You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

319 lines
9.8 KiB

Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Lubos Lunak <>
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#include <config.h>
#include "kcmkhotkeys.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqsplitter.h>
#include <tdecmodule.h>
#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <tdefiledialog.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include <klibloader.h>
#include <input.h>
#include <triggers.h>
#include <action_data.h>
#include "tab_widget.h"
#include "actions_listview_widget.h"
#include "main_buttons_widget.h"
#include "voicerecorder.h"
extern "C"
KDE_EXPORT TDECModule* create_khotkeys( TQWidget* parent_P, const char* name_P )
// sleep( 20 ); // CHECKME DEBUG
KHotKeys::Module* ret = new KHotKeys::Module( parent_P, name_P );
ret->load(); // CHECKME
return ret;
namespace KHotKeys
Module::Module( TQWidget* parent_P, const char* )
: TDECModule( parent_P, "khotkeys" ), _actions_root( NULL ), _current_action_data( NULL ),
listview_is_changed( false ), deleting_action( false )
setButtons( Help | Cancel | Apply | Ok );
module = this;
init_global_data( false, this ); // don't grab keys
TQVBoxLayout* vbox = new TQVBoxLayout( this );
vbox->setSpacing( 6 );
vbox->setMargin( 11 );
TQSplitter* splt = new TQSplitter( this );
actions_listview_widget = new Actions_listview_widget( splt );
tab_widget = new Tab_widget( splt );
vbox->addWidget( splt );
buttons_widget = new Main_buttons_widget( this );
vbox->addWidget( buttons_widget );
connect( actions_listview_widget, TQ_SIGNAL( current_action_changed()),
TQ_SLOT( listview_current_action_changed()));
connect( buttons_widget, TQ_SIGNAL( new_action_pressed()), TQ_SLOT( new_action()));
connect( buttons_widget, TQ_SIGNAL( new_action_group_pressed()), TQ_SLOT( new_action_group()));
connect( buttons_widget, TQ_SIGNAL( delete_action_pressed()), TQ_SLOT( delete_action()));
connect( buttons_widget, TQ_SIGNAL( global_settings_pressed()), TQ_SLOT( global_settings()));
// listview_current_action_changed(); // init
TDEAboutData* about = new TDEAboutData("kcmkhotkeys", I18N_NOOP("KHotKeys"), KHOTKEYS_VERSION,
I18N_NOOP("(c) 1999-2005 Lubos Lunak"), 0, 0);
about->addAuthor("Lubos Lunak", I18N_NOOP("Maintainer"), "");
setAboutData( about );
_current_action_data = NULL;
tab_widget->load_current_action(); // clear tab_widget
delete _actions_root;
module = NULL;
void Module::load()
delete _actions_root;
settings.actions = NULL;
_current_action_data = NULL;
settings.read_settings( true );
_actions_root = settings.actions;
kdDebug( 1217 ) << "actions_root:" << _actions_root << endl;
emit TDECModule::changed( false ); // HACK otherwise the module would be changed from the very beginning
void Module::save()
settings.actions = _actions_root;
if( daemon_disabled())
TQByteArray data;
kapp->dcopClient()->send( "khotkeys*", "khotkeys", "quit()", data );
kdDebug( 1217 ) << "disabling khotkeys daemon" << endl;
if( !kapp->dcopClient()->isApplicationRegistered( "khotkeys" ))
kdDebug( 1217 ) << "launching new khotkeys daemon" << endl;
TDEApplication::tdeinitExec( "khotkeys" );
TQByteArray data;
kapp->dcopClient()->send( "khotkeys*", "khotkeys", "reread_configuration()", data );
kdDebug( 1217 ) << "telling khotkeys daemon to reread configuration" << endl;
emit TDECModule::changed( false );
TQString Module::quickHelp() const
return ""; // TODO CHECKME
void Module::action_name_changed( const TQString& name_P )
current_action_data()->set_name( name_P );
actions_listview_widget->action_name_changed( name_P );
void Module::listview_current_action_changed()
// CHECKME tohle je trosku hack, aby se pri save zmenenych hodnot ve stare vybrane polozce
// zmenila data v te stare polozce a ne nove aktivni
listview_is_changed = true;
set_new_current_action( !deleting_action );
listview_is_changed = false;
