You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.trinitydesktop.koala;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQRect;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQMetaObject;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.QtSupport;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQPaintEvent;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQPoint;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQPainter;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQRangeControl;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQRangeControlInterface;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQMouseEvent;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQWidget;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQWheelEvent;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQWidget;
TDESelector is the base class for other widgets which
provides the ability to choose from a one-dimensional
range of values. An example is the KGradientSelector
which allows to choose from a range of colors.
A custom drawing routine for the widget surface has
to be provided by the subclass.
See {@link TDESelectorSignals} for signals emitted by TDESelector
@short TDESelector is the base class for other widgets which provides the ability to choose from a one-dimensional range of values.
public class TDESelector extends TQWidget implements TQRangeControlInterface {
protected TDESelector(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
Constructs a horizontal one-dimensional selection widget.
@short Constructs a horizontal one-dimensional selection widget.
public TDESelector(TQWidget parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelector(TQWidget parent, String name);
public TDESelector(TQWidget parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelector(TQWidget parent);
public TDESelector() {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelector();
Constructs a one-dimensional selection widget with
a given orientation.
@short Constructs a one-dimensional selection widget with a given orientation.
public TDESelector(int o, TQWidget parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelector(int o, TQWidget parent, String name);
public TDESelector(int o, TQWidget parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelector(int o, TQWidget parent);
public TDESelector(int o) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newTDESelector(int o);
@return the orientation of the widget.
public native int orientation();
@return the rectangle on which subclasses should draw.
public native TQRect contentsRect();
Sets the indent option of the widget to i.
This determines whether a shaded frame is drawn.
@short Sets the indent option of the widget to i.
public native void setIndent(boolean i);
@return whether the indent option is set.
public native boolean indent();
Sets the value.
@short Sets the value.
public native void setValue(int value);
@return the value.
public native int value();
Sets the min value.
@short Sets the min value.
public native void setMinValue(int value);
@return the min value.
public native int minValue();
Sets the max value.
@short Sets the max value.
public native void setMaxValue(int value);
@return the max value.
public native int maxValue();
Override this function to draw the contents of the control.
The default implementation does nothing.
Draw only within contentsRect().
@short Override this function to draw the contents of the control.
protected native void drawContents(TQPainter arg1);
Override this function to draw the cursor which
indicates the current value. This function is
always called twice, once with argument show=false
to clear the old cursor, once with argument show=true
to draw the new one.
@short Override this function to draw the cursor which indicates the current value.
protected native void drawArrow(TQPainter painter, boolean show, TQPoint pos);
protected native void valueChange();
protected native void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent arg1);
protected native void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent e);
protected native void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent e);
protected native void wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent arg1);
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();
public native void addPage();
public native void subtractPage();
public native void addLine();
public native void subtractLine();
public native void setRange(int minValue, int maxValue);
public native int lineStep();
public native int pageStep();
public native void setSteps(int line, int page);
public native int bound(int arg1);
protected native int positionFromValue(int val, int space);
protected native int valueFromPosition(int pos, int space);
protected native void directSetValue(int val);
protected native int prevValue();
protected native void rangeChange();
protected native void stepChange();