You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1133 lines
44 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2001-2004, Richard J. Moore <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqdialog.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqlistview.h>
#include <tqmainwindow.h>
//#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqprogressdialog.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqwidgetfactory.h>
#include <tqsplitter.h>
#include <tqscrollview.h>
#include <tqcanvas.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqsplashscreen.h>
#ifndef QT_ONLY
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <klibloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <kservice.h>
#include <ksystemtray.h>
#include <ktrader.h>
#include <kparts/part.h>
#include <kparts/mainwindow.h>
#include <kparts/componentfactory.h>
#endif // QT_ONLY
#include <kjs/interpreter.h>
#include <kjs/identifier.h>
#include <kjs/types.h>
#include "jsbinding.h"
#include "jsbindingbase.h"
#include "jsobjectproxy.h"
#include "jsopaqueproxy.h"
#include "jsvalueproxy.h"
#include "jsconsolewidget.h"
#include "jseventmapper.h"
#include "jseventutils.h"
#include "kjsembedpart.h"
#include "customobject_imp.h"
#include "builtins/stddialog_imp.h"
#include "builtins/textstream_imp.h"
#include "builtins/qdir_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcombobox_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qpopupmenu_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qlistviewitem_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qchecklistitem_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvasellipse_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvas_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvasitem_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvasitemlist_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvasline_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvaspixmaparray_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvaspixmap_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvaspolygonalitem_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvaspolygon_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvasrectangle_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvasspline_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvassprite_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvastext_imp.h"
#include "qtbindings/qcanvasview_imp.h"
#ifndef QT_ONLY
#include "builtins/stdaction_imp.h"
#include "bindings/dcop_imp.h"
#include "bindings/netaccess_imp.h"
#endif // QT_ONLY
#include "bindings/image_imp.h"
#include "bindings/pen_imp.h"
#include "bindings/pixmap_imp.h"
#include "bindings/painter_imp.h"
#include "bindings/movie_imp.h"
#include "bindings/sql_imp.h"
#include "bindings/kconfig_imp.h"
#include "bindings/brush_imp.h"
#include "bindings/size_imp.h"
#include "bindings/rect_imp.h"
#include "bindings/point_imp.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "jsbindingplugin.h"
#include "jsfactory_imp.h"
#include "jsfactory.h"
// KPart Implementation
namespace KJSEmbed {
typedef Bindings::JSFactoryImp JSFactoryImp;
typedef Bindings::CustomObjectImp CustomObjectImp;
typedef BuiltIns::StdDialogImp StdDialogImp;
typedef BuiltIns::TextStreamImp TextStreamImp;
class JSFactoryPrivate {
TTQDict<KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingPlugin> plugins;
TTQDict<KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingBase> opaqueTypes;
TTQDict<KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingBase> objectTypes;
JSFactory::JSFactory( KJSEmbedPart *part )
: jspart( part ) {
evmapper = new JSEventMapper();
d = new JSFactoryPrivate;
registerOpaqueType("TTQDir", new Bindings::TQDirLoader());
registerOpaqueType("TTQCheckListItem", new Bindings::TQCheckListItemLoader());
registerOpaqueType("TTQListViewItem", new Bindings::TQListViewItemLoader());
registerOpaqueType("Painter", new Bindings::PainterLoader());
#ifndef QT_ONLY
registerOpaqueType("DCOPClient", new Bindings::JSDCOPClientLoader());
