You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

194 lines
5.0 KiB

#include "kmozilla.h"
#include "kmozilla_ext.h"
#include <gtkmozembed.h>
#include <gtkbrowserextension.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef struct _GtkKmozillaPrivate GtkKmozillaPrivate;
struct _GtkKmozillaPrivate {
GtkMozEmbed *mozilla;
GtkKmozillaExtension *ext;
#define P ((GtkKmozillaPrivate *)(((GtkKmozilla *)part)->data))
#define CLASS(obj) GTK_KMOZILLA_CLASS(GTK_OBJECT(obj)->klass)
/* class and instance initialization */
static void
gtk_kmozilla_class_init(GtkKmozillaClass *klass);
static void
gtk_kmozilla_init(GtkKmozilla *part);
static void
gtk_kmozilla_destroy( GtkObject *obj );
static GtkXPartClass *parent_class = 0;
static gboolean openUrlRequested = FALSE;
static GtkKmozilla *mozilla = 0;
/* virtual functions */
static gboolean open_url( GtkXPart *part, const char * url );
static gboolean close_url ( GtkXPart *part );
static char * query_extension ( GtkXPart *part, const char *name );
/* signals */
static void handle_reload(GtkObject *obj, gpointer user_data);
/* signal handlers for gtkmozembed signals */
static gboolean open_url_request(GtkObject *obj, const char *url);
/* --------------------------- implementations --------------------------------------- */
/* type information */
static GtkType part_type = 0;
if (!part_type)
static const GtkTypeInfo part_info =
part_type = gtk_type_unique(GTK_TYPE_XPART, &part_info);
return part_type;
/* class and instance initialization */
static void
gtk_kmozilla_class_init(GtkKmozillaClass *klass)
GtkObjectClass *object_class = (GtkObjectClass *)klass;
GtkXPartClass *xpart_class = GTK_XPART_CLASS(klass);
parent_class = (GtkXPartClass *)gtk_type_class(gtk_xpart_get_type());
object_class->destroy = gtk_kmozilla_destroy;
xpart_class->open_url = open_url;
xpart_class->close_url = close_url;
xpart_class->query_extension = query_extension;
g_message( "gtk_kmozilla_class_init\n" );
static void
gtk_kmozilla_init(GtkKmozilla *part)
GtkWidget *w;
GtkWidget *moz;
GtkKmozillaExtension *ext;
GtkKmozillaPrivate *d;
d = g_new( GtkKmozillaPrivate, 1 );
part->data = d;
ext = gtk_kmozilla_extension_new();
g_message( "gtk_kmozilla_init\n" );
kmozilla_extension_set_mozilla( ext, part );
d->ext = ext;
dcop_object_set_id( DCOP_OBJECT(part), "KmozillaClient" );
w = gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL );
moz = gtk_moz_embed_new();
d->mozilla = GTK_MOZ_EMBED( moz );
gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( w ), moz );
gtk_widget_realize( w );
/* g_warning( "winid %x\n", GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW( w->window ) );*/
gtk_xpart_set_widget( (GtkXPart *)part, w );
gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(part), "reload",
GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(handle_reload), NULL);
gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(moz), "open_uri",
GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(open_url_request), NULL);
mozilla = part;
g_message( "gtk_kmozilla_init\n" );
GtkKmozilla *gtk_kmozilla_new (void)
return (GtkKmozilla *) gtk_type_new(gtk_kmozilla_get_type());
void gtk_kmozilla_destroy( GtkObject *obj )
GtkKmozilla *part = GTK_KMOZILLA(obj);
GtkKmozillaPrivate *d = (GtkKmozillaPrivate *) part->data;
gtk_object_destroy( GTK_OBJECT( d->mozilla ) );
void gtk_kmozilla_set_dcop_client( GtkKmozilla *part, DcopClient *client )
gtk_xpart_set_dcop_client(part, client);
gtk_xbrowserextension_set_dcop_client(P->ext, client);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static gboolean open_url( GtkXPart *part, const char * url )
g_message( "open_url %s", url );
openUrlRequested = FALSE;
gtk_moz_embed_load_url( P->mozilla, url );
return TRUE;
static gboolean close_url( GtkXPart *part )
g_message( "close_url" );
gtk_moz_embed_stop_load( P->mozilla );
return TRUE;
static char * query_extension ( GtkXPart *part, const char *name )
if( !strcmp(name, "browserextension") )
return dcop_object_get_id((DcopObject *)P->ext);
return NULL;
static void
handle_reload(GtkObject *obj, gpointer user_data)
GtkKmozilla *part = GTK_KMOZILLA(obj);
g_message( "reload called" );
gtk_moz_embed_reload(P->mozilla, 0);
/* ----------------- signal handlers for gtkmozembed ------------------ */
/* return true if we don't want mozilla to load it, false if mozilla should load the page. */
static gboolean open_url_request(GtkObject *obj, const char * url)
gboolean req;
g_message("==================>>>>>>> kmozilla::openUrlRequest %s", url);
req = openUrlRequested;
if( req == TRUE ) {
gtk_browserextension_open_url_request( ((GtkKmozillaPrivate *)mozilla->data)->ext, url );
openUrlRequested = TRUE;
return req;