You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

210 lines
5.4 KiB

// (c) 2000 Peter Putzer
#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqtextview.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqbuttongroup.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include "SpinBox.h"
#include "OldView.h"
#include "ksv_conf.h"
#include "ksv_core.h"
#include "Data.h"
#include "Properties.h"
KSVServicePropertiesDialog::KSVServicePropertiesDialog (KSVData& data, TQWidget* parent)
: KPropertiesDialog (KURL(data.filenameAndPath()),
parent, "KSVServicePropertiesDialog", true, false),
mData (data)
KSVServicesPage* page = new KSVServicesPage (data, this);
insertPlugin (page);
showPage (page->pageIndex ());
KSVServicePropertiesDialog::~KSVServicePropertiesDialog ()
KSVServicesPage::KSVServicesPage (KSVData& data, KPropertiesDialog* props)
: KPropsDlgPlugin (props),
mData (data),
mPage (props->addVBoxPage (i18n("&Service"))),
mIndex (props->pageIndex (mPage))
mPage->setSpacing (KDialog::spacingHint());
TQVBox* desc = new TQVBox (mPage);
desc->setSpacing (1);
TQLabel* label = new TQLabel(i18n("Description:"), desc);
label->setFixedHeight (label->tqsizeHint().height());
TQString text;
ksv::getServiceDescription (data.filename(), text);
mDesc = new TQTextView (TQString("<p>%1</p>").arg (text), TQString(), desc);
TQButtonGroup* buttons = new TQButtonGroup (1,Qt::Vertical, i18n ("Actions"), mPage);
TQPushButton* b = new TQPushButton (i18n ("&Edit"), buttons);
connect (b, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked()), props, TQT_SLOT (doEdit()));
TQFrame* spacer = new TQFrame (buttons);
spacer->setMinimumWidth (KDialog::spacingHint());
b = new TQPushButton (i18n ("&Start"), buttons);
connect (b, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked()), props, TQT_SLOT (doStart()));
b = new TQPushButton (i18n ("S&top"), buttons);
connect (b, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked()), props, TQT_SLOT (doStop()));
b = new TQPushButton (i18n ("&Restart"), buttons);
connect (b, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked()), props, TQT_SLOT (doRestart()));
KSVServicesPage::~KSVServicesPage ()
void KSVServicesPage::applyChanges ()
void KSVServicePropertiesDialog::doEdit ()
emit editService (mData.filenameAndPath ());
void KSVServicePropertiesDialog::doStart ()
emit startService (mData.filenameAndPath ());
void KSVServicePropertiesDialog::doStop ()
emit stopService (mData.filenameAndPath ());
void KSVServicePropertiesDialog::doRestart ()
emit restartService (mData.filenameAndPath ());
KSVEntryPropertiesDialog::KSVEntryPropertiesDialog (KSVData& data, TQWidget* parent)
: KPropertiesDialog (data.label(), parent, "KSVEntryPropertiesDialog", true),
mData (data)
KSVEntryPage* page1 = new KSVEntryPage (data, this);
insertPlugin (page1);
KSVServicesPage* page2 = new KSVServicesPage (data, this);
insertPlugin (page2);
KSVEntryPropertiesDialog::~KSVEntryPropertiesDialog ()
KSVEntryPage::KSVEntryPage (KSVData& data, KPropertiesDialog* props)
: KPropsDlgPlugin (props),
mData (data),
mPage (props->addPage (i18n("&Entry"))),
mIndex (props->pageIndex (mPage))
TQGridLayout* top = new TQGridLayout (mPage, 4, 2, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
TQLabel* labelLabel = new TQLabel (i18n ("&Name:"), mPage);
mLabelEdit = new KLineEdit (mPage);
mLabelEdit->setText (mData.label());
labelLabel->setBuddy (mLabelEdit);
TQLabel* serviceLabel = new TQLabel (i18n ("&Points to service:"), mPage);
mServiceEdit = new KLineEdit (mPage);
mServiceEdit->setCompletionObject (ksv::serviceCompletion(), true);
mServiceEdit->setText (mData.filename());
serviceLabel->setBuddy (mServiceEdit);
TQLabel* numberLabel = new TQLabel (i18n ("&Sorting number:"), mPage);
mNumberEdit = new KSVSpinBox (mPage);
mNumberEdit->setValue (mData.number());
numberLabel->setBuddy (mNumberEdit);
TQLabel* iconLabel = new TQLabel (mPage);
iconLabel->setPixmap (DesktopIcon ("ksysv", 48));
top->addWidget (labelLabel, 0, 0);
top->addWidget (mLabelEdit, 0, 1);
top->addWidget (serviceLabel, 1, 0);
top->addWidget (mServiceEdit, 1, 1);
top->addWidget (numberLabel, 2, 0);
top->addWidget (mNumberEdit, 2, 1);
top->addWidget (iconLabel, 3, 0);
connect (mServiceEdit, TQT_SIGNAL (textChanged (const TQString&)),
this, TQT_SLOT (emitChanged()));
connect (mLabelEdit, TQT_SIGNAL (textChanged (const TQString&)),
this, TQT_SLOT (emitChanged()));
connect (mNumberEdit, TQT_SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)),
this, TQT_SLOT (emitChanged()));
KSVEntryPage::~KSVEntryPage ()
void KSVEntryPage::applyChanges ()
if (mNumberEdit->value() != mData.number())
mData.setNumber (mNumberEdit->value());
if (mLabelEdit->text() != mData.label())
mData.setLabel (mLabelEdit->text());
if (mServiceEdit->text() != mData.filename())
mData.setFilename (mServiceEdit->text());
ksv::serviceCompletion ()->addItem (mData.filename());
void KSVEntryPage::emitChanged ()
emit changed();
void KSVEntryPropertiesDialog::doEdit ()
emit editService (mData.filenameAndPath ());
void KSVEntryPropertiesDialog::doStart ()
emit startService (mData.filenameAndPath ());
void KSVEntryPropertiesDialog::doStop ()
emit stopService (mData.filenameAndPath ());
void KSVEntryPropertiesDialog::doRestart ()
emit restartService (mData.filenameAndPath ());
#include "Properties.moc"