You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1586 lines
40 KiB

// KDat - a tar-based DAT archiver
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Sean Vyain,
// Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Lawrence Widman,
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqstyle.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "Archive.h"
#include "BackupProfile.h"
#include "BackupProfileManager.h"
#include "ImageCache.h"
#include "KDatMainWindow.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include "Range.h"
#include "Tape.h"
#include "TapeManager.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include "Node.moc"
Node::Node( int type, const TQString & text, const TQPixmap& pixmap )
: KTreeViewItem( text, pixmap ),
_type( type )
void Node::insertNode( Node* child )
static Node* lastParent = 0;
static uint lastDirIndex = 0;
if ( lastParent != this ) {
// Recompute lastDirIndex.
for ( lastDirIndex = 0;
( lastDirIndex < childCount() ) && ( ((Node*)childAt( lastDirIndex ))->getType() == TapeDirectoryNodeType );
lastDirIndex++ );
lastParent = this;
int min, mid, max, smin, smax;
if ( ( child->getType() == TapeDirectoryNodeType ) || ( child->getType() == MountedTapeDirectoryNodeType ) ) {
min = 0;
max = lastDirIndex - 1;
} else {
min = lastDirIndex;
max = childCount() - 1;
if ( min > max ) min = max;
smin = min;
smax = max;
//printf( "min = %d, max = %d\n", min, max );
mid = min;
while ( min < max ) {
mid = ( max - min ) / 2 + min;
//mid = ( min + max ) / 2;
if ( child->getText().compare( childAt( mid )->getText() ) < 0 ) {
max = mid - 1;
} else {
min = mid + 1;
if ( childCount() ) {
mid -= 5;
if ( mid < smin ) mid = smin;
if ( ((Node*)childAt( mid ))->getType() != child->getType() ) mid++;
for ( ; ( mid <= smax ) && ( child->getText().compare( childAt( mid )->getText() ) > 0 ); mid++ );
//printf( "index = %d, text = '%s'\n", mid, child->getText().data() );
insertChild( mid, child );
} else {
//printf( "index = %d, text = '%s'\n", 0, child->getText().data() );
insertChild( 0, child );
int Node::getType()
return _type;
bool Node::isType( int type )
return type == NodeType;
void Node::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
void Node::expanded()
void Node::collapsed()
void Node::selected()
void Node::popupMenu( const TQPoint& )
TapeNode::TapeNode( Tape* tape )
: Node( TapeNodeType, tape->getName(), *ImageCache::instance()->getTape() ),
_tape( tape )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
Tape* TapeNode::getTape()
return _tape;
bool TapeNode::validate()
bool changed = _tape->getName() != getText();
if ( changed ) {
setText( _tape->getName() );
if ( ( childCount() == 0 ) && ( !isExpanded() ) ) {
return changed;
// Add/update existing archives.
TQPtrListIterator<Archive> i( _tape->getChildren() );
ArchiveNode* n;
for ( ; i.current(); ++i ) {
n = findArchiveNode( i.current() );
if ( n ) {
if ( n->validate() ) {
bool select = ( owner->getCurrentItem() == n );
removeChild( n );
insertNode( n );
if ( select ) {
owner->setCurrentItem( owner->itemRow( n ) );
} else {
insertNode( new ArchiveNode( i.current() ) );
// Remove deleted archives.
Archive* a;
for ( uint j = 0; j < childCount(); ) {
a = ((ArchiveNode*)childAt( j ))->getArchive();
for ( i.toFirst(); i.current(); ++i ) {
if ( i.current() == a ) {
if ( !i.current() ) {
removeChild( childAt( j ) );
} else {
return changed;
bool TapeNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == TapeNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
void TapeNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
// We already have the children added
TQPtrListIterator<Archive> f( _tape->getChildren() );
for ( ; f.current(); ++f ) {
insertNode( new ArchiveNode( f.current() ) );
void TapeNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showTapeInfo( _tape );
void TapeNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupTapeMenu( p );
ArchiveNode* TapeNode::findArchiveNode( Archive* archive )
ArchiveNode* n = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount(); i++ ) {
if ( ((ArchiveNode*)childAt( i ))->getArchive() == archive ) {
n = (ArchiveNode*)childAt( i );
return n;
ArchiveNode::ArchiveNode( Archive* archive )
: Node( ArchiveNodeType, archive->getName(), *ImageCache::instance()->getArchive() ),
_archive( archive )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
Archive* ArchiveNode::getArchive()
return _archive;
bool ArchiveNode::validate()
bool changed = _archive->getName() != getText();
if ( changed ) {
setText( _archive->getName() );
return changed;
bool ArchiveNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == ArchiveNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
void ArchiveNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
// We already have the children added.
