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// Mandelbrot 0.1: A demonstration of Qt#
// Copyright 2002 Marcus Urban
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// NOTE:
// Variables with names like PlotXMin are in the cartesian coordinate plane.
// Those with names like ImageXMin was in a translated coordinate system
// where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner.
using System;
using Qt;
// This struct is a simple implementation of complex numbers.
// It was originally in a separate file because it is useful
// in its own right. It is included here file only to make the
// compilation process simpler of new users.
public struct Complex {
private double re, im;
//private int x;
public Complex (double re, double im)
{ = re; = im;
public static implicit operator Complex (double re)
return new Complex (re, 0.0);
public double Re
get { return re; }
public double Im
get { return im; }
public static double Abs (Complex a)
return Math.Abs ( >= Math.Abs ( ?
Math.Abs ( * Math.Sqrt( 1.0 + (*( ) :
Math.Abs ( * Math.Sqrt( 1.0 + (*( );
public static Complex operator + (Complex a, Complex b)
return new Complex ( +, +;
public static Complex operator - (Complex a, Complex b)
return new Complex ( -, -;
public static Complex operator * (Complex a, Complex b)
return new Complex (* -*,* +* );
// Division isn't pretty. Do it later.
public override string ToString ()
return () + "+" + () + "i";
public class Mandelbrot {
public static int Iterations ( Complex c )
const int MaximumIterations = 16;
Complex value = c;
int currentDepth = 1;
while ( Complex.Abs(value) < 2.0 && currentDepth <= MaximumIterations ) {
value = (value * value) + c;
return currentDepth;
public static void Main (string[] args)
TQApplication app = new TQApplication (args);
ImageDialog dialog = new ImageDialog (null, "Mandelbrot", false, 0);
dialog.Show ();
app.SetMainWidget (dialog);
app.Exec ();
public class ImageDialog : TQDialog {
const double DefaultPlotXMin = -2.0;
const double DefaultPlotXMax = 2.0;
const double DefaultPlotYMin = -1.5;
const double DefaultPlotYMax = 1.5;
TQHBoxLayout dialogLayout;
TQGridLayout gridLayout;
TQVBoxLayout leftLayout;
TQHBoxLayout buttonLayout;
TQPushButton redrawButton;
TQLabel pixmapLabel;
TQSizePolicy fixedSizePolicy;
TQLabel XMinLabel, XMaxLabel, YMinLabel, YMaxLabel;
TQLineEdit editXMin, editXMax, editYMin, editYMax;
public ImageDialog (TQWidget parent, string name, bool modal, WidgetFlags fl):
base (parent, name, modal, fl)
if (name == string.Empty)
SetName ("imageDialog");
SetCaption ("Mandelbrot Image");
dialogLayout = new TQHBoxLayout (this, 11, 6);
gridLayout = new TQGridLayout (null, 1, 1, 0, 6, "gridLayout");
leftLayout = new TQVBoxLayout (null, 0, 6, "leftLayout");
fixedSizePolicy = new TQSizePolicy ();
fixedSizePolicy.SetHorData (TQSizePolicy.SizeType.Fixed);
fixedSizePolicy.SetVerData (TQSizePolicy.SizeType.Fixed);
XMinLabel = new TQLabel ("Xmin", this);
XMinLabel.SetSizePolicy (fixedSizePolicy);
gridLayout.AddWidget (XMinLabel, 0, 0);
XMaxLabel = new TQLabel ("Xmax", this);
gridLayout.AddWidget (XMaxLabel, 1, 0);
YMinLabel = new TQLabel ("Ymin", this);
YMinLabel.SetSizePolicy (fixedSizePolicy);
gridLayout.AddWidget (YMinLabel, 2, 0);
YMaxLabel = new TQLabel ("Ymax", this);
YMaxLabel.SetSizePolicy (fixedSizePolicy);
gridLayout.AddWidget (YMaxLabel, 3, 0);
TQDoubleValidator validator = new TQDoubleValidator (this);
editXMin = new TQLineEdit (this, "editXMin");
editXMin.SetText (Convert.ToString (DefaultPlotXMin));
editXMin.SetValidator (validator);
gridLayout.AddWidget (editXMin, 0, 1);
editXMax = new TQLineEdit (this, "editXMax");
editXMax.SetText (Convert.ToString(DefaultPlotXMax));
editXMax.SetValidator (validator);
gridLayout.AddWidget (editXMax, 1, 1);
editYMin = new TQLineEdit (this, "editYMin");
editYMin.SetText (Convert.ToString(DefaultPlotYMin));
editYMin.SetValidator (validator);
gridLayout.AddWidget (editYMin, 2, 1);
editYMax = new TQLineEdit (this, "editYMax");
editYMax.SetText (Convert.ToString(DefaultPlotYMax));
editYMax.SetValidator (validator);
gridLayout.AddWidget (editYMax, 3, 1);
leftLayout.AddLayout (gridLayout);
TQSpacerItem spacer1 = new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, 0, 0);
leftLayout.AddItem (spacer1);
buttonLayout = new TQHBoxLayout (null, 0, 6, "buttonLayout");
TQSpacerItem spacer2 = new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, 0, 0);
buttonLayout.AddItem (spacer2);
redrawButton = new TQPushButton ("Redraw", this);
redrawButton.SetDefault (true);
buttonLayout.AddWidget (redrawButton);
TQSpacerItem spacer3 = new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, 0, 0);
buttonLayout.AddItem (spacer3);
leftLayout.AddLayout (buttonLayout);
dialogLayout.AddLayout (leftLayout);
TQSpacerItem spacer4 = new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, 0, 0);
dialogLayout.AddItem (spacer4);
pixmapLabel = new TQLabel (this, "pixmapLabel", 0);
pixmapLabel.SetScaledContents (true);
dialogLayout.AddWidget (pixmapLabel);
TQObject.Connect (redrawButton, TQT_SIGNAL ("clicked()"), this, TQT_SLOT ("Redraw()"));
Redraw ();
TQImage MandelbrotImage ()
int depth;
double real, imag;
double PlotXMin = Convert.ToDouble ( editXMin.Text () );
double PlotXMax = Convert.ToDouble ( editXMax.Text () );
double PlotYMin = Convert.ToDouble ( editYMin.Text () );
double PlotYMax = Convert.ToDouble ( editYMax.Text () );
int ImageXMax = pixmapLabel.Width ();
int ImageYMax = pixmapLabel.Height ();
TQImage image = new TQImage (ImageXMax, ImageYMax, 32, 0);
for (int x = 0; x <= ImageXMax - 1; x+=1) {
for (int y = 0; y <= ImageYMax - 1; y+=1) {
real = (PlotXMax - PlotXMin)/ImageXMax * x + PlotXMin;
imag = (PlotYMin - PlotYMax)/ImageYMax * y + PlotYMax;
depth = Mandelbrot.Iterations ( new Complex (real, imag) );
image.SetPixel ( x, y, (uint) depth*16 );
return image;
public void Redraw ()
TQSize s = pixmapLabel.BaseSize ();
pixmapLabel.Resize (400,300);
TQApplication.SetOverrideCursor ( new TQCursor( (int) CursorShape.WaitCursor ));
TQImage image = MandelbrotImage ();
TQPixmap pixmap = new TQPixmap (image);
pixmapLabel.SetPixmap( pixmap);
image.Dispose ();
pixmap.Dispose ();
this.AdjustSize ();
TQApplication.RestoreOverrideCursor ();