registerObjectType("DCOPInterface", new Bindings::JSDCOPInterfacerLoader());
registerOpaqueType("DCOPRef", new Bindings::JSDCOPRefLoader());
JSFactory::~JSFactory() {
delete evmapper;
void JSFactory::addBindingPluginTypes( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &parent ) {
#ifndef QT_ONLY
// Get list of valid plugin types
KTrader::OfferList offers = KTrader::self() ->query( "JSBindingPlugin/Binding" );
if ( !offers.count() )
return ;
KTrader::OfferListIterator itr = offers.begin();
while ( itr != offers.end() ) {
TTQString classname = ( *itr ) ->name();
JSFactoryImp *cons = new JSFactoryImp( exec, this, JSFactoryImp::NewInstance, classname );
parent.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( cons->parameter() ), KJS::Object( cons ) );
addType( classname, TypePlugin );
Q_UNUSED( exec );
Q_UNUSED( parent );
#endif // QT_ONLY
bool JSFactory::isBindingPlugin( const TTQString &classname ) const {
if ( !isSupported( classname ) )
return false;
return ( objtypes[ classname ] & TypePlugin );
KJS::Object JSFactory::createBindingPlugin( KJS::ExecState *exec, const TTQString &classname, const KJS::List &args ) {
#ifndef QT_ONLY
Bindings::JSBindingPlugin * plugin = d->plugins[ classname ];
if ( plugin == 0L ) {
TTQString query = "JSBindingPlugin/Binding";
TTQString constraint = "[Name] == '" + classname + "'";
plugin = KParts::ComponentFactory::createInstanceFromQuery<Bindings::JSBindingPlugin>( query, constraint );
if ( plugin != 0L )
d->plugins.insert( classname, plugin );
if ( plugin != 0L )
return plugin->createBinding( jspart, exec, args );
Q_UNUSED( exec );
Q_UNUSED( args );
#endif // QT_ONLY
kdWarning( 80001 ) << "Unable to load binding " << classname << "." << endl;
return KJS::Object();
KJS::Object JSFactory::create( KJS::ExecState *exec, const TTQString &classname, const KJS::List &args ) {
KJS::Object returnObject;
if ( !isSupported( classname ) ) {
TTQString msg = i18n( "Object of type '%1' is not supported." ).arg( classname );
return throwError(exec, msg,KJS::TypeError);
if ( isTQObject( classname ) ) {
// create via widget factory...
Bindings::JSBindingBase *factory = d->objectTypes.find(classname);
if( factory ) {
returnObject = factory->createBinding( jspart, exec, args );
JSProxy::toProxy( returnObject.imp() ) ->setOwner( JSProxy::JavaScript );
} else {
TTQObject *parent = extractTQObject(exec, args, 0);
TTQString name = extractTQString(exec, args, 1);
TTQObject *obj = create( classname, parent, name.latin1() );
if ( obj ) {
returnObject = createProxy( exec, obj );
JSProxy::toProxy( returnObject.imp() ) ->setOwner( JSProxy::JavaScript );
} else {
TTQString msg = i18n( "TTQObject of type '%1' could not be created." ).arg( classname );
returnObject = throwError(exec, msg,KJS::TypeError);
} else if ( isOpaque( classname ) ) {
// Try to create from the registry
Bindings::JSBindingBase *factory = d->opaqueTypes.find(classname);
if( factory )
returnObject = factory->createBinding( jspart, exec, args );
returnObject = createOpaque( exec, classname, args );
if ( !returnObject.isValid() ) {
TTQString msg = i18n( "Opaque object of type '%1' could not be created." ).arg( classname );
returnObject = throwError(exec, msg,KJS::TypeError);
} else if ( isValue( classname ) ) {
returnObject = createValue( exec, classname, args );
if ( !returnObject.isValid() ) {
TTQString msg = i18n( "Value object of type '%1' could not be created." ).arg( classname );
returnObject = throwError(exec, msg,KJS::TypeError);
} else if ( isBindingPlugin( classname ) ) {
returnObject = createBindingPlugin( exec, classname, args );
if ( !returnObject.isValid() ) {
TTQString msg = i18n( "Plugin object of type '%1' could not be created." ).arg( classname );
returnObject = throwError(exec, msg,KJS::TypeError);
} else
JSProxy::toProxy( returnObject.imp() ) ->setOwner( JSProxy::JavaScript );
} else {
TTQString msg = i18n( "Could not create object of type '%1'." ).arg( classname );
returnObject = throwError(exec, msg,KJS::TypeError);
return returnObject;
KJS::Object JSFactory::createProxy( KJS::ExecState *exec, TTQObject *target,
