@ -1668,13 +1668,16 @@ void LockProcess::cleanupPopup()
void LockProcess::doFunctionKeyBroadcast() {
// Provide a clean, pretty display switch by hiding the password dialog here
TQTimer::singleShot(1000, this, TQT_SLOT(slotDeadTimePassed()));
if (mkeyCode == XKeysymToKeycode(qt_xdisplay(), XF86XK_Display)) {
while (mDialogControlLock == true) sleep(1);
mDialogControlLock = true;
mDialogControlLock = false;
// This does NOT work with the SAK or system modal dialogs!
if ((!trinity_desktop_lock_use_system_modal_dialogs) && (!trinity_desktop_lock_use_sak)) {
TQTimer::singleShot(1000, this, TQT_SLOT(slotDeadTimePassed()));
if (mkeyCode == XKeysymToKeycode(qt_xdisplay(), XF86XK_Display)) {
while (mDialogControlLock == true) sleep(1);
mDialogControlLock = true;
currentDialog->close(); // DO NOT use closeCurrentWindow() here!
mDialogControlLock = false;
setCursor( tqblankCursor );