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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.koala;
import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
CustomNodeFilter can be used to define your own NodeFilter for use
with NodeIterators and TreeWalkers. You can create a custom filter
by doing the following:
class MyCustomNodeFilter {
short acceptNode (Noden);
Then in your program:
short MyCustomNodeFilter.acceptNode (Noden)
if (condition)
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
MyCustomFilter filter = new MyCustomFilter();
NodeFilter nf = NodeFilter.createCustom(filter);
NodeIterator ni = document.createNodeIterator(document,NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL,nf,false);
The default implementation of acceptNode() returns NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT
for all nodes.
@short CustomNodeFilter can be used to define your own NodeFilter for use with NodeIterators and TreeWalkers.
public class CustomNodeFilter extends DomShared {
protected CustomNodeFilter(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public CustomNodeFilter() {
super((Class) null);
private native void newCustomNodeFilter();
public native short acceptNode(Node n);
public native boolean isNull();
not part of the DOM
Returns a name specifying the type of custom node filter. Useful for checking
if an custom node filter is of a particular sublass.
public native String customNodeFilterType();