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339 lines
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339 lines
7.3 KiB
** Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Toivo Pedaste <>
** This is the main widget for kpackage
** The whole widget is a DND drop zone where users can drop packages to
** be installed.
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
** MA 02110-1301, USA.
** Bug reports and questions can be sent to
#ifndef KPACKAGE_H
#define KPACKAGE_H
#include "../config.h"
// KDE headers
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <kpPty.h>
class KFileDialog;
class KProgress;
class TQFrame;
class KConfig;
class TQLabel;
class Search;
class FindF;
class Options;
class pkgInterface;
class managementWidget;
class KAccel;
class TQDropEevnt;
class KRecentFilesAction;
class KAction;
class kpRun;
#define kpinterfaceN 7
class KPACKAGE : public TQWidget
///////////// METHODS ------------------------------------------------------
KPACKAGE(KConfig *_config, TQWidget *parent);
// Constructor
// Destructor
enum { OPEN_READWRITE = 1,
void setStatus(const TQString &s);
// this sets the status bar's string to s
void setPercent(int x);
// this set the status bar's progress to x
TQString getStatus();
// this gets the current status string on the status bar
// void setMode(int newmode, pkgInterface *type, int refresh);
// This sets the mode to newmode and updates the display accordingly.
void setup();
pkgInterface *pkType(const TQString &fname);
// find type of package
int typeIndex(pkgInterface *);
// convert interface pointer to index
void openNetFiles(const TQStringList &urls, bool install=TRUE);
void openNetFile(const KURL & url, bool install=TRUE);
// open a file given a URL
TQString fetchNetFile(const KURL & url);
// fetch a file given a URL
static TQString getFileName(const KURL & url, TQString &cacheName);
// return file name, if not local file cachename is name for cache entry
static bool isFileLocal( const KURL & url );
// true if URL refers to local or cached file
void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *re);
// This is called when the widget is resized
void dropEvent(TQDropEvent *);
// This is called when a URL has been dropped in the drop zone
void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent* e);
void setupModeWidgets();
// This sets up the mode widgets (ie management/installation widgets)
void destroyModeWidgets();
// This deletes the mode widgets (ie management/installation widgets)
void setupStatusBar();
// This sets up the status bar
void arrangeWidgets();
// This arranges the widgets in the window (should be called after a
// resize event)
KFileDialog* getFileDialog(const TQString &captiontext);
///////////// SLOTS --------------------------------------------------------
public slots:
// void modeFinished(int mode, pkgInterface *interface, int refresh);
// This is called when the mode `mode' has finished. KPACKAGE should
// then change modes appropriately
void fileOpen();
// This is called when File->Open is selected from the menu
void clearMarked();
// clear package Marks
void markAll();
// mark all packages in the selected view
void expandTree();
void collapseTree();
// expand and collapse file tree
void fileOpenUrl();
// menu item FIle->OpenUrl
void find();
// search for package
void findf();
// search for file in package
void fileQuit();
// This is called when File->Quit is selected from the menu
void cleanUp();
// Cleanup for Exit
void reload();
// reload file package infomation
///////////// SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------
///////////// DATA ---------------------------------------------------------
enum { Management, Installation } ;
// Widget modes
KConfig *config;
// pointer to kconfig object
managementWidget *management;
// management widget
KURL save_url;
// save the URL entered
FindF *findialog;
// find file dialog
int mode;
// Widget mode
// Menu item identifiers
TQFrame *statusbar;
// the status bar
KProgress *processProgress;
// Progress bar for showing progress
TQLabel *status;
// The actual status
KFileDialog *file_dialog;
/// If we load a file from the net this is the corresponding URL
Search *srchdialog;
// find package dialog
class KPKG : public KMainWindow
enum { Tback = 1,
Tforward = 2,
Tfileopen = 3,
Tftout = 4,
Tftin = 5,
Tfind = 6,
Tfindf = 7,
Treload = 8
KPKG(KConfig *_config);
// Constructor
void add_recent_file(const TQString &newfile);
// keep list of files accessed
void writeSettings();
// write config settings
void saveProperties(KConfig *config);
void readProperties(KConfig *config);
// save and read restart sstate
void disableMenu();
void enableMenu();
// enable/deisable menu elements
bool prop_restart;
// indicates a restart from saved state
Options *optiondialog;
// Options dialog
KConfig *config ;
// Saved config information
void disableNext();
void enableNext();
void disablePrevious();
void enablePrevious();
// Control next and previous commands
void setupMenu();
// This sets up the menubar
TQStrList recent_files;
KAction *pack_open;
KAction *pack_find;
KAction *pack_findf;
KAction *kpack_reload;
KAction *pack_prev;
KAction *pack_next;
KAction *pack_install;
KAction *pack_uninstall;
int toolID, selectID;
// refrences to toolbar and menu items
bool hide_toolbar;
// don't display toolbar
KRecentFilesAction *recent;
public slots:
void openRecent(const KURL& url);
// opens file from list of recently opened ones
void setOptions();
// set options
void saveSettings();
// save config
void configureToolBars();
void clearPCache();
// Clear package cache
void clearDCache();
// Clear directory cache
private slots:
void slotNewToolbarConfig();
bool queryClose ();
extern KPKG *kpkg;
extern KPACKAGE *kpackage;
extern kpPty *kpty;
extern kpRun *kprun;
extern kpRun *kpstart;
extern TQString hostName;
extern pkgInterface *kpinterface[];
void KpMsg(const TQString &lab, const TQString &msg, bool stop);
void KpMsgE(const TQString &msg, bool stop = FALSE);