const JSObjectProxy *ctx ) const {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JSFactory::createProxy: Target '" << target->name()
<< "' type " << target->className() << endl;
JSObjectProxy *prx;
if ( ctx )
prx = new JSObjectProxy( jspart, target, ctx->rootObject(), ctx->securityPolicy() );
else {
prx = new JSObjectProxy( jspart, target );
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Proxy created" << endl;
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
prx->addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
extendProxy( exec, proxyObj );
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Returning object" << endl;
return proxyObj;
KJS::Object JSFactory::createProxy( KJS::ExecState *exec,
TTQTextStream *target, const JSObjectProxy *context ) const {
Q_UNUSED( context )
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "TextStream proxy created" << endl;
JSOpaqueProxy *prx = new JSOpaqueProxy( target );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
prx->addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
TextStreamImp::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
KJS::Object JSFactory::createProxy( KJS::ExecState *exec,
TTQEvent *target, const JSObjectProxy *context ) const {
switch ( target->type() ) {
case TTQEvent::MouseButtonPress:
case TTQEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
case TTQEvent::MouseMove:
case TTQEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQMouseEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::KeyPress:
case TTQEvent::KeyRelease:
case TTQEvent::Accel:
case TTQEvent::AccelOverride:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQKeyEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::IMStart:
case TTQEvent::IMCompose:
case TTQEvent::IMEnd:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQIMEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::Paint:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQPaintEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::Resize:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQResizeEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::FocusIn:
case TTQEvent::FocusOut:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQFocusEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::Close:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQCloseEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::ChildInserted:
case TTQEvent::ChildRemoved:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQChildEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::Move:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQMoveEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::Wheel:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQWheelEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::Timer:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQTimerEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::ContextMenu:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQContextMenuEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::DragMove:
case TTQEvent::DragEnter:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQDragMoveEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::Drop:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQDropEvent * ) target, context );
case TTQEvent::Enter:
case TTQEvent::Leave:
case TTQEvent::Clipboard:
case TTQEvent::DragLeave:
case TTQEvent::Show:
case TTQEvent::Hide:
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQEvent * ) target, context );
return JSEventUtils::convertEvent( exec, ( TTQEvent * ) target, context );
KJS::Object JSFactory::extendProxy( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &target ) const {
CustomObjectImp::addBindings( exec, target );
addBindingsPlugin( exec, target );
return target;
void JSFactory::addBindingsPlugin( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &target ) const {
kdDebug( 800001 ) << "JSFactory::addBindingsPlugin" << endl;
JSObjectProxy *proxy = JSProxy::toObjectProxy( target.imp() );
if ( !proxy )
return ;
if ( !isBindingPlugin( proxy->object() ->className() ) )
return ;
#ifndef QT_ONLY
