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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.trinitydesktop.qt;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
public class TQWidget extends TQObject implements TQPaintDeviceInterface {
protected TQWidget(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public static final int NoFocus = 0;
public static final int TabFocus = 0x1;
public static final int ClickFocus = 0x2;
public static final int StrongFocus = TabFocus|ClickFocus|0x8;
public static final int WheelFocus = StrongFocus|0x4;
public static final int WidgetOrigin = 0;
public static final int ParentOrigin = 1;
public static final int WindowOrigin = 2;
public static final int AncestorOrigin = 3;
public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
public TQWidget(TQWidget parent, String name, int f) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQWidget(TQWidget parent, String name, int f);
public TQWidget(TQWidget parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQWidget(TQWidget parent, String name);
public TQWidget(TQWidget parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQWidget(TQWidget parent);
public TQWidget() {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTQWidget();
public native long winId();
public native void setName(String name);
public native TQStyle style();
public native void setStyle(TQStyle arg1);
public native TQStyle setStyle(String arg1);
public native boolean isTopLevel();
public native boolean isDialog();
public native boolean isPopup();
public native boolean isDesktop();
public native boolean isModal();
public native boolean isEnabled();
public native boolean isEnabledTo(TQWidget arg1);
public native boolean isEnabledToTLW();
public native TQRect frameGeometry();
public native TQRect geometry();
public native int x();
public native int y();
public native TQPoint pos();
public native TQSize frameSize();
public native TQSize size();
public native int width();
public native int height();
public native TQRect rect();
public native TQRect childrenRect();
public native TQRegion childrenRegion();
public native TQSize minimumSize();
public native TQSize maximumSize();
public native int minimumWidth();
public native int minimumHeight();
public native int maximumWidth();
public native int maximumHeight();
public native void setMinimumSize(TQSize arg1);
public native void setMinimumSize(int minw, int minh);
public native void setMaximumSize(TQSize arg1);
public native void setMaximumSize(int maxw, int maxh);
public native void setMinimumWidth(int minw);
public native void setMinimumHeight(int minh);
public native void setMaximumWidth(int maxw);
public native void setMaximumHeight(int maxh);
public native TQSize sizeIncrement();
public native void setSizeIncrement(TQSize arg1);
public native void setSizeIncrement(int w, int h);
public native TQSize baseSize();
public native void setBaseSize(TQSize arg1);
public native void setBaseSize(int basew, int baseh);
public native void setFixedSize(TQSize arg1);
public native void setFixedSize(int w, int h);
public native void setFixedWidth(int w);
public native void setFixedHeight(int h);
public native TQPoint mapToGlobal(TQPoint arg1);
public native TQPoint mapFromGlobal(TQPoint arg1);
public native TQPoint mapToParent(TQPoint arg1);
public native TQPoint mapFromParent(TQPoint arg1);
public native TQPoint mapTo(TQWidget arg1, TQPoint arg2);
public native TQPoint mapFrom(TQWidget arg1, TQPoint arg2);
public native TQWidget topLevelWidget();
public native int backgroundMode();
public native void setBackgroundMode(int arg1);
public native void setBackgroundMode(int arg1, int arg2);
public native TQColor foregroundColor();
public native TQColor eraseColor();
public native void setEraseColor(TQColor arg1);
public native TQPixmap erasePixmap();
public native void setErasePixmap(TQPixmap arg1);
public native TQColorGroup colorGroup();
public native TQPalette palette();
public native boolean ownPalette();
public native void setPalette(TQPalette arg1);
public native void unsetPalette();
public native TQColor paletteForegroundColor();
public native void setPaletteForegroundColor(TQColor arg1);
public native TQColor paletteBackgroundColor();
public native void setPaletteBackgroundColor(TQColor arg1);
public native TQPixmap paletteBackgroundPixmap();
public native void setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(TQPixmap arg1);
public native TQBrush backgroundBrush();
public native TQFont font();
public native boolean ownFont();
public native void setFont(TQFont arg1);
public native void unsetFont();
public native TQFontMetrics fontMetrics();
public native TQFontInfo fontInfo();
public native TQCursor cursor();
public native boolean ownCursor();
public native void setCursor(TQCursor arg1);
public native void unsetCursor();
public native String caption();
public native TQPixmap icon();
public native String iconText();
public native boolean hasMouseTracking();