TQPtrListIterator<File> f( _archive->getChildren() );
for ( ; f.current(); ++f ) {
if ( f.current()->getName()[f.current()->getName().length()-1] == '/' ) {
insertNode( new TapeDirectoryNode( f.current() ) );
} else {
insertNode( new TapeFileNode( f.current() ) );
void ArchiveNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showArchiveInfo( _archive );
void ArchiveNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupArchiveMenu( p );
TapeDirectoryNode::TapeDirectoryNode( File* file )
: Node( TapeDirectoryNodeType, "", *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() ),
_file( file )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
int len = _file->getName().length();
int idx1 = _file->getName().findRev( '/', len - 2 );
if ( idx1 < 0 ) {
setText( _file->getName().left( len - 1 ) );
} else {
setText( _file->getName().mid( idx1 + 1, len - idx1 - 2 ) );
File* TapeDirectoryNode::getFile()
return _file;
bool TapeDirectoryNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == TapeDirectoryNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
void TapeDirectoryNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
// We already have the children added.
TQPtrListIterator<File> f( _file->getChildren() );
for ( ; f.current(); ++f ) {
if ( f.current()->getName()[f.current()->getName().length()-1] == '/' ) {
insertNode( new TapeDirectoryNode( f.current() ) );
} else {
insertNode( new TapeFileNode( f.current() ) );
void TapeDirectoryNode::expanded()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderOpen() );
void TapeDirectoryNode::collapsed()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() );
void TapeDirectoryNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showTapeFileInfo( _file );
TapeFileNode::TapeFileNode( File* file )
: Node( TapeFileNodeType, file->getName(), *ImageCache::instance()->getFile() ),
_file( file )
int len = _file->getName().length();
int idx1 = _file->getName().findRev( '/', len - 1 );
if ( idx1 < 0 ) {
setText( _file->getName().left( len ) );
} else {
setText( _file->getName().mid( idx1 + 1, len - idx1 - 1 ) );
File* TapeFileNode::getFile()
return _file;
bool TapeFileNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == TapeFileNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
void TapeFileNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showTapeFileInfo( _file );
SelectableNode::SelectableNode( int type, const TQString & text, const TQPixmap& pixmap, int state )
: Node( type, text, pixmap ),
_state( state )
void SelectableNode::doUpdateState()
bool oneSelected = FALSE;
bool hasSelected = FALSE;
bool allSelected = TRUE;
for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount(); i++ ) {
switch ( ((SelectableNode*)childAt( i ))->_state ) {
case SelAll:
oneSelected = TRUE;
hasSelected = TRUE;
case SelSome:
hasSelected = TRUE;
allSelected = FALSE;
case SelNone:
allSelected = FALSE;
if ( allSelected ) {
_state = SelAll;
} else if ( oneSelected || hasSelected ) {
_state = SelSome;
} else {
_state = SelNone;
if ( ( getParent() ) && ( getParent()->getParent() ) && ( ((Node*)getParent())->isType( SelectableNodeType ) ) ) {
void SelectableNode::doSetSelected( bool select )
// All my children get the same selection state.
