the given expression.
double eval(QString);
/// Evaluates the function with the given name at the position.
double fkt(QString, double);
/// Evaluates the function with the given index at the position.
double fkt(int ix, double x) {return ufkt[ix].fkt(x);}
/// Adds a user defined function with the given equation.
int addfkt(QString);
/// Removes the function with the given name.
int delfkt(QString);
/// Removes the function with the given index.
int delfkt(int);
/// Returns name and expression of the function with the given index.
int getfkt(int, QString&, QString&);
/// Checks, if at the given index a function is stored.
int chkfix(int);
/// Returns the index of the function with the given name.
int getfix(QString);
/// Returns the lowest index in the array of user defined functions which is empty,
/// or -1, if the array is full.
int getNextIndex();
/// Shows an error message box.
int errmsg();
/// ?
void setparameter(int ix, double k) {ufkt[ix].k=k;}
/// return the angletype
static double anglemode();
/// sets the angletype. TRUE is radians and FALSE degrees
void setAngleMode(int);
QValueVector<Constant> constant;
/// Error codes.
* The values have following meanings:
* \li 0 => parse success
* \li 1 => syntax error
* \li 2 => missing bracket
* \li 3 => function unknown
* \li 4 => function variable not valid
* \li 5 => too much functions
* \li 6 => memory overflow
* \li 7 => stack overflow
* \li 8 => function name allready used
* \li 9 => recursive function call
* \li 10 => didn't found the wanted constant
* \li 11 => emtpy function
int err,
errpos, ///< Position where the error occured.
ufanz; ///< Max. count of user defined functions.
/** User function. */
class Ufkt
double fkt(double); ///< User defined function.
unsigned char *mem; ///< Pointer to the allocated memory for the tokens.
unsigned char *mptr; ///< Pointer to the token.
QString fname; ///< Name of the function.
QString fvar; ///< Dummy variable.
QString fpar; ///< Parameter.
QString fstr; ///< Function expression.
int memsize; ///< Size of token memory
int stacksize; ///< Size of the stack.
double k, ///< Function parameter.
oldy; ///< The last y-value needed for Euler's method
*ufkt; ///< Points to the array of user defined functions.
/** Mathematical function. */
struct Mfkt
const char *mfstr;
double (*mfadr)(double);
static Mfkt mfkttab[FANZ];
void ps_init(int, int, int),
addtoken(unsigned char),
int match(const char*);
char evalflg, // 0 => String wird tokenisiert
// 1 => String wird direkt ausgewertet
*mem, // Zeiger auf Speicher fr Token
*mptr; // Zeiger fr Token
char *lptr; // Zeiger fr Funktions-String
int memsize, // Gr�e des Tokenspeichers
stacksize, // Gr�e des Stack
ixa; // Index der aktuellen Funktion
double *stack, // Zeiger auf Stackanfang
*stkptr; // Stackpointer
static double m_anglemode;
#endif // parser_included