You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

981 lines
32 KiB

// KDE Display color scheme setup module
// Copyright (c) Mark Donohoe 1997
// Converted to a kcc module by Matthias Hoelzer 1997
// Ported to Qt-2.0 by Matthias Ettrich 1999
// Ported to kcontrol2 by Geert Jansen 1999
// Made maintainable by Waldo Bastian 2000
#include <assert.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqslider.h>
#include <tqvgroupbox.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <kcursor.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <kipc.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#if defined Q_WS_X11 && !defined K_WS_QTONLY
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include "../krdb/krdb.h"
#include "colorscm.h"
/**** DLL Interface ****/
typedef KGenericFactory<KColorScheme , TQWidget> KolorFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( kcm_colors, KolorFactory("kcmcolors") )
class KColorSchemeEntry {
KColorSchemeEntry(const TQString &_path, const TQString &_name, bool _local)
: path(_path), name(_name), local(_local) { }
TQString path;
TQString name;
bool local;
class KColorSchemeList : public TQPtrList<KColorSchemeEntry> {
{ setAutoDelete(true); }
int compareItems(TQPtrCollection::Item item1, TQPtrCollection::Item item2)
KColorSchemeEntry *i1 = (KColorSchemeEntry*)item1;
KColorSchemeEntry *i2 = (KColorSchemeEntry*)item2;
if (i1->local != i2->local)
return i1->local ? -1 : 1;
return i1->name.localeAwareCompare(i2->name);
#define SIZE 8
// make a 24 * 8 pixmap with the main colors in a scheme
TQPixmap mkColorPreview(const WidgetCanvas *cs)
TQPixmap group(SIZE*3,SIZE);
TQPixmap block(SIZE,SIZE);
block.fill(cs->back); bitBlt(&group,0*SIZE,0,&block,0,0,SIZE,SIZE);
block.fill(cs->window); bitBlt(&group,1*SIZE,0,&block,0,0,SIZE,SIZE);
block.fill(cs->aTitle); bitBlt(&group,2*SIZE,0,&block,0,0,SIZE,SIZE);
TQPainter p(&group);
return group;
/**** KColorScheme ****/
KColorScheme::KColorScheme(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &)
: KCModule(KolorFactory::instance(), parent, name)
nSysSchemes = 2;
setQuickHelp( i18n("<h1>Colors</h1> This module allows you to choose"
" the color scheme used for the KDE desktop. The different"
" elements of the desktop, such as title bars, menu text, etc.,"
" are called \"widgets\". You can choose the widget whose"
" color you want to change by selecting it from a list, or by"
" clicking on a graphical representation of the desktop.<p>"
" You can save color settings as complete color schemes,"
" which can also be modified or deleted. KDE comes with several"
" predefined color schemes on which you can base your own.<p>"
" All KDE applications will obey the selected color scheme."
" Non-KDE applications may also obey some or all of the color"
" settings, if this option is enabled."));
KConfig *cfg = new KConfig("kcmdisplayrc");
useRM = cfg->readBoolEntry("useResourceManager", true);
delete cfg;
cs = new WidgetCanvas( this );
cs->setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() );
TQGridLayout *topLayout = new TQGridLayout( this, 3, 2, 0,
KDialog::spacingHint() );
TQWhatsThis::add( cs, i18n("This is a preview of the color settings which"
" will be applied if you click \"Apply\" or \"OK\". You can click on"
" different parts of this preview image. The widget name in the"
" \"Widget color\" box will change to reflect the part of the preview"
" image you clicked.") );
connect( cs, TQT_SIGNAL( widgetSelected( int ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotWidgetColor( int ) ) );
connect( cs, TQT_SIGNAL( colorDropped( int, const TQColor&)),
TQT_SLOT( slotColorForWidget( int, const TQColor&)));
topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( cs, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
TQGroupBox *group = new TQVGroupBox( i18n("Color Scheme"), this );
topLayout->addWidget( group, 1, 0 );
sList = new KListBox( group );
mSchemeList = new KColorSchemeList();
sList->setCurrentItem( 0 );
connect(sList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPreviewScheme(int)));