for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount(); i++ ) {
if ( select ) {
if ( !((SelectableNode*)childAt( i ))->isSelected() ) {
((SelectableNode*)childAt( i ))->doSetSelected( TRUE );
} else {
if ( ((SelectableNode*)childAt( i ))->isSelected() || ((SelectableNode*)childAt( i ))->hasSelectedChildren() ) {
((SelectableNode*)childAt( i ))->doSetSelected( FALSE );
if ( select ) {
_state = SelAll;
} else {
_state = SelNone;
const TQPixmap* SelectableNode::getSelectPixmap() const
switch ( _state ) {
case SelAll:
return ImageCache::instance()->getSelectAll();
case SelNone:
return ImageCache::instance()->getSelectNone();
case SelSome:
return ImageCache::instance()->getSelectSome();
return 0;
bool SelectableNode::mousePressEvent( const TQPoint& point )
if ( _selectRect.contains( point ) ) {
switch ( _state ) {
case SelAll:
setSelected( FALSE );
case SelNone:
setSelected( TRUE );
case SelSome:
setSelected( TRUE );
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
void SelectableNode::paint( TQPainter* p, int indent, const TQColorGroup& cg,
bool highlighted ) const
assert(getParent() != 0); /* can't paint root item */
int cellHeight = height(p->fontMetrics());
if (doTree) {
paintTree(p, indent, cellHeight);
* If this item has at least one child and expand button drawing is
* enabled, set the rect for the expand button for later mouse press
* bounds checking, and draw the button.
if (doExpandButton && (child || delayedExpanding)) {
paintExpandButton(p, indent, cellHeight);
const TQPixmap* pm = getSelectPixmap();
p->drawPixmap( indent, ( height() - pm->height() ) / 2, *pm );
_selectRect.setRect( indent, ( height() - pm->height() ) / 2, 12, 12 );
// now draw the item pixmap and text, if applicable
int pixmapX = indent + 4 + 12;
int pixmapY = (cellHeight - pixmap.height()) / 2;
p->drawPixmap(pixmapX, pixmapY, pixmap);
if (doText) {
paintText(p, indent, cellHeight, cg, highlighted);
void SelectableNode::paintText( TQPainter* p, int indent, int cellHeight,
const TQColorGroup& cg, bool highlighted ) const
int textX = indent + 12 + 4 + pixmap.width() + 4;
int textY = cellHeight - ((cellHeight - p->fontMetrics().ascent() -
p->fontMetrics().leading()) / 2);
if (highlighted) {
paintHighlight(p, indent, cg, owner->hasFocus(),
(Qt::GUIStyle)owner->style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_GUIStyle)); // Qt3 doesn't make this easy ;)
else {
p->drawText(textX, textY, text);
int SelectableNode::width( int indent, const TQFontMetrics& fm ) const
int maxWidth = pixmap.width();
maxWidth += (4 + 12 + 4 + fm.width(text));
return maxWidth == 0 ? -1 : indent + maxWidth + 3;
TQRect SelectableNode::textBoundingRect(int indent) const
const TQFontMetrics& fm = owner->fontMetrics();
int cellHeight = height(fm);
int rectX = indent + 12 + 4 + pixmap.width() + 3;
int rectY = (cellHeight - fm.ascent() - fm.leading()) / 2 + 2;
int rectW = fm.width(text) + 1;
int rectH = fm.ascent() + fm.leading();
return TQRect(rectX, rectY, rectW, rectH);
bool SelectableNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == SelectableNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
bool SelectableNode::isSelected()
return _state == SelAll;
bool SelectableNode::hasSelectedChildren()
return _state == SelAll || _state == SelSome;
void SelectableNode::setSelected( bool select )
doSetSelected( select );
if ( ( getParent() ) && ( getParent()->getParent() ) && ( ((Node*)getParent())->isType( SelectableNodeType ) ) ) {
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->configureUI( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape() );
RangeableNode::RangeableNode( int type, const TQString & text, const TQPixmap& pixmap, int state )
: SelectableNode( type, text, pixmap, state )
bool RangeableNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == RangeableNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return SelectableNode::isType( type );
MountedArchiveNode::MountedArchiveNode( Archive* archive )
: RangeableNode( MountedArchiveNodeType, archive->getName(), *ImageCache::instance()->getArchive(), SelNone ),
_archive( archive )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
Archive* MountedArchiveNode::getArchive()
return _archive;
const TQPtrList<Range>& MountedArchiveNode::getRanges()
return _archive->getRanges();
bool MountedArchiveNode::validate()
bool changed = _archive->getName() != getText();
if ( changed ) {
setText( _archive->getName() );
return changed;
void MountedArchiveNode::setSelected( bool select )
if ( select ) {
// Deselect all other archives.