Bindings::JSBindingPlugin *plugin = d->plugins[ proxy->object() ->className() ];
if ( plugin == 0L ) {
TTQString query = "JSBindingPlugin/Binding";
TTQString constraint = "[Name] == '" + TTQString::fromUtf8( proxy->object() ->className() ) + "'";
plugin = KParts::ComponentFactory::createInstanceFromQuery<Bindings::JSBindingPlugin>( query, constraint );
if ( plugin != 0L )
d->plugins.insert( proxy->object() ->className(), plugin );
if ( plugin != 0L ) {
kdDebug( 800001 ) << "JSFactory::addBindingsPlugin: calling plugin function" << endl;
plugin->addBindings( exec, target );
return ;
Q_UNUSED( exec );
#endif // QT_ONLY
kdWarning( 80001 ) << "Unable to add bindings to " << proxy->object() ->className() << "." << endl;
return ;
TTQObject *JSFactory::createBinding( const TTQString &cname, TTQObject *parent, const char *name ) {
#ifndef QT_ONLY
// Bindings
/*if ( cname == "DCOPInterface" )
return new Bindings::JSDCOPInterface( jspart->interpreter(), parent, name );
else */if ( cname == "NetAccess" )
return new Bindings::NetAccess( parent, name );
#endif // QT_ONLY
if ( cname == "Movie" )
return new Bindings::Movie( parent, name );
else if ( cname == "SqlDatabase" )
return new Bindings::SqlDatabase( parent, name );
else if ( cname == "SqlQuery" )
return new Bindings::SqlQuery( parent, name );
else if ( cname == "Config" )
return new Bindings::Config( parent, name );
return 0;
TTQObject *JSFactory::createObject( const TTQString &cname, TTQObject *parent, const char *name ) {
// TQObjects defined by Qt
if ( cname == "TTQObject" )
return new TTQObject( parent, name );
else if ( cname == "TTQTimer" )
return new TTQTimer( parent, name );
else if ( cname == "TTQCanvas" )
return new TTQCanvas( parent, name );
#ifndef QT_ONLY
// TQObjects defined by KDE
else if ( cname == "KAction" )
return new KAction( parent, name );
else if ( cname == "KToggleAction" )
return new KToggleAction( parent, name );
#endif // QT_ONLY
TTQWidget *w = dynamic_cast<TTQWidget *>( parent );
if ( !w )
return 0;
if ( cname == "TTQHBoxLayout" )
return new TTQHBoxLayout( w, 0, -1, name );
else if ( cname == "TTQVBoxLayout" )
return new TTQVBoxLayout( w, 0, -1, name );
return 0;
KJS::Object JSFactory::createOpaque( KJS::ExecState *exec, const TTQString &cname, const KJS::List &args ) {
if ( cname == "TTQCanvasText" ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Creating canvas item, type is " << cname << endl;
JSOpaqueProxy *prx = 0;
if ( args.size() == 0 ) {
} else if ( args.size() == 1 ) {
JSObjectProxy * arg0 = JSProxy::toObjectProxy( args[ 0 ].imp() );
if ( arg0 ) {
TTQObject * obj0 = arg0->object();
if ( obj0->inherits( "TTQCanvas" ) ) {
TTQCanvas * parent = ( TTQCanvas * ) ( obj0 );
prx = new JSOpaqueProxy( new TTQCanvasText( parent ), "TTQCanvasText" );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
TQCanvasItemImp::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
TQCanvasTextImp::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
} else {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << " canvas item create failed, arg0 is " << obj0->className() << endl;
return KJS::Object();
} else {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << " canvas item create failed, arg0 is not an object" << endl;
return KJS::Object();
} else if ( args.size() == 2 ) {
TTQString arg0 = args[ 0 ].toString( exec ).qstring();
JSObjectProxy *arg1 = JSProxy::toObjectProxy( args[ 1 ].imp() );
if ( arg1 ) {
TTQString arg0 = args[ 0 ].toString( exec ).qstring();
TTQObject *obj1 = arg1->object();
if ( obj1->inherits( "TTQCanvas" ) ) {
TTQCanvas * parent = ( TTQCanvas * ) ( obj1 );
prx = new JSOpaqueProxy( new TTQCanvasText( parent ), "TTQCanvasText" );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
TQCanvasItemImp::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
TQCanvasTextImp::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
} else {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << " canvas item create failed, arg0 is " << obj1->className() << endl;
return KJS::Object();
} else {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << " canvas item create failed, arg1 is not an object" << endl;
