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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.koala;
import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import org.kde.qt.QMetaObject;
import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
import org.kde.qt.QObject;
import org.kde.qt.QPopupMenu;
import org.kde.qt.QEvent;
import org.kde.qt.QWidget;
import org.kde.qt.QDomElement;
import org.kde.qt.QObject;
The manager that knows all dockwidgets and handles the dock process (and member of the dockwidget class set).
More or less a helper class for the KDockWidget class set but of interest for some functionality
that can be called within a KDockMainWindow or a KDockWidget .
An important feature is the ability to read or save the current state of all things concerning to
dockwidgets to KConfig .
The dockmanager is also often used when a certain dockwidget or a child of such dockwidget must be found.
See {@link KDockManagerSignals} for signals emitted by KDockManager
@author Max Judin (documentation: Falk Brettschneider).
@short The manager that knows all dockwidgets and handles the dock process (and member of the dockwidget class set).
public class KDockManager extends QObject {
protected KDockManager(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public static final int Unknown = 0;
public static final int WrapExistingWidgetsOnly = 1;
public static final int RestoreAllDockwidgets = 2;
public native QMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
Constructs a dockmanager. Some initialization happen:
It installs an event filter for the main window,
a control list for dock objects
a control list for menu items concerning to menus provided by the dockmanager
Some state variables are set
@param mainWindow the main window controlled by this
@param name the internal QOject name
@short Constructs a dockmanager.
public KDockManager(QWidget mainWindow, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKDockManager(QWidget mainWindow, String name);
public KDockManager(QWidget mainWindow) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKDockManager(QWidget mainWindow);
public native void dumpDockWidgets();
Saves the current state of the dockmanager and of all controlled widgets.
State means here to save the geometry, visibility, parents, internal object names, orientation,
separator positions, dockwidget-group information, tab widget states (if it is a tab group) and
last but not least some necessary things for recovering the dockmainwindow state.
@param c the KDE configuration saver
@param group the name of the section in KConfig
@short Saves the current state of the dockmanager and of all controlled widgets.
public native void writeConfig(KConfig c, String group);
public native void writeConfig(KConfig c);
public native void writeConfig();
Like writeConfig but reads the whole stuff in.
In order to restore a window configuration
from a config file, it looks up widgets by name
( in the childDock variable of
KDockManager. This list in turn contains all
KDockWidgets (according to the KDockWidget constructor).
So in principle, in order to restore a window layout,
one must first construct all widgets, put each of them in a
KDockWidget and then call readConfig(). And for all that
to work, each widget must have a unique name.
@param c the KDE configuration saver
@param group the name of the section in KConfig
@short Like writeConfig but reads the whole stuff in.
public native void readConfig(KConfig c, String group);
public native void readConfig(KConfig c);
public native void readConfig();
public native void setMainDockWidget2(KDockWidget arg1);
Saves the current dock window layout into a DOM tree below the given element.
@short Saves the current dock window layout into a DOM tree below the given element.
public native void writeConfig(QDomElement base);
Reads the current dock window layout from a DOM tree below the given element.
@short Reads the current dock window layout from a DOM tree below the given element.
public native void readConfig(QDomElement base);
Shows all encapsulated widgets of all controlled dockwidgets and shows all dockwidgets which are
parent of a dockwidget tab group.
@short Shows all encapsulated widgets of all controlled dockwidgets and shows all dockwidgets which are parent of a dockwidget tab group.
public native void activate();
It's more or less a method that catches several events which are interesting for the dockmanager.
Mainly mouse events during the drag process of a dockwidgets are of interest here.
@param object the object that sends the event
@param event the event
@return the return value of the method call of the base class method
@short It's more or less a method that catches several events which are interesting for the dockmanager.
public native boolean eventFilter(QObject object, QEvent event);
This method finds out what a widgets' dockwidget is. That means the dockmanager has a look at all
dockwidgets it knows and tells you when one of those dockwidgets covers the given widget.
@param w any widget that is supposed to be encapsulated by one of the controlled dockwidgets
@return the dockwidget that encapsulates that widget, otherwise 0
@short This method finds out what a widgets' dockwidget is.
public native KDockWidget findWidgetParentDock(QWidget w);
Works like makeDockVisible() but can be called for widgets that covered by a dockwidget.
@param w the widget that is encapsulated by a dockwidget that turns to visible.
@short Works like makeDockVisible() but can be called for widgets that covered by a dockwidget.
public native void makeWidgetDockVisible(QWidget w);
@return the popupmenu for showing/hiding dockwidgets
public native QPopupMenu dockHideShowMenu();
@param dockName an internal QObject name
@return the dockwidget that has got that internal QObject name
public native KDockWidget getDockWidgetFromName(String dockName);
Enables opaque resizing. Opaque resizing defaults to KGlobalSettings.opaqueResize().
Call this method before you create any dock widgets!
@short Enables opaque resizing.
public native void setSplitterOpaqueResize(boolean b);
public native void setSplitterOpaqueResize();
Returns true if opaque resizing is enabled, false otherwise.
@short Returns true if opaque resizing is enabled, false otherwise.
public native boolean splitterOpaqueResize();
Try to preserve the widget's size. Works like KeepSize resize mode
of QSplitter. Off by default.
Call this method before you create any dock widgets!
@short Try to preserve the widget's size.
public native void setSplitterKeepSize(boolean b);
public native void setSplitterKeepSize();
Returns true if the KeepSize is enabled, false otherwise.
@short Returns true if the KeepSize is enabled, false otherwise.
public native boolean splitterKeepSize();
Operate the splitter with a higher resolution. Off by default.
Call this method before you create any dock widgets!
If high resolution is used all splitter position parameters
are percent*100 instead of percent.
@note Since KDE 3.5 this is ignored. Internally the splitter always
calcualtes in high resolution values. For KDE 4, this will be removed.
@short Operate the splitter with a higher resolution.
public native void setSplitterHighResolution(boolean b);
public native void setSplitterHighResolution();
Returns true if the splitter uses the high resolution, false otherwise.
@short Returns true if the splitter uses the high resolution, false otherwise.
public native boolean splitterHighResolution();
public native void setSpecialLeftDockContainer(KDockWidget container);
public native void setSpecialTopDockContainer(KDockWidget container);
public native void setSpecialRightDockContainer(KDockWidget container);
public native void setSpecialBottomDockContainer(KDockWidget container);
public native void removeFromAutoCreateList(KDockWidget pDockWidget);
public native void finishReadDockConfig();
public native void setReadDockConfigMode(int mode);
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();