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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.trinitydesktop.koala;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQMetaObject;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.QtSupport;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQWidget;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQObject;
A managed set of TDEAction objects.
If you set the tooltips on TDEActions and want the tooltip to show in statusbar
(recommended) then you will need to connect a couple of the actionclass signals
to the toolbar.
The easiest way of doing this is in your TDEMainWindow subclass, where you create
a statusbar, do:
connect(actionCollection(), SIGNAL("actionStatusText( String )"),
statusBar(), SLOT("message( String )") );
connect(actionCollection(), SIGNAL("clearStatusText()"),
statusBar(), SLOT("clear()") );
See {@link TDEActionCollectionSignals} for signals emitted by TDEActionCollection
@short A managed set of TDEAction objects.
public class TDEActionCollection extends TQObject {
protected TDEActionCollection(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
public TDEActionCollection(TQWidget parent, String name, TDEInstanceInterface instance) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQWidget parent, String name, TDEInstanceInterface instance);
public TDEActionCollection(TQWidget parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQWidget parent, String name);
public TDEActionCollection(TQWidget parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQWidget parent);
Use this constructor if you want the collection's actions to restrict
their accelerator keys to <code>watch</code> rather than the <code>parent.</code> If
you don't require shortcuts, you can pass a null to the <code>watch</code> parameter.
@short Use this constructor if you want the collection's actions to restrict their accelerator keys to <code>watch</code> rather than the <code>parent.</code>
public TDEActionCollection(TQWidget watch, TQObject parent, String name, TDEInstanceInterface instance) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQWidget watch, TQObject parent, String name, TDEInstanceInterface instance);
public TDEActionCollection(TQWidget watch, TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQWidget watch, TQObject parent, String name);
public TDEActionCollection(TQWidget watch, TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQWidget watch, TQObject parent);
public TDEActionCollection(TDEActionCollection copy) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TDEActionCollection copy);
This sets the widget to which the keyboard shortcuts should be attached.
You only need to call this if a null pointer was passed in the constructor.
@short This sets the widget to which the keyboard shortcuts should be attached.
public native void setWidget(TQWidget widget);
This indicates whether new actions which are created in this collection
should have their keyboard shortcuts automatically connected on
construction. Set to 'false' if you will be loading XML-based settings.
This is automatically done by KParts. The default is 'true'.
@short This indicates whether new actions which are created in this collection should have their keyboard shortcuts automatically connected on construction.
@see #isAutoConnectShortcuts
public native void setAutoConnectShortcuts(boolean arg1);
This indicates whether new actions which are created in this collection
have their keyboard shortcuts automatically connected on
@short This indicates whether new actions which are created in this collection have their keyboard shortcuts automatically connected on construction.
@see #setAutoConnectShortcuts
public native boolean isAutoConnectShortcuts();
Doc/View model. This lets you add the action collection of a document
to a view's action collection.
@short Doc/View model.
public native boolean addDocCollection(TDEActionCollection pDoc);
/** Returns the TDEAccel object of the most recently set widget. @short Returns the TDEAccel object of the most recently set widget.
public native TDEAccel tdeaccel();
/** @internal, for TDEAction.tdeaccelCurrent() @short @internal, for TDEAction.tdeaccelCurrent()
public native TDEAccel builderTDEAccel();
/** Returns the number of actions in the collection @short Returns the number of actions in the collection
public native int count();
public native boolean isEmpty();
Return the TDEAction at position "index" in the action collection.
@short Return the TDEAction at position "index" in the action collection.
@see #count
public native TDEAction action(int index);
Find an action (optionally, of a given subclass of TDEAction) in the action collection.
@param name Name of the TDEAction.
@param classname Name of the TDEAction subclass.
@return A pointer to the first TDEAction in the collection which matches the parameters or
null if nothing matches.
@short Find an action (optionally, of a given subclass of TDEAction) in the action collection.
public native TDEAction action(String name, String classname);
public native TDEAction action(String name);
/** Returns a list of all the groups of all the TDEActions in this action collection.
@short Returns a list of all the groups of all the TDEActions in this action collection.
@see TDEAction#group
@see TDEAction#setGroup
public native ArrayList groups();
Returns the list of actions in a particular group managed by this action collection.
@param group The name of the group.
@short Returns the list of actions in a particular group managed by this action collection.
// TDEActionPtrList actions(const TQString& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
/** Returns the list of actions managed by this action collection. @short Returns the list of actions managed by this action collection.
