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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.koala;
import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import org.kde.qt.QColor;
import org.kde.qt.QRect;
import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
import org.kde.qt.QPixmap;
import org.kde.qt.QImage;
import org.kde.qt.QWidget;
Applies effects to icons.
This class applies effects to icons depending on their state and
group. For example, it can be used to make all disabled icons
in a toolbar gray.
@short Applies effects to icons.
@see KIcon
public class KIconEffect implements QtSupport {
private long _qt;
private boolean _allocatedInJavaWorld = true;
protected KIconEffect(Class dummy){}
This is the enumeration of all possible icon effects.
Note that 'LastEffect' is no valid icon effect but only
used internally to check for invalid icon effects.
NoEffect: Don't apply any icon effect
ToGray: Tints the icon gray
Colorize: Tints the icon with an other color
ToGamma: Change the gamma value of the icon
DeSaturate: Reduce the saturation of the icon
ToMonochrome: Produces a monochrome icon
</li> @short This is the enumeration of all possible icon effects.
public static final int NoEffect = 0;
public static final int ToGray = 1;
public static final int Colorize = 2;
public static final int ToGamma = 3;
public static final int DeSaturate = 4;
public static final int ToMonochrome = 5;
public static final int LastEffect = 6;
Create a new KIconEffect.
@short Create a new KIconEffect.
public KIconEffect() {
private native void newKIconEffect();
Rereads configuration.
@short Rereads configuration.
public native void init();
Tests whether an effect has been configured for the given icon group.
@param group the group to check, see KIcon.Group
@param state the state to check, see KIcon.States
@return true if an effect is configured for the given <code>group</code>
in <code>state</code>, otherwise false.
@short Tests whether an effect has been configured for the given icon group.
@see KIcon#Group
@see KIcon#States
public native boolean hasEffect(int group, int state);
Returns a fingerprint for the effect by encoding
the given <code>group</code> and <code>state</code> into a String. This
is useful for caching.
@param group the group, see KIcon.Group
@param state the state, see KIcon.States
@return the fingerprint of the given <code>group</code>+<code>state</code>
@short Returns a fingerprint for the effect by encoding the given <code>group</code> and <code>state</code> into a String.
public native String fingerprint(int group, int state);
Applies an effect to an image. The effect to apply depends on the
<code>group</code> and <code>state</code> parameters, and is configured by the user.
@param src The image.
@param group The group for the icon, see KIcon.Group
@param state The icon's state, see KIcon.States
@return An image with the effect applied.
@short Applies an effect to an image.
public native QImage apply(QImage src, int group, int state);
Applies an effect to an image.
@param src The image.
@param effect The effect to apply, one of KIconEffect.Effects.
@param value Strength of the effect. 0 <= <code>value</code> <= 1.
@param rgb Color parameter for effects that need one.
@param trans Add Transparency if trans = true.
@return An image with the effect applied.
@short Applies an effect to an image.
public native QImage apply(QImage src, int effect, float value, QColor rgb, boolean trans);
public native QImage apply(QImage src, int effect, float value, QColor rgb, QColor rgb2, boolean trans);
Applies an effect to a pixmap.
@param src The pixmap.
@param group The group for the icon, see KIcon.Group
@param state The icon's state, see KIcon.States
@return A pixmap with the effect applied.
@short Applies an effect to a pixmap.
public native QPixmap apply(QPixmap src, int group, int state);
Applies an effect to a pixmap.
@param src The pixmap.
@param effect The effect to apply, one of KIconEffect.Effects.
@param value Strength of the effect. 0 <= <code>value</code> <= 1.
@param rgb Color parameter for effects that need one.
@param trans Add Transparency if trans = true.
@return A pixmap with the effect applied.
@short Applies an effect to a pixmap.
public native QPixmap apply(QPixmap src, int effect, float value, QColor rgb, boolean trans);
public native QPixmap apply(QPixmap src, int effect, float value, QColor rgb, QColor rgb2, boolean trans);
Returns an image twice as large, consisting of 2x2 pixels.
@param src the image.
@return the scaled image.
@short Returns an image twice as large, consisting of 2x2 pixels.
public native QImage doublePixels(QImage src);
Provides visual feedback to show activation of an icon on a widget.
Not strictly an 'icon effect', but in practice that's what it looks
This method does nothing if the global 'Visual feedback on activation'
option is not activated (See kcontrol/Peripherals/Mouse).
@param widget The widget on which the effect should be painted
@param rect This rectangle defines the effect's borders
@short Provides visual feedback to show activation of an icon on a widget.
public static native void visualActivate(QWidget widget, QRect rect);
Tints an image gray.
@param image The image
@param value Strength of the effect. 0 <= <code>value</code> <= 1
@short Tints an image gray.
public static native void toGray(QImage image, float value);
Colorizes an image with a specific color.
@param image The image
@param col The color with which the <code>image</code> is tinted
@param value Strength of the effect. 0 <= <code>value</code> <= 1
@short Colorizes an image with a specific color.
public static native void colorize(QImage image, QColor col, float value);
Produces a monochrome icon with a given foreground and background color
@param image The image
@param white The color with which the white parts of <code>image</code> are painted
@param black The color with which the black parts of <code>image</code> are painted
@param value Strength of the effect. 0 <= <code>value</code> <= 1
@short Produces a monochrome icon with a given foreground and background color
public static native void toMonochrome(QImage image, QColor black, QColor white, float value);
Desaturates an image.
@param image The image
@param value Strength of the effect. 0 <= <code>value</code> <= 1
@short Desaturates an image.
public static native void deSaturate(QImage image, float value);
Changes the gamma value of an image.
@param image The image
@param value Strength of the effect. 0 <= <code>value</code> <= 1
@short Changes the gamma value of an image.
public static native void toGamma(QImage image, float value);
Renders an image semi-transparent.
@param image The image
@short Renders an image semi-transparent.
public static native void semiTransparent(QImage image);
Renders a pixmap semi-transparent.
@param pixmap The pixmap
@short Renders a pixmap semi-transparent.
public static native void semiTransparent(QPixmap pixmap);
Overlays an image with an other image.
@param src The image
@param overlay The image to overlay <code>src</code> with
@short Overlays an image with an other image.
public static native void overlay(QImage src, QImage overlay);
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();