public native boolean hasMouse();
public native void setMask(TQBitmap arg1);
public native void setMask(TQRegion arg1);
public native void clearMask();
public native TQColor backgroundColor();
public native void setBackgroundColor(TQColor arg1);
public native TQPixmap backgroundPixmap();
public native void setBackgroundPixmap(TQPixmap arg1);
public native boolean isActiveWindow();
public native void setActiveWindow();
public native boolean isFocusEnabled();
public native int focusPolicy();
public native void setFocusPolicy(int arg1);
public native boolean hasFocus();
public native void setFocusProxy(TQWidget arg1);
public native TQWidget focusProxy();
public native void setInputMethodEnabled(boolean b);
public native boolean isInputMethodEnabled();
public native void grabMouse();
public native void grabMouse(TQCursor arg1);
public native void releaseMouse();
public native void grabKeyboard();
public native void releaseKeyboard();
public native boolean isUpdatesEnabled();
public native boolean close(boolean alsoDelete);
public native boolean isVisible();
public native boolean isVisibleTo(TQWidget arg1);
public native boolean isVisibleToTLW();
public native TQRect visibleRect();
public native boolean isHidden();
public native boolean isShown();
public native boolean isMinimized();
public native boolean isMaximized();
public native boolean isFullScreen();
public native int windowState();
public native void setWindowState(int windowState);
public native TQSize sizeHint();
public native TQSize minimumSizeHint();
public native TQSizePolicy sizePolicy();
public native void setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy arg1);
public native void setSizePolicy(int hor, int ver, boolean hfw);
public native void setSizePolicy(int hor, int ver);
public native int heightForWidth(int arg1);
public native TQRegion clipRegion();
public native TQLayout layout();
public native void updateGeometry();
public native void reparent(TQWidget parent, int arg2, TQPoint arg3, boolean showIt);
public native void reparent(TQWidget parent, int arg2, TQPoint arg3);
public native void reparent(TQWidget parent, TQPoint arg2, boolean showIt);
public native void reparent(TQWidget parent, TQPoint arg2);
public native void recreate(TQWidget parent, int f, TQPoint p, boolean showIt);
public native void recreate(TQWidget parent, int f, TQPoint p);
public native void erase();
public native void erase(int x, int y, int w, int h);
public native void erase(TQRect arg1);
public native void erase(TQRegion arg1);
public native void scroll(int dx, int dy);
public native void scroll(int dx, int dy, TQRect arg3);
public native void drawText(int x, int y, String arg3);
public native void drawText(TQPoint arg1, String arg2);
public native TQWidget focusWidget();
public native TQRect microFocusHint();
public native boolean acceptDrops();
public native void setAcceptDrops(boolean on);
public native void setAutoMask(boolean arg1);
public native boolean autoMask();
public native void setBackgroundOrigin(int arg1);
public native int backgroundOrigin();
public native TQPoint backgroundOffset();
public native boolean customWhatsThis();
public native TQWidget parentWidget(boolean sameWindow);
public native TQWidget parentWidget();
public native int testWState(int s);
public native int testWFlags(int f);
public native TQWidget childAt(int x, int y, boolean includeThis);
public native TQWidget childAt(int x, int y);
public native TQWidget childAt(TQPoint arg1, boolean includeThis);
public native TQWidget childAt(TQPoint arg1);
public native void setWindowOpacity(double level);
public native double windowOpacity();
public native void setPalette(TQPalette p, boolean arg2);
public native void setFont(TQFont f, boolean arg2);
public native void setEnabled(boolean arg1);
public native void setDisabled(boolean arg1);
public native void setCaption(String arg1);
public native void setIcon(TQPixmap arg1);
public native void setIconText(String arg1);
public native void setMouseTracking(boolean enable);
public native void setFocus();
public native void clearFocus();
public native void setUpdatesEnabled(boolean enable);
public native void update();
public native void update(int x, int y, int w, int h);
public native void update(TQRect arg1);
public native void repaint();
public native void repaint(boolean erase);
public native void repaint(int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean erase);
public native void repaint(int x, int y, int w, int h);
public native void repaint(TQRect arg1, boolean erase);
public native void repaint(TQRect arg1);
public native void repaint(TQRegion arg1, boolean erase);
public native void repaint(TQRegion arg1);
public native void show();
public native void hide();
public native void setShown(boolean show);
public native void setHidden(boolean hide);
public native void iconify();
public native void showMinimized();
public native void showMaximized();
public native void showFullScreen();