// TDEActionPtrList actions(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
Used for reading shortcut configuration from a non-XML rc file.
@short Used for reading shortcut configuration from a non-XML rc file.
public native boolean readShortcutSettings(String sConfigGroup, TDEConfigBase pConfig);
public native boolean readShortcutSettings(String sConfigGroup);
public native boolean readShortcutSettings();
Used for writing shortcut configuration to a non-XML rc file.
@short Used for writing shortcut configuration to a non-XML rc file.
public native boolean writeShortcutSettings(String sConfigGroup, TDEConfigBase pConfig);
public native boolean writeShortcutSettings(String sConfigGroup);
public native boolean writeShortcutSettings();
public native void setInstance(TDEInstanceInterface instance);
/** The instance with which this class is associated. @short The instance with which this class is associated.
public native TDEInstanceInterface instance();
Enable highlighting notification for specific TDEActions.
This is false by default, so, by default, the highlighting
signals will not be emitted.
@short Enable highlighting notification for specific TDEActions.
@see #connectHighlight
@see #disconnectHighlight
@see #actionHighlighted
@see #actionHighlighted
@see #highlightingEnabled
public native void setHighlightingEnabled(boolean enable);
Return whether highlighting notifications are enabled.
@short Return whether highlighting notifications are enabled.
@see #connectHighlight
@see #disconnectHighlight
@see #actionHighlighted
@see #setHighlightingEnabled
@see #actionHighlighted
public native boolean highlightingEnabled();
Call this function if you want to receive a signal whenever a TDEAction is highlighted in a menu or a toolbar.
This is only needed if you do not add this action to this container.
You will generally not need to call this function.
@param container A container in which the TDEAction is plugged (must inherit TQPopupMenu or TDEToolBar)
@param action The action you are interested in
@short Call this function if you want to receive a signal whenever a TDEAction is highlighted in a menu or a toolbar.
@see #disconnectHighlight
@see #actionHighlighted
@see #setHighlightingEnabled
@see #highlightingEnabled
@see #actionHighlighted
public native void connectHighlight(TQWidget container, TDEAction action);
Disconnect highlight notifications for a particular pair of contianer and action.
This is only needed if you do not add this action to this container.
You will generally not need to call this function.
@param container A container in which the TDEAction is plugged (must inherit TQPopupMenu or TDEToolBar)
@param action The action you are interested in
@short Disconnect highlight notifications for a particular pair of contianer and action.
@see #connectHighlight
@see #actionHighlighted
@see #setHighlightingEnabled
@see #highlightingEnabled
@see #actionHighlighted
public native void disconnectHighlight(TQWidget container, TDEAction action);
The parent KXMLGUIClient, return null if not available.
@short The parent KXMLGUIClient, return 0L if not available.
public native KXMLGUIClientInterface parentGUIClient();
public TDEActionCollection(TQObject parent, String name, TDEInstanceInterface instance) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQObject parent, String name, TDEInstanceInterface instance);
public TDEActionCollection(TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQObject parent, String name);
public TDEActionCollection(TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDEActionCollection(TQObject parent);
Add an action to the collection.
Generally you don't have to call this. The action inserts itself automatically
into its parent collection. This can be useful however for a short-lived
collection (e.g. for a popupmenu, where the signals from the collection are needed too).
(don't forget that in the simple case, a list of actions should be a simple TDEActionPtrList).
If you manually insert actions into a 2nd collection, don't forget to take them out
again before destroying the collection.
@param action The TDEAction to add.
@short Add an action to the collection.
public native void insert(TDEAction action);
Removes an action from the collection and deletes it.
Since the TDEAction destructor removes the action from the collection, you generally
don't have to call this.
@param action The TDEAction to remove.
@short Removes an action from the collection and deletes it.
public native void remove(TDEAction action);
Removes an action from the collection.
Since the TDEAction destructor removes the action from the collection, you generally
don't have to call this.
@param action the TDEAction to remove.
@return NULL if not found else returns action.
@short Removes an action from the collection.
public native TDEAction take(TDEAction action);
public native TDEActionCollection op_plus(TDEActionCollection arg1);
public native TDEActionCollection op_plus_assign(TDEActionCollection arg1);
Clears the entire actionCollection, deleting all actions.
@short Clears the entire actionCollection, deleting all actions.
@see #remove
public native void clear();
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();