You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
1.8 KiB

#! /usr/bin/perl
$inui = 0;
$tag = "";
$linenr = 0;
$incomdata = 0;
$aftername = 0;
$aftercomment = 0;
$commentvalue = "";
while ( <STDIN> )
$linenr = $linenr + 1;
# *LanguageVersion: Check for English
if (/^\*LanguageVersion:\s+([\w\-]+)\s*$/) {
last if ($1 ne "English");
# *OpenUI *InputSlot/Media Source: PickOne
if ($_ =~ "^*OpenUI") {
$inui = 1;
$_ =~ s/^\*OpenUI\s*//;
$tag = $_;
$tag =~ s%:.*$%%;
$tag =~ s%/.*%%;
$_ =~ s%\s*:.*$%%;
$_ =~ s%\s*\*%%;
$_ =~ s%^[^/]*/%%;
$_ =~ s%\"%\\\"%g;
print "i18n(\"", $_, "\");\n";
if ($_ =~ "^*CloseUI") {
$inui = 0;
$tag = "";
if ($inui) {
if (substr($_, 0, length($tag)) eq $tag) {
$_ =~ s%\s*:.*$%%;
$_ =~ s%\*\S*\s*%%;
$_ =~ s%^[^/]*/%%;
$_ =~ s%\"%\\\"%g;
print "i18n(\"", $_, "\");\n";
# *% COMDATA #$VAR1 = {: Start looking for 'name','comment','type'
if (/^\*\% COMDATA \#\$VAR1/) {
$incomdata = 1;
# *% COMDATA # 'name': Continue looking for 'comment'
if ($incomdata && /^\*\% COMDATA \#\s*\'name\'/) {
$aftername = 1;
$aftercomment = 0;
# *% COMDATA # 'comment' => '*': Continue looking for 'type'
if ($aftername && /^\*\% COMDATA \#\s*\'comment\'\s*\=\>\s*\'(.*)\'/) {
$aftername = 0;
$aftercomment = 1;
$commentvalue = $1;
# *% COMDATA # 'type' => '*':
# Output comment if type is 'int', 'float' or 'string'
if ($aftercomment && /^\*\% COMDATA \#\s*\'type\'\s*\=\>\s*\'(.*)\'/) {
$aftername = 0;
$aftercomment = 0;
if ($1 eq "int" || $1 eq "float" || $1 eq "string") {
print "i18n(\"$commentvalue\");\n";