public native void showNormal();
public native void polish();
public native void constPolish();
public native boolean close();
public native void raise();
public native void lower();
public native void stackUnder(TQWidget arg1);
public native void move(int x, int y);
public native void move(TQPoint arg1);
public native void resize(int w, int h);
public native void resize(TQSize arg1);
public native void setGeometry(int x, int y, int w, int h);
public native void setGeometry(TQRect arg1);
public native void adjustSize();
public static native String tr(String arg1, String arg2);
public static native String tr(String arg1);
public static native void setTabOrder(TQWidget arg1, TQWidget arg2);
public static native TQWidget mouseGrabber();
public static native TQWidget keyboardGrabber();
public static native TQWidget find(long arg1);
// TQWidgetMapper* wmapper(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
public native boolean event(TQEvent arg1);
protected native void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
protected native void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
protected native void mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
protected native void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
protected native void wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent arg1);
protected native void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent arg1);
protected native void keyReleaseEvent(TQKeyEvent arg1);
protected native void focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent arg1);
protected native void focusOutEvent(TQFocusEvent arg1);
protected native void enterEvent(TQEvent arg1);
protected native void leaveEvent(TQEvent arg1);
protected native void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent arg1);
protected native void moveEvent(TQMoveEvent arg1);
protected native void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent arg1);
protected native void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent arg1);
protected native void contextMenuEvent(TQContextMenuEvent arg1);
protected native void imStartEvent(TQIMEvent arg1);
protected native void imComposeEvent(TQIMEvent arg1);
protected native void imEndEvent(TQIMEvent arg1);
protected native void tabletEvent(TQTabletEvent arg1);
protected native void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent arg1);
protected native void dragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent arg1);
protected native void dragLeaveEvent(TQDragLeaveEvent arg1);
protected native void dropEvent(TQDropEvent arg1);
public native void showEvent(TQShowEvent arg1);
protected native void hideEvent(TQHideEvent arg1);
protected native void updateMask();
public native void styleChange(TQStyle arg1);
protected native void enabledChange(boolean oldEnabled);
protected native void paletteChange(TQPalette arg1);
protected native void fontChange(TQFont arg1);
protected native void windowActivationChange(boolean oldActive);
protected native int metric(int arg1);
protected native void resetInputContext();
protected native void create(long arg1, boolean initializeWindow, boolean destroyOldWindow);
protected native void create(long arg1, boolean initializeWindow);
protected native void create(long arg1);
protected native void create();
protected native void destroy(boolean destroyWindow, boolean destroySubWindows);
protected native void destroy(boolean destroyWindow);
protected native void destroy();
protected native int getWState();
protected native void setWState(int arg1);
protected native void clearWState(int n);
protected native int getWFlags();
protected native void setWFlags(int arg1);
protected native void clearWFlags(int n);
protected native boolean focusNextPrevChild(boolean next);
// TQWExtra* extraData(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
// TQTLWExtra* topData(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
protected native TQFocusData focusData();
protected native void setKeyCompression(boolean arg1);
protected native void setMicroFocusHint(int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean text, TQFont f);
protected native void setMicroFocusHint(int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean text);
protected native void setMicroFocusHint(int x, int y, int w, int h);
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();
public native int devType();
public native boolean isExtDev();
public native boolean paintingActive();
public native void setResolution(int arg1);
public native int resolution();
// bool cmd(int arg1,TQPainter* arg2,TQPDevCmdParam* arg3); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
protected native int fontMet(TQFont arg1, int arg2, String arg3, int arg4);
protected native int fontMet(TQFont arg1, int arg2, String arg3);
protected native int fontMet(TQFont arg1, int arg2);
protected native int fontInf(TQFont arg1, int arg2);
/** Internal method */
protected native long paintDevice();