TQWhatsThis::add( sList, i18n("This is a list of predefined color schemes,"
" including any that you may have created. You can preview an existing"
" color scheme by selecting it from the list. The current scheme will"
" be tqreplaced by the selected color scheme.<p>"
" Warning: if you have not yet applied any changes you may have made"
" to the current scheme, those changes will be lost if you select"
" another color scheme.") );
addBt = new TQPushButton(i18n("&Save Scheme..."), group);
connect(addBt, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotAdd()));
TQWhatsThis::add( addBt, i18n("Press this button if you want to save"
" the current color settings as a color scheme. You will be"
" prompted for a name.") );
removeBt = new TQPushButton(i18n("R&emove Scheme"), group);
connect(removeBt, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotRemove()));
TQWhatsThis::add( removeBt, i18n("Press this button to remove the selected"
" color scheme. Note that this button is disabled if you do not have"
" permission to delete the color scheme.") );
importBt = new TQPushButton(i18n("I&mport Scheme..."), group);
connect(importBt, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),TQT_SLOT(slotImport()));
TQWhatsThis::add( importBt, i18n("Press this button to import a new color"
" scheme. Note that the color scheme will only be available for the"
" current user." ));
TQBoxLayout *stackLayout = new TQVBoxLayout;
topLayout->addLayout(stackLayout, 1, 1);
group = new TQGroupBox(i18n("&Widget Color"), this);
TQBoxLayout *groupLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(group, 10);
wcCombo = new TQComboBox(false, group);
for(int i=0; i < CSM_LAST;i++)
setColorName(i18n("Inactive Title Bar") , CSM_Inactive_title_bar);
setColorName(i18n("Inactive Title Text"), CSM_Inactive_title_text);
setColorName(i18n("Inactive Title Blend"), CSM_Inactive_title_blend);
setColorName(i18n("Active Title Bar"), CSM_Active_title_bar);
setColorName(i18n("Active Title Text"), CSM_Active_title_text);
setColorName(i18n("Active Title Blend"), CSM_Active_title_blend);
setColorName(i18n("Window Background"), CSM_Background);
setColorName(i18n("Window Text"), CSM_Text);
setColorName(i18n("Selected Background"), CSM_Select_background);
setColorName(i18n("Selected Text"), CSM_Select_text);
setColorName(i18n("Standard Background"), CSM_Standard_background);
setColorName(i18n("Standard Text"), CSM_Standard_text);
setColorName(i18n("Button Background"), CSM_Button_background);
setColorName(i18n("Button Text"), CSM_Button_text);
setColorName(i18n("Active Title Button"), CSM_Active_title_button);
setColorName(i18n("Inactive Title Button"), CSM_Inactive_title_button);
setColorName(i18n("Active Window Frame"), CSM_Active_frame);
setColorName(i18n("Active Window Handle"), CSM_Active_handle);
setColorName(i18n("Inactive Window Frame"), CSM_Inactive_frame);
setColorName(i18n("Inactive Window Handle"), CSM_Inactive_handle);
setColorName(i18n("Link"), CSM_Link);
setColorName(i18n("Followed Link"), CSM_Followed_Link);
setColorName(i18n("Alternate Background in Lists"), CSM_Alternate_background);
connect(wcCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotWidgetColor(int)));
TQWhatsThis::add( wcCombo, i18n("Click here to select an element of"
" the KDE desktop whose color you want to change. You may either"
" choose the \"widget\" here, or click on the corresponding part"
" of the preview image above.") );
colorButton = new KColorButton( group );
connect( colorButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed(const TQColor &)),
TQT_SLOT(slotSelectColor(const TQColor &)));
groupLayout->addWidget( colorButton );
TQWhatsThis::add( colorButton, i18n("Click here to bring up a dialog"
" box where you can choose a color for the \"widget\" selected"
" in the above list.") );
cbShadeList = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Shade sorted column in lists"), this);
connect(cbShadeList, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotShadeSortColumnChanged(bool)));
