You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

330 lines
9.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1998 Denis Perchine <>
* Copyright (c) 2004 Szombathelyi György <>
* Former maintainer: Adriaan de Groot <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqvalidator.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "kglobal_.h"
#include "editGroup.h"
editGroup::editGroup(KU::KGroup *akg, bool samba, bool add,
TQWidget* parent, const char* name)
: KDialogBase(parent, name, true, i18n("Group Properties"), Ok | Cancel, Ok, true)
kg = akg;
mAdd = add;
mSamba = samba;
mOldName = kg->getName();
SID sid = kg->getSID();
ro = kug->getGroups().getCaps() & KU::KGroups::Cap_ReadOnly;
RID rid;
rid.rid = 512; = i18n("Domain Admins"); rid.desc = i18n("Admins"); mRids.append( rid );
rid.rid = 513; = i18n("Domain Users"); rid.desc = i18n("Users"); mRids.append( rid );
rid.rid = 514; = i18n("Domain Guests"); rid.desc = i18n("Guests"); mRids.append( rid );
TQFrame *page = makeMainWidget();
TQGridLayout *layout = new TQGridLayout( page, 10, 3, marginHint(), spacingHint() );
TQLabel *lb;
lb = new TQLabel( page );
lb->setText(i18n("Group number:"));
legid = new KLineEdit(page);
// ensure it fits at least 20 characters
legid->setText( "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" );
legid->setText( TQString::number(kg->getGID()) );
legid->setValidator( new TQIntValidator(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)) );
legid->setEnabled( mAdd );
legid->setReadOnly( ro );
lb->setBuddy( legid );
layout->addWidget( lb, 0, 0 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( legid, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
if ( mSamba ) {
lb = new TQLabel( page );
lb->setText(i18n("Group rid:"));
lerid = new KComboBox( page );
lerid->setEditable( !ro );
TQValueList<RID>::Iterator it;
for ( it = mRids.begin(); it != mRids.end(); ++it ) {
lerid->insertItem( TQString::number( (*it).rid ) + " - " + (*it).name );
lerid->setCurrentText( TQString::number( sid.getRID() ) );
lerid->setValidator (new TQIntValidator(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)) );
lerid->setEnabled( mAdd );
connect( lerid, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(ridSelected(int)) );
lb->setBuddy( lerid );
layout->addWidget( lb, 1, 0 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( lerid, 1, 1, 1, 2 );
lb = new TQLabel( page );
lb->setText(i18n("Group name:"));
legrpname = new KLineEdit( page );
// ensure it fits at least 20 characters
legrpname->setText( "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" );
legrpname->setText( kg->getName() );
legrpname->setReadOnly( ro );
lb->setBuddy( legrpname );
layout->addWidget( lb, 2, 0 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( legrpname, 2, 2, 1, 2 );
if ( mSamba ) {
lb = new TQLabel( page );
ledesc = new KLineEdit(page);
ledesc->setText( kg->getDesc() );
ledesc->setReadOnly( ro );
lb->setBuddy( ledesc );
layout->addWidget( lb, 3, 0 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( ledesc, 3, 3, 1, 2 );
lb = new TQLabel( page );
lb->setText(i18n("Display name:"));
ledispname = new KLineEdit(page);
ledispname->setText( kg->getDisplayName() );
ledispname->setReadOnly( ro );
lb->setBuddy( ledispname );
layout->addWidget( lb, 4, 0 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( ledispname, 4, 4, 1, 2 );
lb = new TQLabel( page );
letype = new KComboBox( page );
letype->insertItem( i18n("Domain") );
letype->insertItem( i18n("Local") );
letype->insertItem( i18n("Builtin") );
switch ( kg->getType() ) {
case 2:
letype->setCurrentItem( 0 );
case 4:
letype->setCurrentItem( 1 );
case 5:
letype->setCurrentItem( 2 );
lb->setBuddy( letype );
layout->addWidget( lb, 5, 0 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( letype, 5, 5, 1, 2 );
lb = new TQLabel( page );
lb->setText(i18n("Domain SID:"));
ledomsid = new KLineEdit(page);
ledomsid->setText( sid.getDOM() );
ledomsid->setReadOnly( ro );
lb->setBuddy( ledomsid );
layout->addWidget( lb, 6, 0 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( ledomsid, 6, 6, 1, 2 );
cbsamba = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Disable Samba group information"), page );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( cbsamba, 7, 7, 0, 2 );
connect( cbsamba, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ledesc, TQT_SLOT(setDisabled(bool)) );
connect( cbsamba, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ledispname, TQT_SLOT(setDisabled(bool)) );
connect( cbsamba, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), letype, TQT_SLOT(setDisabled(bool)) );
connect( cbsamba, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ledomsid, TQT_SLOT(setDisabled(bool)) );
if ( mAdd ) connect( cbsamba, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lerid, TQT_SLOT(setDisabled(bool)) );
if ( !mAdd ) cbsamba->setChecked( !( kg->getCaps() & KU::KGroup::Cap_Samba ) );
m_list_in = new TDEListView(page);
m_list_in->setFullWidth(true); // Single column, full widget width.
