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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.koala;
import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import org.kde.qt.QMetaObject;
import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
import org.kde.qt.QObject;
The command history stores a (user) configurable amount of
Commands. It keeps track of its size and deletes commands
if it gets too large. The user can set a maximum undo and
a maximum redo limit (e.g. max. 50 undo / 30 redo commands).
The KCommandHistory keeps track of the "borders" and deletes
commands, if appropriate. It also activates/deactivates the
undo/redo actions in the menu and changes the text according
to the name of the command.
See {@link KCommandHistorySignals} for signals emitted by KCommandHistory
@short The command history stores a (user) configurable amount of Commands.
public class KCommandHistory extends QObject {
protected KCommandHistory(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public native QMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
Creates a command history, to store commands.
This constructor doesn't create actions, so you need to call
#undo and #redo yourself.
@short Creates a command history, to store commands.
public KCommandHistory() {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKCommandHistory();
Creates a command history, to store commands.
This also creates an undo and a redo action, in the <code>actionCollection</code>,
using the standard names ("edit_undo" and "edit_redo").
@param withMenus if true, the actions will display a menu when plugged
into a toolbar.
@param actionCollection the parent collection
@short Creates a command history, to store commands.
public KCommandHistory(KActionCollection actionCollection, boolean withMenus) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKCommandHistory(KActionCollection actionCollection, boolean withMenus);
public KCommandHistory(KActionCollection actionCollection) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKCommandHistory(KActionCollection actionCollection);
Erases all the undo/redo history.
Use this when reloading the data, for instance, since this invalidates
all the commands.
@short Erases all the undo/redo history.
public native void clear();
Adds a command to the history. Call this for each <code>command</code> you create.
Unless you set <code>execute</code> to false, this will also execute the command.
This means, most of the application's code will look like
MyCommand cmd = new MyCommand(i18n("Capitalized Name"), parameters);
m_historyCommand.addCommand( cmd );
@short Adds a command to the history.
public native void addCommand(KCommand command, boolean execute);
public native void addCommand(KCommand command);
@return the maximum number of items in the undo history
public native int undoLimit();
Sets the maximum number of items in the undo history.
@short Sets the maximum number of items in the undo history.
public native void setUndoLimit(int limit);
@return the maximum number of items in the redo history
public native int redoLimit();
Sets the maximum number of items in the redo history.
@short Sets the maximum number of items in the redo history.
public native void setRedoLimit(int limit);
Enable or disable the undo and redo actions.
This isn't usually necessary, but this method can be useful if
you disable all actions (to go to a "readonly" state), and then
want to come back to a readwrite mode.
@short Enable or disable the undo and redo actions.
public native void updateActions();
Undoes the last action.
Call this if you don't use the builtin KActions.
@short Undoes the last action.
public native void undo();
Redoes the last undone action.
Call this if you don't use the builtin KActions.
@short Redoes the last undone action.
public native void redo();
Remembers when you saved the document.
Call this right after saving the document. As soon as
the history reaches the current index again (via some
undo/redo operations) it will emit documentRestored
If you implemented undo/redo properly the document is
the same you saved before.
@short Remembers when you saved the document.
public native void documentSaved();
protected native void slotUndoAboutToShow();
protected native void slotUndoActivated(int arg1);
protected native void slotRedoAboutToShow();
protected native void slotRedoActivated(int arg1);
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();