i18n("Check this box to show the sorted column in a list with a shaded background"));
group = new TQGroupBox( i18n("Con&trast"), this );
TQVBoxLayout *groupLayout2 = new TQVBoxLayout(group, 10);
groupLayout = new TQHBoxLayout;
sb = new TQSlider( TQSlider::Horizontal,group,"Slider" );
sb->setRange( 0, 10 );
sb->setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::StrongFocus );
connect(sb, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(sliderValueChanged(int)));
TQWhatsThis::add(sb, i18n("Use this slider to change the contrast level"
" of the current color scheme. Contrast does not affect all of the"
" colors, only the edges of 3D objects."));
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel(sb, i18n("Low Contrast", "Low"), group);
groupLayout->addWidget(sb, 10);
label = new TQLabel(group);
label->setText(i18n("High Contrast", "High"));
groupLayout->addWidget( label );
cbExportColors = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Apply colors to &non-KDE applications"), this);
topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( cbExportColors, 2, 2, 0, 1 );
connect(cbExportColors, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(changed()));
TQWhatsThis::add(cbExportColors, i18n("Check this box to apply the"
" current color scheme to non-KDE applications."));
KAboutData* about = new KAboutData("kcmcolors", I18N_NOOP("Colors"), 0, 0,
I18N_NOOP("(c) 1997-2005 Colors Developers"), 0, 0);
about->addAuthor("Mark Donohoe", 0, 0);
about->addAuthor("Matthias Hoelzer", 0, 0);
about->addAuthor("Matthias Ettrich", 0, 0);
about->addAuthor("Geert Jansen", 0, 0);
about->addAuthor("Waldo Bastian", 0, 0);
setAboutData( about );
delete mSchemeList;
void KColorScheme::setColorName( const TQString &name, int id )
wcCombo->changeItem(name, id);
cs->addToolTip( id, name );
void KColorScheme::load()
load( false );
void KColorScheme::load( bool useDefaults )
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
config->setReadDefaults( useDefaults );
sCurrentScheme = config->readEntry("colorScheme");
KConfig cfg("kcmdisplayrc", true, false);
bool exportColors = cfg.readBoolEntry("exportKDEColors", true);
emit changed( useDefaults );
void KColorScheme::save()
KConfig *cfg = KGlobal::config();
cfg->setGroup( "General" );
cfg->writeEntry("background", cs->back, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("selectBackground", cs->select, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("foreground", cs->txt, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("windowForeground", cs->windowTxt, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("windowBackground", cs->window, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("selectForeground", cs->selectTxt, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("buttonBackground", cs->button, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("buttonForeground", cs->buttonTxt, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("linkColor", cs->link, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("visitedLinkColor", cs->visitedLink, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("alternateBackground", cs->alternateBackground, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("shadeSortColumn", cs->shadeSortColumn, true, true);
cfg->setGroup( "WM" );
cfg->writeEntry("activeForeground", cs->aTxt, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("inactiveBackground", cs->iaTitle, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("inactiveBlend", cs->iaBlend, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("activeBackground", cs->aTitle, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("activeBlend", cs->aBlend, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("inactiveForeground", cs->iaTxt, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("activeTitleBtnBg", cs->aTitleBtn, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("inactiveTitleBtnBg", cs->iTitleBtn, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("frame", cs->aFrame, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("inactiveFrame", cs->iaFrame, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("handle", cs->aHandle, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("inactiveHandle", cs->iaHandle, true, true);
