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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.koala;
import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import org.kde.qt.TQColor;
import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
Settings for the HTML view.
@short Settings for the HTML view.
public class TDEHTMLSettings implements QtSupport {
private long _qt;
private boolean _allocatedInJavaWorld = true;
protected TDEHTMLSettings(Class dummy){}
This enum specifies whether Java/JavaScript execution is allowed.
@short This enum specifies whether Java/JavaScript execution is allowed.
public static final int KJavaScriptDunno = 0;
public static final int KJavaScriptAccept = 1;
public static final int KJavaScriptReject = 2;
public static final int KAnimationDisabled = 0;
public static final int KAnimationLoopOnce = 1;
public static final int KAnimationEnabled = 2;
This enum specifies the policy for
@short This enum specifies the policy for window.
public static final int KJSWindowOpenAllow = 0;
public static final int KJSWindowOpenAsk = 1;
public static final int KJSWindowOpenDeny = 2;
public static final int KJSWindowOpenSmart = 3;
This enum specifies the policy for window.status and .defaultStatus
@short This enum specifies the policy for window.
public static final int KJSWindowStatusAllow = 0;
public static final int KJSWindowStatusIgnore = 1;
This enum specifies the policy for window.moveBy and .moveTo
@short This enum specifies the policy for window.
public static final int KJSWindowMoveAllow = 0;
public static final int KJSWindowMoveIgnore = 1;
This enum specifies the policy for window.resizeBy and .resizeTo
@short This enum specifies the policy for window.
public static final int KJSWindowResizeAllow = 0;
public static final int KJSWindowResizeIgnore = 1;
This enum specifies the policy for window.focus
@short This enum specifies the policy for window.
public static final int KJSWindowFocusAllow = 0;
public static final int KJSWindowFocusIgnore = 1;
public TDEHTMLSettings() {
private native void newTDEHTMLSettings();
public TDEHTMLSettings(TDEHTMLSettings other) {
private native void newTDEHTMLSettings(TDEHTMLSettings other);
Called by constructor and reparseConfiguration
@short Called by constructor and reparseConfiguration
public native void init();
/** Read settings from <code>config.</code>
@param config is a pointer to TDEConfig object.
@param reset if true, settings are always set; if false,
settings are only set if the config file has a corresponding key.
@short Read settings from <code>config.</code>
public native void init(TDEConfig config, boolean reset);
public native void init(TDEConfig config);
public native boolean changeCursor();
public native boolean underlineLink();
public native boolean hoverLink();
public native boolean allowTabulation();
public native boolean autoSpellCheck();
public native int showAnimations();
public native String stdFontName();
public native String fixedFontName();
public native String serifFontName();
public native String sansSerifFontName();
public native String cursiveFontName();
public native String fantasyFontName();
public native void setStdFontName(String n);
public native void setFixedFontName(String n);
public native int minFontSize();
public native int mediumFontSize();
public native boolean jsErrorsEnabled();
public native void setJSErrorsEnabled(boolean enabled);
public native String encoding();
public native boolean followSystemColors();
public native TQColor textColor();
public native TQColor baseColor();
public native TQColor linkColor();
public native TQColor vLinkColor();
public native boolean autoLoadImages();
public native boolean unfinishedImageFrame();
public native boolean isOpenMiddleClickEnabled();
public native boolean isBackRightClickEnabled();
public native boolean isJavaEnabled(String hostname);
public native boolean isJavaEnabled();
public native boolean isJavaScriptEnabled(String hostname);
public native boolean isJavaScriptEnabled();
public native boolean isJavaScriptDebugEnabled(String hostname);
public native boolean isJavaScriptDebugEnabled();
public native boolean isJavaScriptErrorReportingEnabled(String hostname);
public native boolean isJavaScriptErrorReportingEnabled();
public native boolean isPluginsEnabled(String hostname);
public native boolean isPluginsEnabled();
public native boolean isAdFiltered(String url);
public native boolean isAdFilterEnabled();
public native boolean isHideAdsEnabled();
public native void addAdFilter(String url);
public native boolean accessKeysEnabled();
public native int windowOpenPolicy(String hostname);
public native int windowOpenPolicy();
public native int windowMovePolicy(String hostname);
public native int windowMovePolicy();
public native int windowResizePolicy(String hostname);
public native int windowResizePolicy();
public native int windowStatusPolicy(String hostname);
public native int windowStatusPolicy();
public native int windowFocusPolicy(String hostname);
public native int windowFocusPolicy();
/** reads from <code>config</code>'s current group, forcing initialization
if <code>reset</code> is true.
@param config is a pointer to TDEConfig object.
@param reset true if initialization is to be forced.
@param global true if the global domain is to be read.
@param pd_settings will be initialised with the computed (inherited)
@short reads from <code>config</code>'s current group, forcing initialization if <code>reset</code> is true.
// void readDomainSettings(TDEConfig* arg1,bool arg2,bool arg3,KPerDomainSettings& arg4); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
public native String settingsToCSS();
public native String userStyleSheet();
public native boolean isFormCompletionEnabled();
public native int maxFormCompletionItems();
public native boolean isAutoDelayedActionsEnabled();
public native String fallbackAccessKeysAssignments();
public native void setJSPopupBlockerPassivePopup(boolean enabled);
public native boolean jsPopupBlockerPassivePopup();
public static native int strToAdvice(String _str);
public static native void splitDomainAdvice(String configStr, StringBuffer domain, int javaAdvice, int javaScriptAdvice);
public static native String adviceToStr(int _advice);
public static native String availableFamilies();
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();