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Slávek Banko a72081c423
qt => tqt conversion:
6 years ago
libtqtkde qt => tqt conversion: 6 years ago
module qt => tqt conversion: 6 years ago
utils qt => tqt conversion: 6 years ago
CMakeLists.txt qt -> tqt conversion: 6 years ago qt -> tqt conversion: 6 years ago
README qt => tqt conversion: 6 years ago qt => tqt conversion: 6 years ago


TQt/KDE UI integration. Makes TQt-only apps use several KDE dialogs without any modifications
to these applications. Can be turned off by setting $TQT_NO_KDE_INTEGRATION.

Just plain make && make install.
Additionally 'make generate' needs to be done in utils/, and TQt needs to be patched using the sources
generated in utils/tqt . Patch should be applied, the .cpp/.h files belong to src/kernel/ ,
the .h file additionally should go to include/private .



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- navic je problem s focus stealing prevention, kdyz aplikace nejdriv zobrazi jen samotny dialog
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