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<!--Time-stamp: "2001-09-03 00:10:00 endres"-->
<book lang="&language;">
<title>&tde; Frequently Asked Questions</title>
<holder>The &kde; Team</holder>
<abstract> <para>This is a collection of frequently asked
questions about the Trinity Desktop Environment. Please report any bugs,
inconsistencies, or omissions you find in this &FAQ; to
<email></email>. Please post
questions to the &tde; mailing lists. Questions are monitored to help
maintain this &FAQ;.</para> </abstract>
<chapter id="credits">
<title>Credits and License</title>
<!--<para>The current &FAQ; maintainers are:</para>
<listitem><para>J Hall
<para>Many of the answers in this &FAQ; are taken
from various mailing lists and newsgroups. Here is a
<emphasis>big</emphasis> thank you to all of you who have contributed
answers that eventually appear in this &FAQ;.</para>
<para>Special thanks go to the former &FAQ;
maintainers, Rainer Endres, Mr. Lee Wee Tiong, and J. Hall.</para>