Node* parent = (Node*)getParent();
for ( int i = parent->childCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( parent->childAt( i ) != this ) {
((SelectableNode*)parent->childAt( i ))->setSelected( FALSE );
SelectableNode::setSelected( select );
bool MountedArchiveNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == MountedArchiveNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return RangeableNode::isType( type );
void MountedArchiveNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
// We already have the children added.
TQPtrListIterator<File> f( _archive->getChildren() );
for ( ; f.current(); ++f ) {
if ( f.current()->getName()[f.current()->getName().length()-1] == '/' ) {
insertNode( new MountedTapeDirectoryNode( f.current(), _state == SelSome ? SelNone : _state ) );
} else {
insertNode( new MountedTapeFileNode( f.current(), _state == SelSome ? SelNone : _state ) );
void MountedArchiveNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showArchiveInfo( _archive );
void MountedArchiveNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupMountedArchiveMenu( p );
MountedTapeDirectoryNode::MountedTapeDirectoryNode( File* file, int state )
: RangeableNode( MountedTapeDirectoryNodeType, "", *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed(), state ),
_file( file )
assert( _file > (File*)0x1 );
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
int len = _file->getName().length();
int idx1 = _file->getName().findRev( '/', len - 2 );
if ( idx1 < 0 ) {
setText( _file->getName().left( len - 1 ) );
} else {
setText( _file->getName().mid( idx1 + 1, len - idx1 - 2 ) );
File* MountedTapeDirectoryNode::getFile()
return _file;
TQString MountedTapeDirectoryNode::getFullPath()
if ( _fullPath.length() == 0 ) {
_fullPath = getText() + "/";
for ( Node* parent = (Node*)getParent(); !parent->isType( MountedArchiveNodeType ); parent = (Node*)parent->getParent() ) {
_fullPath.prepend( "/" );
_fullPath.prepend( parent->getText() );
return _fullPath;
const TQPtrList<Range>& MountedTapeDirectoryNode::getRanges()
return _file->getRanges();
void MountedTapeDirectoryNode::setSelected( bool select )
if ( select ) {
// Deselect all other archives.
Node* parent = (Node*)getParent();
Node* arcNode = 0;
while ( !parent->isType( TapeDriveNodeType ) ) {
if ( parent->isType( MountedArchiveNodeType ) ) {
arcNode = parent;
parent = (Node*)parent->getParent();
for ( int i = parent->childCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( parent->childAt( i ) != arcNode ) {
((SelectableNode*)parent->childAt( i ))->setSelected( FALSE );
SelectableNode::setSelected( select );
bool MountedTapeDirectoryNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == MountedTapeDirectoryNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return RangeableNode::isType( type );
void MountedTapeDirectoryNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
// We already have the children added.
TQPtrListIterator<File> f( _file->getChildren() );
for ( ; f.current(); ++f ) {
if ( f.current()->getName()[f.current()->getName().length()-1] == '/' ) {
insertNode( new MountedTapeDirectoryNode( f.current(), _state == SelSome ? SelNone : _state ) );
} else {
insertNode( new MountedTapeFileNode( f.current(), _state == SelSome ? SelNone : _state ) );
void MountedTapeDirectoryNode::expanded()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderOpen() );
void MountedTapeDirectoryNode::collapsed()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() );
void MountedTapeDirectoryNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showTapeFileInfo( _file );
void MountedTapeDirectoryNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupMountedTapeFileMenu( p );
MountedTapeFileNode::MountedTapeFileNode( File* file, int state )
: RangeableNode( MountedTapeFileNodeType, file->getName(), *ImageCache::instance()->getFile(), state ),
_file( file )
int len = _file->getName().length();
int idx1 = _file->getName().findRev( '/', len - 1 );
if ( idx1 < 0 ) {
setText( _file->getName().left( len ) );
} else {
setText( _file->getName().mid( idx1 + 1, len - idx1 - 1 ) );
File* MountedTapeFileNode::getFile()
return _file;
TQString MountedTapeFileNode::getFullPath()
if ( _fullPath.length() == 0 ) {
_fullPath = getText();
for ( Node* parent = (Node*)getParent(); !parent->isType( MountedArchiveNodeType ); parent = (Node*)parent->getParent() ) {
_fullPath.prepend( "/" );
_fullPath.prepend( parent->getText() );
return _fullPath;
const TQPtrList<Range>& MountedTapeFileNode::getRanges()
return _file->getRanges();
void MountedTapeFileNode::setSelected( bool select )
if ( select ) {
// Deselect all other archives.