void Module::set_new_current_action( bool save_old_P )
if( save_old_P )
_current_action_data = actions_listview_widget->current_action_data();
kdDebug( 1217 ) << "set_new_current_action : " << _current_action_data << endl;
buttons_widget->enable_delete( current_action_data() != NULL );
// CHECKME volano jen z Tab_widget pro nastaveni zmenenych dat ( novy Action_data_base )
void Module::set_current_action_data( Action_data_base* data_P )
delete _current_action_data;
_current_action_data = data_P;
actions_listview_widget->set_action_data( data_P, listview_is_changed );
// tab_widget->load_current_action(); CHECKME asi neni treba
#if 0
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
namespace KHotKeys {
void check_tree( Action_data_group* b, int lev_P = 0 )
using namespace std;
cerr << setw( lev_P ) << "" << b << ":Group:" << b->name().latin1() << ":" << b->parent() << endl;
for( Action_data_group::Iterator it = b->first_child();
++it )
if( Action_data_group* g = dynamic_cast< Action_data_group* >( *it ))
check_tree( g, lev_P + 1 );
cerr << setw( lev_P + 1 ) << "" << (*it) << ":Action:" << (*it)->name().latin1() << ":" << (*it)->parent() << endl;
void Module::new_action()
// check_tree( actions_root());
Action_data_group* parent = current_action_data() != NULL
? dynamic_cast< Action_data_group* >( current_action_data()) : NULL;
if( parent == NULL )
if( current_action_data() != NULL )
parent = current_action_data()->parent();
parent = module->actions_root();
Action_data_base* item = new Generic_action_data( parent, i18n( "New Action" ), "",
new Trigger_list( "" ), new Condition_list( "", NULL ), new Action_list( "" ), true );
actions_listview_widget->new_action( item );
// check_tree( actions_root());
set_new_current_action( false );
// CHECKME spojit tyhle dve do jedne
void Module::new_action_group()
// check_tree( actions_root());
Action_data_group* parent = current_action_data() != NULL
? dynamic_cast< Action_data_group* >( current_action_data()) : NULL;
if( parent == NULL )
if( current_action_data() != NULL )
parent = current_action_data()->parent();
parent = module->actions_root();
Action_data_base* item = new Action_data_group( parent, i18n( "New Action Group" ), "",
new Condition_list( "", NULL ), Action_data_group::SYSTEM_NONE, true );
actions_listview_widget->new_action( item );
// check_tree( actions_root());
set_new_current_action( false );
void Module::delete_action()
delete _current_action_data;
_current_action_data = NULL;
deleting_action = true; // CHECKME zase tak trosku hack, jinak by se snazilo provest save
actions_listview_widget->delete_action(); // prave mazane polozky
deleting_action = false;
set_new_current_action( false );
void Module::global_settings()
actions_listview_widget->set_current_action( NULL );
set_new_current_action( true );
void Module::set_gestures_exclude( Windowdef_list* windows )
delete settings.gestures_exclude;
settings.gestures_exclude = windows;
void Module::import()
TQString file = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( TQString::null, "*.khotkeys", topLevelWidget(),
i18n( "Select File with Actions to Be Imported" ));
if( file.isEmpty())
KSimpleConfig cfg( file, true );
if( !settings.import( cfg, true ))
KMessageBox::error( topLevelWidget(),
i18n( "Import of the specified file failed. Most probably the file is not a valid "
"file with actions." ));
emit TDECModule::changed( true );
void Module::changed()
emit TDECModule::changed( true );
void Module::init_arts()
#ifdef HAVE_ARTS
if( haveArts())
KLibrary* arts = KLibLoader::self()->library( "khotkeys_arts" );
if( arts == NULL )
kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Couldn't load khotkeys_arts:" << KLibLoader::self()->lastErrorMessage() << endl;
if( arts != NULL && VoiceRecorder::init( arts ))
; // ok
Module* module; // CHECKME
} // namespace KHotKeys
#include "kcmkhotkeys.moc"