cfg->setGroup( "KDE" );
cfg->writeEntry("contrast", cs->contrast, true, true);
cfg->writeEntry("colorScheme", sCurrentScheme, true, true);
// KDE-1.x support
KSimpleConfig *config =
new KSimpleConfig( TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kderc" );
config->setGroup( "General" );
config->writeEntry("background", cs->back );
config->writeEntry("selectBackground", cs->select );
config->writeEntry("foreground", cs->txt, true, true);
config->writeEntry("windowForeground", cs->windowTxt );
config->writeEntry("windowBackground", cs->window );
config->writeEntry("selectForeground", cs->selectTxt );
delete config;
KConfig cfg2("kcmdisplayrc", false, false);
bool exportColors = cbExportColors->isChecked();
cfg2.writeEntry("exportKDEColors", exportColors);
// Notify all qt-only apps of the KDE palette changes
uint flags = KRdbExportQtColors;
if ( exportColors )
flags |= KRdbExportColors;
#if defined Q_WS_X11 && !defined K_WS_QTONLY
// Undo the property xrdb has placed on the root window (if any),
// i.e. remove all entries, including ours
XDeleteProperty( qt_xdisplay(), qt_xrootwin(), XA_RESOURCE_MANAGER );
runRdb( flags ); // Save the palette to qtrc for KStyles
// Notify all KDE applications
// Update the "Current Scheme"
int current = findSchemeByName(sCurrentScheme);
TQPixmap preview = mkColorPreview(cs);
sList->changeItem(preview, sList->text(0), 0);
preview = mkColorPreview(cs);
sList->changeItem(preview, sList->text(current), current);
emit changed(false);
void KColorScheme::defaults()
load( true );
void KColorScheme::sliderValueChanged( int val )
cs->contrast = val;
sCurrentScheme = TQString::null;
emit changed(true);
void KColorScheme::slotSave( )
KColorSchemeEntry *entry = mSchemeList->at(sList->currentItem()-nSysSchemes);
if (!entry) return;
sCurrentScheme = entry->path;
KSimpleConfig *config = new KSimpleConfig(sCurrentScheme );
int i = sCurrentScheme.findRev('/');
if (i >= 0)
sCurrentScheme = sCurrentScheme.mid(i+1);
config->setGroup("Color Scheme" );
config->writeEntry("background", cs->back );
config->writeEntry("selectBackground", cs->select );
config->writeEntry("foreground", cs->txt );
config->writeEntry("activeForeground", cs->aTxt );
config->writeEntry("inactiveBackground", cs->iaTitle );
config->writeEntry("inactiveBlend", cs->iaBlend );
config->writeEntry("activeBackground", cs->aTitle );
config->writeEntry("activeBlend", cs->aBlend );
config->writeEntry("inactiveForeground", cs->iaTxt );
config->writeEntry("windowForeground", cs->windowTxt );
config->writeEntry("windowBackground", cs->window );
config->writeEntry("selectForeground", cs->selectTxt );
config->writeEntry("contrast", cs->contrast );
config->writeEntry("buttonForeground", cs->buttonTxt );
config->writeEntry("buttonBackground", cs->button );
config->writeEntry("activeTitleBtnBg", cs->aTitleBtn);
config->writeEntry("inactiveTitleBtnBg", cs->iTitleBtn);
config->writeEntry("frame", cs->aFrame);
config->writeEntry("inactiveFrame", cs->iaFrame);
config->writeEntry("handle", cs->aHandle);
config->writeEntry("inactiveHandle", cs->iaHandle);
config->writeEntry("linkColor", cs->link);
config->writeEntry("visitedLinkColor", cs->visitedLink);
config->writeEntry("alternateBackground", cs->alternateBackground);
config->writeEntry("shadeSortColumn", cs->shadeSortColumn);
delete config;
void KColorScheme::slotRemove()
uint ind = sList->currentItem();
KColorSchemeEntry *entry = mSchemeList->at(ind-nSysSchemes);
if (!entry) return;
if (unlink(TQFile::encodeName(entry->path).data())) {
KMessageBox::error( 0,
i18n("This color scheme could not be removed.\n"
"Perhaps you do not have permission to alter the file"
"system where the color scheme is stored." ));
ind = sList->currentItem();
entry = mSchemeList->at(ind-nSysSchemes);
if (!entry) return;
removeBt->setEnabled(entry ? entry->local : false);
* Add a local color scheme.
