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knetworkconfigparser.h - description
begin : Mon Jan 13 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Juan Luis Baptiste
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#define BACKEND_PATH "knetworkconf/backends/network-conf"
#define ETHERNET_IFACE_TYPE "ethernet"
#define WIRELESS_IFACE_TYPE "wireless"
#define LOOPBACK_IFACE_TYPE "loopback"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <kapp.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqprocess.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <klistbox.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "knetworkinfo.h"
#include "kdetectdistrodlg.h"
#include "kreloadnetworkdlg.h"
#include "kinterfaceupdowndlg.h"
#include "kselectdistrodlg.h"
*@author Juan Luis Baptiste
class KNetworkConfigParser : public TQObject {
/** return tyhe number of configured devices. */
unsigned numDevices();
void setProgramVersion(TQString ver);
/** Reads /proc/net/route looking for the default gateway. */
void loadRoutingInfo(KRoutingInfo *routingInfo);
/** Saves the new network configuration. */
void saveNetworkInfo(KNetworkInfo *networkInfo);
/** Loads the network info from a xml file generated by the gnome system tools
network backends that are included with this app. */
KNetworkInfo * getNetworkInfo();
TQProcess * proc;
TQProcess * procDetect;
TQProcess * procSaveNetworkInfo;
/** Variable to know if there is an dhcp device configured, so we can know if we need to save the defauilt gw info or not. */
bool dhcpDevice;
KNetworkInterface * getDeviceInfo(TQString device);
public slots:
/** runs gst to find out the state of network devices.It runs the command:
$knetworkconf_home/backends/networkconf [--platform platform] -d list_ifaces */
void listIfaces(const TQString &platform);
private slots:
/** Runs the gst backend to get network values. You can pass to the script a specific platform to load using the platform parameter. */
void runDetectionScript(TQString platform);
void readIfconfigOutput();
void readNetworkInfo();
void readFromStdoutReloadScript();
/** emits a signal when the network changes have benn saved. */
void sendNetworkInfoSavedSignalSlot();
/** Concatenates into a TQString the xml output of the network backend. */
void concatXMLOutputSlot();
void readXMLErrSlot();
/** Shows the dialog with all the supported platforms by GST. */
void showSupportedPlatformsDialogSlot();
/** Parses the xml ouput generated by GST that has all the supported platforms. */
void readSupportedPlatformsSlot();
/** No descriptions */
void readListIfacesSlot();
void readFromStdoutSaveNetworkInfo();
/** Calls runDetectionScript(). */
void listIfacesSlot();
/** save process has exited */
void processExitedSlot();
//TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList;
TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> tempList;
KNetworkInterface *newDevice;
bool isUp;
/** Counts the number of configured devices that had been found. */
unsigned _numDevices;
KRoutingInfo *routingInfo;
KDNSInfo *dnsInfo;
TQString programVersion;
/** The output of ifconfig command that needs to be parsed in readIfconfigOutput()*/
TQString ifconfigOutput;
KNetworkInfo * networkInfo;
TQPtrList<KKnownHostInfo> knownHostsList;
TQString hexIPv4ToDecIPv4(const TQString &hex);
/** lists all platforms supported by GST. */
void loadSupportedPlatforms();
/** Returns the info of a platform in the form of 'key:value' . */
TQString getPlatformInfo(TQDomElement platform);
/** save process is running */
bool processRunning;
/** Shows a progress dialog while the networl is being reloaded. */
KInterfaceUpDownDlg * kpdReloadStatusDlg;
TQProcess *procReloadNetwork;
TQString reloadScriptOutput;
/** Contains the network configuration en xml format. */
/** List of supported platforms. */
TQStringList supportedPlatformsList;
TQString xmlOuput;
TQString xmlErr;
/** Temporal device list to be used when loading the dhcp devices info */
TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> tempDevList;
/** Parses all of the <statichost>...</statichost> entries in the xml configuration file. */
KKnownHostInfo * getStaticHostInfo(TQDomElement host);
/** Saves the option to show again or not the platform using KSimpleConfig*/
void saveAskAgain(const TQString &platform, bool askAgain);
/**Returns if the show platform should be shown again or not and the saved platform*/
bool readAskAgain(TQString &platform);
void parseNetworkInfo(TQDomNode node, KNetworkInfo *networkInfo, bool isProfile);
void addRoutingInfoToXMLDoc(TQDomDocument *doc, TQDomNode *root, KRoutingInfo *routingInfo);
void addDNSInfoToXMLDoc(TQDomDocument *doc, TQDomNode *root, KDNSInfo *dnsInfo);
void addNetworkInterfacesToXMLDoc(TQDomDocument *doc, TQDomNode *root, TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> devList);
void addNetworkProfilesToXMLDoc(TQDomDocument *doc, TQDomNode *root, TQPtrList<KNetworkInfo> profileList);
protected: // Protected methods
/** Parses all of the <interface>...</interface> entries in the xml configuration file. */
virtual KNetworkInterface *getInterfaceInfo(TQDomElement interface, const TQString &type);
/** Parses all of the <interface>...</interface> entries in the xml configuration file. Returns a KWirelessInterface
object that contains all the info of the wireless interface. */
virtual KWirelessInterface *getWirelessInterfaceInfo(TQDomElement interface, const TQString &type);
signals: // Signals
/** emmited when the xml file is finished reading. */
void readyLoadingNetworkInfo();
/** emmited when the xml file saved and the backend has finished executing. */
// void readySavingNetworkInfo();
/** Signal that is sent when fillDevices() has finished fllind the dhcp devices. */
void readyIfconfigOutputSignal();
/** Signal emmited when the platform can't be auto-detected. */
void errorDetectingPlatform();
/** signal emmited when the parsing of the xml of the supported platform list. */
void readyLoadingSupportedPlatforms();
/** signal emmited when the config parser needs to set read only the GUI because
some error in the parsing, or the platform isn't supported.*/
void setReadOnly(bool);