m_list_in->addColumn(i18n("Users in Group"));
m_list_in->setSelectionMode( TQListView::Extended );
layout->addWidget( m_list_in, 8, 0 );
TQVBox *vbox = new TQVBox(page);
TQPushButton *btadd = new TQPushButton(i18n("Add <-"), vbox);
TQPushButton *btdel = new TQPushButton(i18n("Remove ->"), vbox);
layout->addWidget( vbox, 8, 1 );
m_list_notin = new TDEListView(page);
m_list_notin->setFullWidth(true); // Single column, full widget width.
m_list_notin->addColumn(i18n("Users NOT in Group"));
layout->addWidget( m_list_notin, 8, 2 );
// TQString whatstr = i18n("Select the users that should be in this kg->");
// TQWhatsThis::add(m_list, whatstr);
// connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(okClicked(void)),
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<kug->getUsers().count(); i++) {
KU::KUser *user;
user = kug->getUsers()[i];
TQString userName = user->getName();
if ( kg->lookup_user(userName) || user->getGID() == kg->getGID() ) {
TDEListViewItem *item = new TDEListViewItem(m_list_in, userName);
if ( user->getGID() == kg->getGID() ) item->setSelectable( false );
} else {
new TDEListViewItem(m_list_notin, userName);
connect(btadd, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(addClicked()));
connect(btdel, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(delClicked()));
if ( ro ) {
btadd->setEnabled( false );
btdel->setEnabled( false );
void editGroup::ridSelected( int index )
lerid->setCurrentText( TQString::number( mRids[ index ].rid ) );
legrpname->setText( mRids[ index ].name );
ledesc->setText( mRids[ index ].desc );
ledispname->setText( mRids[ index ].name );
void editGroup::addClicked()
TQListViewItem *item, *next;
TQString name;
item = m_list_notin->firstChild();
while ( item ) {
next = item->nextSibling();
if ( item->isSelected() ) {
name = item->text( 0 );
delete item;
item = new TDEListViewItem( m_list_in, name );
item = next;
void editGroup::delClicked()
TQListViewItem *item, *next;
TQString name;
item = m_list_in->firstChild();
while ( item ) {
next = item->nextSibling();
if ( item->isSelected() ) {
name = item->text( 0 );
delete item;
item = new TDEListViewItem( m_list_notin, name );
item = next;
void editGroup::slotOk()
if ( ro ) {
SID sid;
TQString s;
s = legid->text();
if ( mSamba && !cbsamba->isChecked() ) {
sid.setDOM( ledomsid->text() );
sid.setRID( lerid->currentText() );
if ( legrpname->text().isEmpty() ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( 0,
i18n("You need to type a group name.") );
if ( legrpname->text() != mOldName &&
kug->getGroups().lookup( legrpname->text() ) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( 0,
i18n("Group with name %1 already exists.").arg(legrpname->text()) );
if ( mAdd ) {
if ( mSamba && !cbsamba->isChecked() && kug->getGroups().lookup_sam( sid ) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( 0,
i18n("Group with SID %1 already exists.").arg( sid.getSID() ) );
if (kug->getGroups().lookup(s.toInt())) {
KMessageBox::sorry( 0,
i18n("Group with gid %1 already exists.").arg(s.toInt()) );
if ( mSamba && !cbsamba->isChecked() ) {
kg->setCaps ( KU::KGroup::Cap_Samba );
kg->setSID( sid );
switch ( letype->currentItem() ) {
case 0:
kg->setType( 2 );
case 1:
kg->setType( 4 );
case 2:
kg->setType( 5 );
kg->setDesc( ledesc->text() );
kg->setDisplayName( ledispname->text() );
} else {
kg->setCaps( 0 );
kg->setSID( TQString() );
kg->setDesc( TQString() );
kg->setDisplayName( TQString() );
kg->setType( 0 );
TQListViewItem *item;
item = m_list_in->firstChild();
while ( item ) {
kg->addUser( item->text( 0 ) );
item = item->nextSibling();
#include "editGroup.moc"