void KColorScheme::slotAdd()
TQString sName;
if (sList->currentItem() >= nSysSchemes)
sName = sList->currentText();
TQString sFile;
bool valid = false;
bool ok;
int exists = -1;
while (!valid)
sName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Save Color Scheme" ),
i18n( "Enter a name for the color scheme:" ), sName, &ok, this );
if (!ok)
sName = sName.simplifyWhiteSpace();
sFile = sName;
int i = 0;
exists = -1;
// Check if it's already there
for (i=0; i < (int) sList->count(); i++)
if (sName == sList->text(i))
exists = i;
int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this,
i18n("A color scheme with the name '%1' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?\n").arg(sName),
i18n("Save Color Scheme"),
if (result == KMessageBox::Cancel)
if (i == (int) sList->count())
valid = true;
disconnect(sList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), this,
if (exists != -1)
sFile = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "kdisplay/color-schemes/") + sFile + ".kcsrc";
KSimpleConfig *config = new KSimpleConfig(sFile);
config->setGroup( "Color Scheme");
config->writeEntry("Name", sName);
delete config;
insertEntry(sFile, sName);
TQPixmap preview = mkColorPreview(cs);
int current = sList->currentItem();
sList->changeItem(preview, sList->text(current), current);
connect(sList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPreviewScheme(int)));
void KColorScheme::slotImport()
TQString location = locateLocal( "data", "kdisplay/color-schemes/" );
KURL file ( KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(TQString::null, "*.kcsrc", this) );
if ( file.isEmpty() )
//kdDebug() << "Location: " << location << endl;
if (!KIO::NetAccess::file_copy(file, KURL( location+file.fileName( false ) ) ) )
KMessageBox::error(this, KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString(),i18n("Import failed."));
TQString sFile = location + file.fileName( false );
KSimpleConfig *config = new KSimpleConfig(sFile);
config->setGroup( "Color Scheme");
TQString sName = config->readEntry("Name", i18n("Untitled Theme"));
delete config;
insertEntry(sFile, sName);
TQPixmap preview = mkColorPreview(cs);
int current = sList->currentItem();
sList->changeItem(preview, sList->text(current), current);
connect(sList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPreviewScheme(int)));
TQColor &KColorScheme::color(int index)
switch(index) {
case CSM_Inactive_title_bar:
return cs->iaTitle;
case CSM_Inactive_title_text:
return cs->iaTxt;
case CSM_Inactive_title_blend:
return cs->iaBlend;
case CSM_Active_title_bar:
return cs->aTitle;
case CSM_Active_title_text:
return cs->aTxt;
case CSM_Active_title_blend:
return cs->aBlend;
case CSM_Background:
return cs->back;
case CSM_Text:
return cs->txt;
case CSM_Select_background:
return cs->select;
case CSM_Select_text:
return cs->selectTxt;
case CSM_Standard_background:
return cs->window;
case CSM_Standard_text:
return cs->windowTxt;
case CSM_Button_background:
return cs->button;
case CSM_Button_text:
return cs->buttonTxt;
case CSM_Active_title_button:
return cs->aTitleBtn;
case CSM_Inactive_title_button:
return cs->iTitleBtn;
case CSM_Active_frame:
return cs->aFrame;
case CSM_Active_handle:
return cs->aHandle;
case CSM_Inactive_frame:
return cs->iaFrame;
case CSM_Inactive_handle:
return cs->iaHandle;
case CSM_Link:
return cs->link;
case CSM_Followed_Link:
return cs->visitedLink;
case CSM_Alternate_background:
return cs->alternateBackground;
assert(0); // Should never be here!
return cs->iaTxt; // Silence compiler
void KColorScheme::slotSelectColor(const TQColor &col)
int selection;
selection = wcCombo->currentItem();
// Adjust the alternate background color if the standard color changes
// Only if the previous alternate color was not a user-configured one
// of course
if ( selection == CSM_Standard_background &&
color(CSM_Alternate_background) ==
color(CSM_Standard_background) ) )
color(CSM_Alternate_background) =
KGlobalSettings::calculateAlternateBackgroundColor( col );
color(selection) = col;
sCurrentScheme = TQString::null;
emit changed(true);
void KColorScheme::slotWidgetColor(int indx)
if (indx < 0)
indx = 0;
if (wcCombo->currentItem() != indx)
wcCombo->setCurrentItem( indx );
// Do not emit KCModule::changed()
colorButton->blockSignals( true );
TQColor col = color(indx);
colorButton->setColor( col );
colorPushColor = col;
colorButton->blockSignals( false );
void KColorScheme::slotColorForWidget(int indx, const TQColor& col)
if (wcCombo->currentItem() != indx)
wcCombo->setCurrentItem( indx );
void KColorScheme::slotShadeSortColumnChanged(bool b)
cs->shadeSortColumn = b;
sCurrentScheme = TQString::null;
emit changed(true);
* Read a color scheme into "cs".