return KJS::Object();
return KJS::Object();
KJS::Object JSFactory::createValue( KJS::ExecState *exec, const TTQString &cname, const KJS::List & args ) {
if ( cname == "Image" ) {
TTQImage img = TTQImage();
JSValueProxy *prx = new JSValueProxy( );
prx->setValue( img );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
Bindings::ImageImp::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
if ( cname == "Pixmap" ) {
TTQPixmap pix = TTQPixmap();
JSValueProxy *prx = new JSValueProxy( );
prx->setValue( pix );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
Bindings::Pixmap::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
if ( cname == "Brush" ) {
TTQBrush brsh;
JSValueProxy *prx = new JSValueProxy( );
prx->setValue( brsh );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
Bindings::BrushImp::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
if ( cname == "Pen" ) {
TTQPen pen;
JSValueProxy *prx = new JSValueProxy( );
prx->setValue( pen );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
Bindings::Pen::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
if ( cname == "Rect" ) {
TTQRect rect;
if ( args.size() == 4 ) {
rect.setX( extractInt( exec, args, 0 ) );
rect.setY( extractInt( exec, args, 1 ) );
rect.setWidth( extractInt( exec, args, 2 ) );
rect.setHeight( extractInt( exec, args, 3 ) );
JSValueProxy *prx = new JSValueProxy( );
prx->setValue( rect );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
Bindings::Rect::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
if ( cname == "Point" ) {
TTQPoint point;
if ( args.size() == 2 ) {
point.setX( extractInt( exec, args, 0 ) );
point.setY( extractInt( exec, args, 1 ) );
JSValueProxy *prx = new JSValueProxy( );
prx->setValue( point );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
Bindings::Point::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
if ( cname == "Size" ) {
TTQSize size;
if ( args.size() == 2 ) {
size.setWidth( extractInt( exec, args, 0 ) );
size.setHeight( extractInt( exec, args, 1 ) );
JSValueProxy *prx = new JSValueProxy( );
prx->setValue( size );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
Bindings::Size::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
return KJS::Object();
TTQWidget *JSFactory::createWidget( const TTQString &cname, TTQWidget *pw, const char *name ) {
if ( cname == "TTQSplitter" )
return new TTQSplitter( pw, name );
else if ( cname == "TTQMainWindow" )
return new TTQMainWindow( pw, name );
else if ( cname == "TTQProgressDialog" )
return new TTQProgressDialog( pw, name );
else if ( cname == "TTQScrollView" )
return new TTQScrollView( pw, name );
else if ( cname == "TTQCanvasView" )
return new TTQCanvasView( pw, name );
else if ( cname == "TTQSplashScreen" ) {
TTQPixmap pix( 16, 16 );
return new TTQSplashScreen( pix );
#ifndef QT_ONLY
else if ( cname == "KMainWindow" )
return new KMainWindow( pw, name );
else if ( cname == "KParts_MainWindow" )
return new KParts::MainWindow( pw, name );
else if ( cname == "KSystemTray" )
return new KSystemTray( pw, name );
#endif // QT_ONLY
return 0;
TTQObject *JSFactory::create( const TTQString &cname, TTQObject *parent, const char *name ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "KJSEmbedPart::create() name " << name << " class " << cname << endl;
// Factory widgets
TTQWidgetFactory wf;
TTQWidget *pw = ( parent && parent->isWidgetType() ) ? static_cast<TTQWidget *>( parent ) : 0;
TTQWidget *w = wf.createWidget( cname, pw, name );
if ( w ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Created from factory" << endl;
return w;
// Custom widgets
TTQObject *obj;
obj = createWidget( cname, pw, name );
if ( obj ) {
if ( !isTQObject( obj->className() ) )
addType( obj->className() );
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Created from createWidget" << endl;
return obj;
// Custom objects
obj = JSFactory::createObject( cname, parent, name );
if ( obj ) {
if ( !isTQObject( obj->className() ) )
addType( obj->className() );
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Created from createObject" << endl;
