You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

315 lines
13 KiB

//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.trinitydesktop.koala;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQMetaObject;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.QtSupport;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQObject;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQPopupMenu;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQIconSet;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQWidget;
Action for selecting one of several items.
This action shows up a submenu with a list of items.
One of them can be checked. If the user clicks on an item
this item will automatically be checked,
the formerly checked item becomes unchecked.
There can be only one item checked at a time.
See {@link TDESelectActionSignals} for signals emitted by TDESelectAction
@short Action for selecting one of several items.
public class TDESelectAction extends TDEAction {
protected TDESelectAction(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
Constructs a select action with text and potential keyboard
accelerator but nothing else. Use this only if you really
know what you are doing.
@param text The text that will be displayed.
@param cut The corresponding keyboard accelerator (shortcut).
@param parent This action's parent.
@param name An internal name for this action.
@short Constructs a select action with text and potential keyboard accelerator but nothing else.
public TDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent, String name);
public TDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent);
public TDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut);
public TDESelectAction(String text) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text);
@param text The text that will be displayed.
@param cut The corresponding keyboard accelerator (shortcut).
@param receiver The SLOT's parent.
@param slot The SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
@param parent This action's parent.
@param name An internal name for this action.
public TDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent, String name);
public TDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent);
@param text The text that will be displayed.
@param pix The icons that go with this action.
@param cut The corresponding keyboard accelerator (shortcut).
@param parent This action's parent.
@param name An internal name for this action.
public TDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent, String name);
public TDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent);
public TDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut);
public TDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix);
@param text The text that will be displayed.
@param pix The dynamically loaded icon that goes with this action.
@param cut The corresponding keyboard accelerator (shortcut).
@param parent This action's parent.
@param name An internal name for this action.
public TDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent, String name);
public TDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject parent);
public TDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut);
public TDESelectAction(String text, String pix) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, String pix);
@param text The text that will be displayed.
@param pix The icons that go with this action.
@param cut The corresponding keyboard accelerator (shortcut).
@param receiver The SLOT's parent.
@param slot The SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
@param parent This action's parent.
@param name An internal name for this action.
public TDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent, String name);
public TDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, TQIconSet pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent);
@param text The text that will be displayed.
@param pix The dynamically loaded icon that goes with this action.
@param cut The corresponding keyboard accelerator (shortcut).
@param receiver The SLOT's parent.
@param slot The SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
@param parent This action's parent.
@param name An internal name for this action.
public TDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent, String name);
public TDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(String text, String pix, TDEShortcut cut, TQObject receiver, String slot, TQObject parent);
@param parent This action's parent.
@param name An internal name for this action.
public TDESelectAction(TQObject parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(TQObject parent, String name);
public TDESelectAction(TQObject parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction(TQObject parent);
public TDESelectAction() {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelectAction();
"Plug" or insert this action into a given widget.
This will typically be a menu or a toolbar.
From this point on, you will never need to directly
manipulate the item in the menu or toolbar.
You do all enabling/disabling/manipulation directly with your TDESelectAction object.
@param widget The GUI element to display this action.
@param index The index of the item.
@short "Plug" or insert this action into a given widget.
public native int plug(TQWidget widget, int index);
public native int plug(TQWidget widget);
When this action is plugged into a toolbar, it creates a combobox.
@return true if the combo editable.
@short When this action is plugged into a toolbar, it creates a combobox.
public native boolean isEditable();
@return the items that can be selected with this action.
Use setItems to set them.
public native ArrayList items();
Changes the text of item @param index to @param text .
@short Changes the text of item @param index to @param text .
public native void changeItem(int index, String text);
Returns the text of the currently selected item.
@short Returns the text of the currently selected item.
public native String currentText();
Returns the index of the current item.
@short Returns the index of the current item.
@see #setCurrentItem
public native int currentItem();
When this action is plugged into a toolbar, it creates a combobox.
This returns the maximum width set by setComboWidth
@short When this action is plugged into a toolbar, it creates a combobox.
public native int comboWidth();
Sets the maximum items that are visible at once if the action
is a combobox, that is the number of items in the combobox's viewport
Only works before the action is plugged
@short Sets the maximum items that are visible at once if the action is a combobox, that is the number of items in the combobox's viewport Only works before the action is plugged
public native void setMaxComboViewCount(int n);
Returns a pointer to the popup menu used by this action.
@short Returns a pointer to the popup menu used by this action.
public native TQPopupMenu popupMenu();
public native boolean removeAmpersandsInCombo();
Sets whether any occurrence of the ampersand character ( & ) in items
should be interpreted as keyboard accelerator for items displayed in a
menu or not.
@short Sets whether any occurrence of the ampersand character ( & ) in items should be interpreted as keyboard accelerator for items displayed in a menu or not.
public native void setMenuAccelsEnabled(boolean b);
public native boolean menuAccelsEnabled();
Sets the currently checked item.
@param index Index of the item (remember the first item is zero).
@short Sets the currently checked item.
public native void setCurrentItem(int index);
Sets the items to be displayed in this action
You need to call this.
@short Sets the items to be displayed in this action You need to call this.
public native void setItems(String[] lst);
Clears up all the items in this action
@short Clears up all the items in this action
public native void clear();
When this action is plugged into a toolbar, it creates a combobox.
This makes the combo editable or read-only.
@short When this action is plugged into a toolbar, it creates a combobox.
public native void setEditable(boolean arg1);
When this action is plugged into a toolbar, it creates a combobox.
This gives a _maximum_ size to the combobox.
The minimum size is automatically given by the contents (the items).
@short When this action is plugged into a toolbar, it creates a combobox.
public native void setComboWidth(int width);
protected native void changeItem(int id, int index, String text);
Depending on the menuAccelsEnabled property this method will return the
actions items in a way for inclusion in a combobox with the ampersand
character removed from all items or not.
@short Depending on the menuAccelsEnabled property this method will return the actions items in a way for inclusion in a combobox with the ampersand character removed from all items or not.
protected native ArrayList comboItems();
protected native void updateCurrentItem(int id);
protected native void updateComboWidth(int id);
protected native void updateItems(int id);
protected native void updateClear(int id);
protected native void slotActivated(int id);
protected native void slotActivated(String text);
protected native void slotActivated();
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();