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<article lang="&language;" id="floppy">
<author>&Alexander.Neundorf; &Alexander.Neundorf.mail;</author>
The floppy ioslave gives you easy access to the floppy disk drives
installed on your system.
The drive letter becomes the first subdirectory
in the floppy &URL;. Let's say there is a file <filename>logo.png</filename> on your floppy
disk in drive A, then the &URL; will be <userinput><command>floppy:</command><replaceable>/a/logo.png</replaceable></userinput>
If you want to access drive B, <userinput><command>floppy:/b</command></userinput> will do it.
<command>floppy:/</command> is a shortcut for <command>floppy:/a</command>.
<note><para>Note that <command>floppy:/logo.png</command> means you have a disk drive
named <filename>logo.png</filename>.</para></note>
To use it you need to have the mtools package
installed, and the floppy ioslave supports everything the various mtools
command line utilities support. You don't have to mount your floppy disks,
simply enter <userinput>floppy:/</userinput> in any &tde; 3.x app and you will be able to
read from and write to your floppy drive.</para>
It also works with USB sticks, ZIP and JAZ drives.
You can use <command>floppy:/u</command> for the USB stick and <command>floppy:/z</command> for the zip drive, for example.
To make this work, you might need to adjust your <filename>/etc/mtools</filename> file. See the manpage
for documentation.
<para>The ioslave gives read and write access to the floppy drive, but not
simultaneously. While you can read and write to the floppy during the same
session, reading and writing have to happen one after the other, not at the same
<para>Author: Alexander Neundorf <email></email></para>