return obj;
// Binding objects
obj = JSFactory::createBinding( cname, parent, name );
if ( obj ) {
if ( !isTQObject( obj->className() ) )
addType( obj->className() );
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Created from bindings" << endl;
return obj;
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Found nothing in :" << cname << ":" << endl;
return 0;
KParts::ReadOnlyPart *JSFactory::createROPart( const TTQString &svc, TTQObject *parent, const char *name ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JSFactory::createROPart svc " << svc << " parent " << ( long ) parent << endl;
return createROPart( svc, "'KParts/ReadOnlyPart' in ServiceTypes", parent, name );
KParts::ReadOnlyPart *JSFactory::createROPart( const TTQString &svc, const TTQString &con,
TTQObject *parent, const char *name ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JSFactory::createROPart svc " << svc << " constraint " << con
<< " parent " << ( long ) parent << endl;
return createROPart( svc, con, parent, name, TTQStringList() );
KParts::ReadOnlyPart *JSFactory::createROPart( const TTQString &svc, const TTQString &con,
TTQObject *parent, const char *name,
const TTQStringList &args ) {
#ifndef QT_ONLY
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JSFactory::createROPart svc " << svc << " constraint " << con
<< " parent " << ( long ) parent
<< " args: " << args << endl;
KTrader::OfferList offers = KTrader::self() ->query( svc, con );
if ( !offers.count() )
return 0;
KService::Ptr ptr = offers.first();
KLibFactory *fact = KLibLoader::self() ->factory( ptr->library().ascii() );
if ( !fact ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Unable to find a matching part" << endl;
return 0;
TTQObject *obj = fact->create( parent, name, "KParts::ReadOnlyPart", args );
addType( obj->className() );
return static_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart *>( obj );
#else // QT_ONLY
Q_UNUSED( svc );
Q_UNUSED( con );
Q_UNUSED( parent );
Q_UNUSED( name );
Q_UNUSED( args );
return 0;
#endif // QT_ONLY
KParts::ReadWritePart *JSFactory::createRWPart( const TTQString &svc, TTQObject *parent, const char *name ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JSFactory::createRWPart svc " << svc << " parent " << ( long ) parent << endl;
return createRWPart( svc, "'KParts/ReadWritePart' in ServiceTypes", parent, name );
KParts::ReadWritePart *JSFactory::createRWPart( const TTQString &svc, const TTQString &con,
TTQObject *parent, const char *name ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JSFactory::createRWPart svc " << svc << " constraint " << con
<< " parent " << ( long ) parent << endl;
return createRWPart( svc, con, parent, name, TTQStringList() );
KParts::ReadWritePart *JSFactory::createRWPart( const TTQString &svc, const TTQString &con,
TTQObject *parent, const char *name,
const TTQStringList &args ) {
#ifndef QT_ONLY
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JSFactory::createRWPart svc " << svc << " constraint " << con
<< " parent " << ( long ) parent
<< " args: " << args << endl;
KTrader::OfferList offers = KTrader::self() ->query( svc, con );
if ( !offers.count() )
return 0;
KService::Ptr ptr = offers.first();
KLibFactory *fact = KLibLoader::self() ->factory( ptr->library().ascii() );
if ( !fact ) {
kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Unable to find a matching part" << endl;
return 0;
TTQObject *obj = fact->create( parent, name, "KParts::ReadWritePart", args );
addType( obj->className() );
return static_cast<KParts::ReadWritePart *>( obj );
#else // QT_ONLY
Q_UNUSED( svc );
Q_UNUSED( con );
Q_UNUSED( parent );
Q_UNUSED( name );
Q_UNUSED( args );
return 0;
#endif // QT_ONLY
TTQWidget *JSFactory::loadUI( const TTQString &uiFile, TTQObject *connector, TTQWidget *parent, const char *name ) {
return TTQWidgetFactory::create( uiFile, connector, parent, name );
TTQStringList JSFactory::listBindingPlugins( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self ) {
Q_UNUSED( exec )
Q_UNUSED( self )
TTQStringList pluginList;
TTQStringList allTypes = objtypes.keys();