* KEEP IN SYNC with thememgr!
void KColorScheme::readScheme( int index )
KConfigBase* config;
TQColor widget(239, 239, 239);
TQColor kde34Blue(103,141,178);
TQColor inactiveBackground(157,170,186);
TQColor activeBackground(65,142,220);
TQColor inactiveForeground(221,221,221);
TQColor activeBlend(107,145,184);
TQColor inactiveBlend(157,170,186);
TQColor activeTitleBtnBg(220,220,220);
TQColor inactiveTitleBtnBg(220,220,220);
TQColor alternateBackground(237,244,249);
TQColor button;
if (TQPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
button.setRgb(221, 223, 228 );
button.setRgb(220, 220, 220);
TQColor link(0, 0, 238);
TQColor visitedLink(82, 24,139);
// note: keep default color scheme in sync with default Current Scheme
if (index == 1) {
sCurrentScheme = "<default>";
cs->txt = black;
cs->back = widget;
cs->select = kde34Blue;
cs->selectTxt = white;
cs->window = white;
cs->windowTxt = black;
cs->iaTitle = inactiveBackground;
cs->iaTxt = inactiveForeground;
cs->iaBlend = inactiveBlend;
cs->aTitle = activeBackground;
cs->aTxt = white;
cs->aBlend = activeBlend;
cs->button = button;
cs->buttonTxt = black;
cs->aTitleBtn = activeTitleBtnBg;
cs->iTitleBtn = inactiveTitleBtnBg;
cs->aFrame = cs->back;
cs->aHandle = cs->back;
cs->iaFrame = cs->back;
cs->iaHandle = cs->back;
cs->link = link;
cs->visitedLink = visitedLink;
cs->alternateBackground = alternateBackground;
cs->contrast = 7;
if (index == 0) {
// Current scheme
config = KGlobal::config();
} else {
// Open scheme file
KColorSchemeEntry *entry = mSchemeList->at(sList->currentItem()-nSysSchemes);
if (!entry) return;
sCurrentScheme = entry->path;
config = new KSimpleConfig(sCurrentScheme, true);
config->setGroup("Color Scheme");
int i = sCurrentScheme.findRev('/');
if (i >= 0)
sCurrentScheme = sCurrentScheme.mid(i+1);
cs->shadeSortColumn = config->readBoolEntry( "shadeSortColumn", KDE_DEFAULT_SHADE_SORT_COLUMN );
// note: defaults should be the same as the KDE default
cs->txt = config->readColorEntry( "foreground", &black );
cs->back = config->readColorEntry( "background", &widget );
cs->select = config->readColorEntry( "selectBackground", &kde34Blue );
cs->selectTxt = config->readColorEntry( "selectForeground", &white );
cs->window = config->readColorEntry( "windowBackground", &white );
cs->windowTxt = config->readColorEntry( "windowForeground", &black );
cs->button = config->readColorEntry( "buttonBackground", &button );
cs->buttonTxt = config->readColorEntry( "buttonForeground", &black );
cs->link = config->readColorEntry( "linkColor", &link );
cs->visitedLink = config->readColorEntry( "visitedLinkColor", &visitedLink );
TQColor alternate = KGlobalSettings::calculateAlternateBackgroundColor(cs->window);
cs->alternateBackground = config->readColorEntry( "alternateBackground", &alternate );
if (index == 0)
config->setGroup( "WM" );
cs->iaTitle = config->readColorEntry("inactiveBackground", &inactiveBackground);
cs->iaTxt = config->readColorEntry("inactiveForeground", &inactiveForeground);
cs->iaBlend = config->readColorEntry("inactiveBlend", &inactiveBackground);
cs->iaFrame = config->readColorEntry("inactiveFrame", &cs->back);
cs->iaHandle = config->readColorEntry("inactiveHandle", &cs->back);
cs->aTitle = config->readColorEntry("activeBackground", &activeBackground);
cs->aTxt = config->readColorEntry("activeForeground", &white);
cs->aBlend = config->readColorEntry("activeBlend", &activeBlend);
cs->aFrame = config->readColorEntry("frame", &cs->back);
cs->aHandle = config->readColorEntry("handle", &cs->back);
// hack - this is all going away. For now just set all to button bg
cs->aTitleBtn = config->readColorEntry("activeTitleBtnBg", &activeTitleBtnBg);
cs->iTitleBtn = config->readColorEntry("inactiveTitleBtnBg", &inactiveTitleBtnBg);
if (index == 0)
config->setGroup( "KDE" );
cs->contrast = config->readNumEntry( "contrast", 7 );
if (index != 0)
delete config;
* Get all installed color schemes.