Node* parent = (Node*)getParent();
Node* arcNode = 0;
while ( !parent->isType( TapeDriveNodeType ) ) {
if ( parent->isType( MountedArchiveNodeType ) ) {
arcNode = parent;
parent = (Node*)parent->getParent();
for ( int i = parent->childCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( parent->childAt( i ) != arcNode ) {
((SelectableNode*)parent->childAt( i ))->setSelected( FALSE );
SelectableNode::setSelected( select );
bool MountedTapeFileNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == MountedTapeFileNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return RangeableNode::isType( type );
void MountedTapeFileNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showTapeFileInfo( _file );
void MountedTapeFileNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupMountedTapeFileMenu( p );
ArchiveableNode::ArchiveableNode( int type, const TQString & text, const TQPixmap& pixmap, int state )
: SelectableNode( type, text, pixmap, state )
bool ArchiveableNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == ArchiveableNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return SelectableNode::isType( type );
: ArchiveableNode( RootNodeType, "/", *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed(), SelNone ),
_mtime( -1 )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
TQString RootNode::getFullPath()
if ( _fullPath.length() == 0 ) {
_fullPath = "/";
return _fullPath;
bool RootNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == RootNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return ArchiveableNode::isType( type );
void RootNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
// If we already have some children, check to see if the directory has been modified.
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
struct stat statinfo;
if ( stat( "/", &statinfo ) < 0 ) {
printf( "Can't stat '/'\n" );
expand = FALSE;
if ( statinfo.st_mtime == _mtime ) {
// Directory has not been modified.
_mtime = statinfo.st_mtime;
// Remove all the children.
Node* n;
while ( ( n = (Node*)getChild() ) ) {
removeChild( n );
delete n;
} else {
struct stat statinfo;
if ( stat( "/", &statinfo ) < 0 ) {
printf( "Can't stat '/'\n" );
expand = FALSE;
_mtime = statinfo.st_mtime;
TQDir dir( "/" );
if ( dir.exists() ) {
// Make sure we can read the directory.
if ( !dir.isReadable() ) {
//KMsgBox::message( this, i18n( "KDat: Error" ), i18n( "The directory cannot be read." ), KMsgBox::EXCLAMATION );
// Fill in the child's children.
const QFileInfoList* list = dir.entryInfoList( TQDir::Hidden | TQDir::Files | TQDir::Dirs, TQDir::Name | TQDir::DirsFirst );
if ( list ) {
QFileInfoListIterator it( *list );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( ( it.current()->fileName() != "." ) && ( it.current()->fileName() != ".." ) ) {
if ( it.current()->isDir() ) {
appendChild( new DirectoryNode( it.current()->fileName(), _state == SelSome ? SelNone : _state ) );
} else {
appendChild( new FileNode( it.current()->fileName(), _state == SelSome ? SelNone : _state ) );
void RootNode::expanded()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderOpen() );
void RootNode::collapsed()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() );
void RootNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showFileInfo( "/" );
void RootNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupLocalFileMenu( p );
DirectoryNode::DirectoryNode( const TQString & text, int state )
: ArchiveableNode( DirectoryNodeType, text, *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed(), state ),
_mtime( -1 )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
TQString DirectoryNode::getFullPath()
if ( _fullPath.isEmpty() ) {
_fullPath = ((ArchiveableNode*)getParent())->getFullPath() + getText() + "/";
return _fullPath;
bool DirectoryNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == DirectoryNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return ArchiveableNode::isType( type );
void DirectoryNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
// Construct the full path.