for ( uint idx = 0; idx < allTypes.count(); ++idx ) {
if ( objtypes[ allTypes[ idx ] ] & TypePlugin )
pluginList.append( allTypes[ idx ] );
return pluginList;
bool JSFactory::isTQObject( const TTQString &clazz ) const {
if ( !isSupported( clazz ) )
return false;
return ( objtypes[ clazz ] & TypeTQObject );
bool JSFactory::isValue( const TTQString &clazz ) const {
if ( !isSupported( clazz ) )
return false;
return objtypes[ clazz ] == TypeValue;
bool JSFactory::isOpaque( const TTQString &clazz ) const {
if ( !isSupported( clazz ) )
return false;
return objtypes[ clazz ] == TypeOpaque;
void JSFactory::addTQObjectPlugin( const TTQString &classname, KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingPlugin* plugin ) {
if ( plugin ) {
addType( classname, TypeTQObjectPlugin );
d->plugins.insert( classname, plugin );
void JSFactory::addType( const TTQString &clazz, uint prxtype ) {
if ( prxtype == TypeInvalid ) {
objtypes.remove( clazz );
return ;
kdDebug() << "Add type " << clazz << endl;
objtypes[ clazz ] = prxtype;
bool JSFactory::isSupported( const TTQString &clazz ) const {
kdDebug() << "Checking " << clazz << endl;
return objtypes.contains( clazz );
uint JSFactory::proxyType( const TTQString &clazz ) const {
if ( !isSupported( clazz ) )
return TypeInvalid;
return objtypes[ clazz ];
void JSFactory::addTypes( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &parent ) {
addWidgetFactoryTypes( exec, parent );
addCustomTypes( exec, parent );
addBindingTypes( exec, parent );
addObjectTypes( exec, parent );
addOpaqueTypes( exec, parent );
addValueTypes( exec, parent );
addBindingPluginTypes( exec, parent );
TTQStringList JSFactory::types() const {
return objtypes.keys();
void JSFactory::addWidgetFactoryTypes( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &parent ) {
TTQStringList sl = TTQWidgetFactory::widgets();
for ( TTQStringList::Iterator it = sl.begin(); it != sl.end(); ++it ) {
JSFactoryImp *cons = new JSFactoryImp( exec, this, JSFactoryImp::NewInstance, *it );
parent.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( KJS::UString( cons->parameter() ) ), KJS::Object( cons ) );
addType( *it );
void JSFactory::addCustomTypes( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &parent ) {
const char * classes[] = {
"TTQSplitter", "TTQScrollView", "TTQCanvasView", "TTQCanvas",
"TTQObject", "TTQTimer", "TTQSplashScreen", "TTQProgressDialog",
"TTQLayout", "TTQBoxLayout", "TTQHBoxLayout", "TTQVBoxLayout",
#ifndef QT_ONLY
"KMainWindow", "KXMLGUIClient", "KSystemTray",
"KAction", "KToggleAction",
#endif // QT_ONLY
for ( int i = 0 ; classes[ i ] ; i++ ) {
JSFactoryImp *cons = new JSFactoryImp( exec, this, JSFactoryImp::NewInstance, classes[ i ] );
parent.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( KJS::UString( cons->parameter() ) ), KJS::Object( cons ) );
addType( classes[ i ] );
void JSFactory::addBindingTypes( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &parent ) {
const char * bindings[] = {
"Pixmap", "KJSEmbed::Bindings::Pixmap",
"SqlDatabase", "KJSEmbed::Bindings::SqlDatabase",
"Movie", "KJSEmbed::Bindings::Movie",
"SqlQuery", "KJSEmbed::Bindings::SqlQuery",
#ifndef QT_ONLY
"NetAccess", "KJSEmbed::Bindings::NetAccess",
/*"DCOPInterface", "KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSDCOPInterface",*/
"Config", "KJSEmbed::Bindings::Config",
0, 0
for ( int i = 0 ; bindings[ i ] ; i += 2 ) {
JSFactoryImp * cons = new JSFactoryImp( exec, this, JSFactoryImp::NewInstance, bindings[ i ] );
parent.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( KJS::UString( cons->parameter() ) ), KJS::Object( cons ) );
addType( bindings[ i ] );
addType( bindings[ i + 1 ] );
void JSFactory::addOpaqueTypes( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &parent ) {
const char * classes[] = {
for ( int i = 0 ; classes[ i ] ; i++ ) {
JSFactoryImp *cons = new JSFactoryImp( exec, this, JSFactoryImp::NewInstance, classes[ i ] );
parent.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( KJS::UString( cons->parameter() ) ), KJS::Object( cons ) );
addType( classes[ i ], TypeOpaque );
// Create the custom added types.