void KColorScheme::readSchemeNames()
// Always a current and a default scheme
sList->insertItem( i18n("Current Scheme"), 0 );
sList->insertItem( i18n("KDE Default"), 1 );
nSysSchemes = 2;
// Global + local schemes
TQStringList list = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data",
"kdisplay/color-schemes/*.kcsrc", false, true);
// And add them
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
KSimpleConfig *config = new KSimpleConfig(*it);
config->setGroup("Color Scheme");
TQString str = config->readEntry("Name");
if (str.isEmpty()) {
str = config->readEntry("name");
if (str.isEmpty())
mSchemeList->append(new KColorSchemeEntry(*it, str, !config->isImmutable()));
delete config;
for(KColorSchemeEntry *entry = mSchemeList->first(); entry; entry = mSchemeList->next())
for (uint i = 0; i < (nSysSchemes + mSchemeList->count()); i++)
TQPixmap preview = mkColorPreview(cs);
sList->changeItem(preview, sList->text(i), i);
* Find scheme based on filename
int KColorScheme::findSchemeByName(const TQString &scheme)
if (scheme.isEmpty())
return 0;
if (scheme == "<default>")
return 1;
TQString search = scheme;
int i = search.findRev('/');
if (i >= 0)
search = search.mid(i+1);
i = 0;
for(KColorSchemeEntry *entry = mSchemeList->first(); entry; entry = mSchemeList->next())
KURL url;
if (url.fileName() == search)
return i+nSysSchemes;
return 0;
void KColorScheme::slotPreviewScheme(int indx)
// Set various appropriate for the scheme
if (indx < nSysSchemes)
KColorSchemeEntry *entry = mSchemeList->at(indx-nSysSchemes);
removeBt->setEnabled(entry ? entry->local : false);
emit changed((indx != 0));
/* this function should dissappear: colorscm should work directly on a Qt palette, since
this will give us much more cusomization with qt-2.0.
TQPalette KColorScheme::createPalette()
TQColorGroup disabledgrp(cs->windowTxt, cs->back, cs->back.light(150),
cs->back.dark(), cs->back.dark(120), cs->back.dark(120),
TQColorGroup colgrp(cs->windowTxt, cs->back, cs->back.light(150),
cs->back.dark(), cs->back.dark(120), cs->txt, cs->window);
colgrp.setColor(TQColorGroup::Highlight, cs->select);
colgrp.setColor(TQColorGroup::HighlightedText, cs->selectTxt);
colgrp.setColor(TQColorGroup::Button, cs->button);
colgrp.setColor(TQColorGroup::ButtonText, cs->buttonTxt);
return TQPalette( colgrp, disabledgrp, colgrp);
void KColorScheme::insertEntry(const TQString &sFile, const TQString &sName)
KColorSchemeEntry *newEntry = new KColorSchemeEntry(sFile, sName, true);
int newIndex = mSchemeList->findRef(newEntry)+nSysSchemes;
sList->insertItem(sName, newIndex);
#include "colorscm.moc"