TQString path;
Node* n;
for ( n = this; n->getType() != RootNodeType; n = (Node*)n->getParent() ) {
path.prepend( "/" );
path.prepend( n->getText() );
path.prepend( "/" );
// If we already have some children, check to see if the directory has been modified.
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
struct stat statinfo;
if ( stat( TQFile::encodeName(path), &statinfo ) < 0 ) {
kdError() << "Can't stat " << path << endl;
expand = FALSE;
if ( statinfo.st_mtime == _mtime ) {
// Directory has not been modified.
_mtime = statinfo.st_mtime;
// Remove all the children.
Node* n;
while ( ( n = (Node*)getChild() ) ) {
removeChild( n );
delete n;
} else {
struct stat statinfo;
if ( stat( TQFile::encodeName(path), &statinfo ) < 0 ) {
kdError() << "Can't stat " << path << endl;
expand = FALSE;
_mtime = statinfo.st_mtime;
TQDir dir( path );
if ( dir.exists() ) {
// Make sure we can read the directory.
if ( !dir.isReadable() ) {
//KMsgBox::message( this, i18n( "KDat: Error" ), i18n( "The directory cannot be read." ), KMsgBox::EXCLAMATION );
// Fill in the child's children.
const QFileInfoList* list = dir.entryInfoList( TQDir::Hidden | TQDir::Files | TQDir::Dirs, TQDir::Name | TQDir::DirsFirst );
if ( list ) {
QFileInfoListIterator it( *list );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( ( it.current()->fileName() != "." ) && ( it.current()->fileName() != ".." ) ) {
if ( it.current()->isDir() ) {
appendChild( new DirectoryNode( it.current()->fileName(), _state == SelSome ? SelNone : _state ) );
} else {
appendChild( new FileNode( it.current()->fileName(), _state == SelSome ? SelNone : _state ) );
void DirectoryNode::expanded()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderOpen() );
void DirectoryNode::collapsed()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() );
void DirectoryNode::selected()
// Construct the full path.
TQString path;
Node* n;
for ( n = this; n->getType() != RootNodeType; n = (Node*)n->getParent() ) {
path.prepend( "/" );
path.prepend( n->getText() );
path.prepend( "/" );
path = path.left( path.length() - 1 );
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showFileInfo( path );
void DirectoryNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupLocalFileMenu( p );
FileNode::FileNode( const TQString & text, int state )
: ArchiveableNode( FileNodeType, text, *ImageCache::instance()->getFile(), state )
TQString FileNode::getFullPath()
if ( _fullPath.isEmpty() ) {
_fullPath = ((ArchiveableNode*)getParent())->getFullPath() + getText();
return _fullPath;
bool FileNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == FileNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return ArchiveableNode::isType( type );
void FileNode::selected()
// Construct the full path.
TQString path;
Node* n;
for ( n = this; n->getType() != RootNodeType; n = (Node*)n->getParent() ) {
path.prepend( "/" );
path.prepend( n->getText() );
path.prepend( "/" );
path = path.left( path.length() - 1 );
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showFileInfo( path );
void FileNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupLocalFileMenu( p );
: Node( TapeDriveNodeType, i18n( "<no tape>" ), *ImageCache::instance()->getTapeUnmounted() )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
connect( TapeManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigTapeMounted() ) , this, TQT_SLOT( slotTapeMounted() ) );
connect( TapeManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigTapeUnmounted() ) , this, TQT_SLOT( slotTapeUnmounted() ) );
connect( TapeManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigTapeModified( Tape* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotTapeModified( Tape* ) ) );
bool TapeDriveNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == TapeDriveNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
void TapeDriveNode::expanding( bool expand )
if ( !TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape() ) {
expand = FALSE;
expand = TRUE;
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
// We already have the children added
TQPtrListIterator<Archive> f( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape()->getChildren() );
for ( ; f.current(); ++f ) {
insertNode( new MountedArchiveNode( f.current() ) );
void TapeDriveNode::selected()
if ( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape() ) {
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showTapeInfo( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape() );
} else {
void TapeDriveNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupTapeDriveMenu( p );
void TapeDriveNode::slotTapeMounted()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getTapeMounted() );
setText( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape()->getName() );
if ( this == owner->getCurrentItem() ) {
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showTapeInfo( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape() );
if ( isExpanded() ) {
bool dummy = TRUE;
expanding( dummy );
void TapeDriveNode::slotTapeUnmounted()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getTapeUnmounted() );
setText( i18n( "<no tape>" ) );
// Remove all the children.