TTQDictIterator<KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingBase> idx( d->opaqueTypes );
for( ; idx.current(); ++idx){
JSFactoryImp *cons = new JSFactoryImp( exec, this, JSFactoryImp::NewInstance, idx.currentKey() );
parent.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( KJS::UString( cons->parameter() ) ), KJS::Object( cons ) );
addType( idx.currentKey(), TypeOpaque );
void JSFactory::addValueTypes( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &parent ) {
const char * classes[] = {
for ( int i = 0 ; classes[ i ] ; i++ ) {
JSFactoryImp *cons = new JSFactoryImp( exec, this, JSFactoryImp::NewInstance, classes[ i ] );
parent.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( KJS::UString( cons->parameter() ) ), KJS::Object( cons ) );
addType( classes[ i ], TypeValue );
void JSFactory::addObjectTypes( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object & parent ) {
const char * classes[] = {
for ( int i = 0 ; classes[ i ] ; i++ ) {
if ( !isSupported( classes[ i ] ) )
addType( classes[ i ] );
// Create the custom added types.
TTQDictIterator<KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingBase> idx( d->objectTypes );
for( ; idx.current(); ++idx){
JSFactoryImp *cons = new JSFactoryImp( exec, this, JSFactoryImp::NewInstance, idx.currentKey() );
parent.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( KJS::UString( cons->parameter() ) ), KJS::Object( cons ) );
addType( idx.currentKey(), TypeTQObject );
void JSFactory::registerOpaqueType( const TTQString & className, KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingBase * bindingFactory )
void JSFactory::unregisterOpaqueType( const TTQString & className )
void JSFactory::extendOpaqueProxy( KJS::ExecState * exec, KJS::Object &proxy ) const
JSOpaqueProxy *prx = JSProxy::toOpaqueProxy( proxy.imp() );
if( prx )
kdDebug() << "Looking for " << prx->typeName() << endl;
Bindings::JSBindingBase *bindingFactory = d->opaqueTypes.find( prx->typeName() );
if( bindingFactory )
kdDebug() << "Extending proxy" << endl;
bindingFactory->addBindings(jspart, exec, proxy );
void JSFactory::registerObjectType( const TTQString & className, KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingBase * bindingFactory )
void JSFactory::unregisterObjectType( const TTQString & className )
void JSFactory::extendObjectProxy( KJS::ExecState * exec, KJS::Object &proxy ) const
JSObjectProxy *prx = JSProxy::toObjectProxy( proxy.imp() );
if( prx )
kdDebug() << "Looking for " << prx->typeName() << endl;
Bindings::JSBindingBase *bindingFactory = d->objectTypes.find( prx->typeName() );
if( bindingFactory )
kdDebug() << "Extending proxy" << endl;
bindingFactory->addBindings(jspart, exec, proxy );
}// namespace KJSEmbed
// Local Variables:
// c-basic-offset: 4
// End: