You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

140 lines
5.8 KiB

//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.trinitydesktop.qt;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
public class TQSqlCursor extends TQSqlRecord implements TQSqlQueryInterface {
protected TQSqlCursor(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public static final int ReadOnly = 0;
public static final int Insert = 1;
public static final int Update = 2;
public static final int Delete = 4;
public static final int Writable = 7;
public TQSqlCursor(String name, boolean autopopulate, TQSqlDatabase db) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQSqlCursor(String name, boolean autopopulate, TQSqlDatabase db);
public TQSqlCursor(String name, boolean autopopulate) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQSqlCursor(String name, boolean autopopulate);
public TQSqlCursor(String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQSqlCursor(String name);
public TQSqlCursor() {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQSqlCursor();
public TQSqlCursor(TQSqlCursor other) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQSqlCursor(TQSqlCursor other);
public native TQVariant value(int i);
public native TQVariant value(String name);
public native void setValue(int i, TQVariant val);
public native void setValue(String name, TQVariant val);
public native TQSqlIndex primaryIndex(boolean prime);
public native TQSqlIndex primaryIndex();
public native TQSqlIndex index(String[] fieldNames);
public native TQSqlIndex index(String fieldName);
public native void setPrimaryIndex(TQSqlIndex idx);
public native void append(TQSqlFieldInfo fieldInfo);
public native void insert(int pos, TQSqlFieldInfo fieldInfo);
public native void remove(int pos);
public native void clear();
public native void setGenerated(String name, boolean generated);
public native void setGenerated(int i, boolean generated);
public native TQSqlRecord editBuffer(boolean copy);
public native TQSqlRecord editBuffer();
public native TQSqlRecord primeInsert();
public native TQSqlRecord primeUpdate();
public native TQSqlRecord primeDelete();
public native int insert(boolean invalidate);
public native int insert();
public native int update(boolean invalidate);
public native int update();
public native int del(boolean invalidate);
public native int del();
public native void setMode(int flags);
public native int mode();
public native void setCalculated(String name, boolean calculated);
public native boolean isCalculated(String name);
public native void setTrimmed(String name, boolean trim);
public native boolean isTrimmed(String name);
public native boolean isReadOnly();
public native boolean canInsert();
public native boolean canUpdate();
public native boolean canDelete();
public native boolean select();
public native boolean select(TQSqlIndex sort);
public native boolean select(TQSqlIndex filter, TQSqlIndex sort);
public native boolean select(String filter, TQSqlIndex sort);
public native boolean select(String filter);
public native void setSort(TQSqlIndex sort);
public native TQSqlIndex sort();
public native void setFilter(String filter);
public native String filter();
public native void setName(String name, boolean autopopulate);
public native void setName(String name);
public native String name();
public native String toString(String prefix, String sep);
public native String toString(String prefix);
public native String toString();
public native boolean isNull(int i);
public native boolean isNull(String name);
protected native void afterSeek();
public native boolean exec(String sql);
protected native TQVariant calculateField(String name);
protected native int update(String filter, boolean invalidate);
protected native int update(String filter);
protected native int del(String filter, boolean invalidate);
protected native int del(String filter);
protected native String toString(String prefix, TQSqlField field, String fieldSep);
protected native String toString(TQSqlRecord rec, String prefix, String fieldSep, String sep);
protected native String toString(TQSqlIndex i, TQSqlRecord rec, String prefix, String fieldSep, String sep);
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();
public native boolean isValid();
public native boolean isActive();
public native int at();
public native String lastQuery();
public native int numRowsAffected();
public native TQSqlError lastError();
public native boolean isSelect();
public native int size();
public native TQSqlDriver driver();
public native TQSqlResult result();
public native boolean isForwardOnly();
public native void setForwardOnly(boolean forward);
public native boolean seek(int i, boolean relative);
public native boolean seek(int i);
public native boolean next();
public native boolean prev();
public native boolean first();
public native boolean last();
public native boolean exec();
public native boolean prepare(String query);
public native void bindValue(String placeholder, TQVariant val);
public native void bindValue(int pos, TQVariant val);
public native void addBindValue(TQVariant val);
public native void bindValue(String placeholder, TQVariant val, int type);
public native void bindValue(int pos, TQVariant val, int type);
public native void addBindValue(TQVariant val, int type);
public native TQVariant boundValue(String placeholder);
public native TQVariant boundValue(int pos);
// TQStringVariantMap boundValues(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
public native String executedQuery();
protected native void beforeSeek();