Node* n;
while ( ( n = (Node*)getChild() ) ) {
Node::removeChild( n );
delete n;
if ( this == owner->getCurrentItem() ) {
void TapeDriveNode::slotTapeModified( Tape* tape )
if ( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape() != tape ) {
setText( tape->getName() );
if ( owner->getCurrentItem() == this ) {
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showTapeInfo( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape() );
if ( ( childCount() == 0 ) && ( !isExpanded() ) ) {
// Add/update existing archives.
TQPtrListIterator<Archive> i( tape->getChildren() );
MountedArchiveNode* n;
for ( ; i.current(); ++i ) {
n = findArchiveNode( i.current() );
if ( n ) {
if ( n->validate() ) {
bool select = ( owner->getCurrentItem() == n );
Node::removeChild( n );
insertNode( n );
if ( select ) {
owner->setCurrentItem( owner->itemRow( n ) );
} else {
insertNode( new MountedArchiveNode( i.current() ) );
// Remove deleted archives.
Archive* a;
for ( uint j = 0; j < childCount(); ) {
a = ((MountedArchiveNode*)childAt( j ))->getArchive();
for ( i.toFirst(); i.current(); ++i ) {
if ( i.current() == a ) {
if ( !i.current() ) {
Node::removeChild( childAt( j ) );
} else {
MountedArchiveNode* TapeDriveNode::findArchiveNode( Archive* archive )
MountedArchiveNode* n = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount(); i++ ) {
if ( ((MountedArchiveNode*)childAt( i ))->getArchive() == archive ) {
n = (MountedArchiveNode*)childAt( i );
return n;
: Node( TapeIndexRootNodeType, i18n( "Tape Indexes" ), *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
connect( TapeManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigTapeAdded( Tape* ) ) , this, TQT_SLOT( slotTapeAdded( Tape* ) ) );
connect( TapeManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigTapeRemoved( Tape* ) ) , this, TQT_SLOT( slotTapeRemoved( Tape* ) ) );
connect( TapeManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigTapeModified( Tape* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotTapeModified( Tape* ) ) );
bool TapeIndexRootNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == TapeIndexRootNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
void TapeIndexRootNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
TQStringList list = TapeManager::instance()->getTapeIDs();
TQStringList::Iterator i = list.begin();
for ( ; i != list.end(); ++i ) {
Tape* tape = TapeManager::instance()->findTape( *i );
if ( tape ) {
insertNode( new TapeNode( tape ) );
void TapeIndexRootNode::expanded()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderOpen() );
void TapeIndexRootNode::collapsed()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() );
void TapeIndexRootNode::slotTapeAdded( Tape* tape )
if ( ( childCount() > 0 ) || ( isExpanded() ) ) {
insertNode( new TapeNode( tape ) );
void TapeIndexRootNode::slotTapeRemoved( Tape* tape )
if ( ( childCount() > 0 ) || ( isExpanded() ) ) {
Node* n = findTapeNode( tape );
if ( n ) {
Node::removeChild( n );
delete n;
void TapeIndexRootNode::slotTapeModified( Tape* tape )
TapeNode* n = findTapeNode( tape );
if ( !n ) {
if ( n->validate() ) {
bool select = ( owner->getCurrentItem() == n );
Node::removeChild( n );
insertNode( n );
if ( select ) {
owner->setCurrentItem( owner->itemRow( n ) );
TapeNode* TapeIndexRootNode::findTapeNode( Tape* tape )
TapeNode* n = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount(); i++ ) {
n = (TapeNode*)childAt( i );
if ( n->getTape() == tape ) {
return n;
return 0;
BackupProfileNode::BackupProfileNode( BackupProfile* backupProfile )
: Node( BackupProfileNodeType, backupProfile->getName(), *ImageCache::instance()->getFile() ),
_backupProfile( backupProfile )
BackupProfile* BackupProfileNode::getBackupProfile()
return _backupProfile;
bool BackupProfileNode::validate()
bool changed = _backupProfile->getName() != getText();
if ( changed ) {
setText( _backupProfile->getName() );
return changed;
bool BackupProfileNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == BackupProfileNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
void BackupProfileNode::selected()
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->showBackupProfileInfo( _backupProfile );
void BackupProfileNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupBackupProfileMenu( p );
: Node( BackupProfileRootNodeType, i18n( "Backup Profiles" ), *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() )
setDelayedExpanding( TRUE );
connect( BackupProfileManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigBackupProfileAdded( BackupProfile* ) ) ,
this, TQT_SLOT( slotBackupProfileAdded( BackupProfile* ) ) );
connect( BackupProfileManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigBackupProfileRemoved( BackupProfile* ) ) ,
this, TQT_SLOT( slotBackupProfileRemoved( BackupProfile* ) ) );
connect( BackupProfileManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigBackupProfileModified( BackupProfile* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotBackupProfileModified( BackupProfile* ) ) );
void BackupProfileRootNode::setSelected( BackupProfile* pBackupProfile )
setExpanded( TRUE );
bool dummy = TRUE;
expanding( dummy );
BackupProfileNode* pNode = findBackupProfileNode( pBackupProfile );
if ( pNode ) {
owner->setCurrentItem( owner->itemRow( pNode ) );
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->configureUI( TapeManager::instance()->getMountedTape() );
bool BackupProfileRootNode::isType( int type )
if ( type == BackupProfileRootNodeType ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return Node::isType( type );
void BackupProfileRootNode::expanding( bool expand )
expand = TRUE;
if ( childCount() > 0 ) {
TQStringList list = BackupProfileManager::instance()->getBackupProfileNames();
TQStringList::Iterator i = list.begin();
for ( ; i != list.end(); ++i ) {
BackupProfile* backupProfile = BackupProfileManager::instance()->findBackupProfile( *i );
if ( backupProfile ) {
insertNode( new BackupProfileNode( backupProfile ) );
void BackupProfileRootNode::expanded()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderOpen() );
void BackupProfileRootNode::collapsed()
setPixmap( *ImageCache::instance()->getFolderClosed() );
void BackupProfileRootNode::popupMenu( const TQPoint& p )
KDatMainWindow::getInstance()->popupBackupProfileRootMenu( p );
void BackupProfileRootNode::slotBackupProfileAdded( BackupProfile* backupProfile )
if ( ( childCount() > 0 ) || ( isExpanded() ) ) {
insertNode( new BackupProfileNode( backupProfile ) );
void BackupProfileRootNode::slotBackupProfileRemoved( BackupProfile* backupProfile )
if ( ( childCount() > 0 ) || ( isExpanded() ) ) {
Node* n = findBackupProfileNode( backupProfile );
assert( n );
Node::removeChild( n );
delete n;
void BackupProfileRootNode::slotBackupProfileModified( BackupProfile* backupProfile )
BackupProfileNode* n = findBackupProfileNode( backupProfile );
if ( !n ) {
if ( n->validate() ) {
bool select = ( owner->getCurrentItem() == n );
Node::removeChild( n );
insertNode( n );
if ( select ) {
owner->setCurrentItem( owner->itemRow( n ) );
BackupProfileNode* BackupProfileRootNode::findBackupProfileNode( BackupProfile* backupProfile )
BackupProfileNode* n = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount(); i++ ) {
n = (BackupProfileNode*)childAt( i );
if ( n->getBackupProfile() == backupProfile ) {
return n;
return 0;